

单词 百万计
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔absorb〕absorb millions of immigrants 吸收并同化数以百万计的移民英汉大词典〔bewildering〕the bewildering world of millions of facts and details让人晕头转向的数以百万计的事实和细节外研社新世纪〔displace〕millions of refugees who were displaced by the war. 数以百万计的难民由于战争而离开家园美国传统〔fan〕a film that millions of rabid fans have waited years to see 一部数以百万计的疯狂电影迷等待数年想一睹为快的影片牛津搭配〔follow〕the millions of people who follow football because they genuinely love it. 数以百万计的人关注足球,因为他们发自内心地热爱足球柯林斯高阶〔naked〕the millions of stars that are invisible to the naked eye 数以百万计的肉眼看不到的星星麦克米伦高阶〔of〕millions of insects 数以百万计的昆虫麦克米伦高阶〔pound〕the jobless millions who were pounding the pavement for work在马路上游荡的数以百万计的失业者外研社新世纪〔redeploy〕redeploy millions of people into occupations useful for socialist construction 重新调派数以百万计的人去从事各项有利于社会主义建设的工作英汉大词典




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