

单词 百万
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aid〕spend millions in foreign aid 在对外援助方面花费数百万的巨款英汉大词典〔boost〕a multi-million pound boost for the British film industry 用于推动英国电影业发展的数百万英镑朗文当代〔boost〕boost population over the million mark 使人口数超过百万大关英汉大词典〔breed〕one of the new breed of Internet millionaires 一个新型的因特网百万富翁麦克米伦高阶〔card〕millions of get-well cards. 数百万张祝愿康复的卡片柯林斯高阶〔clean-up〕millions of dollars in clean-up costs 数百万美元的清除费用朗文当代〔crackpot〕a crackpot millionaire. 性格古怪的百万富翁柯林斯高阶〔dollar〕a multi-million dollar deal 百万元的交易麦克米伦高阶〔embezzle〕embezzle several million dollars 贪污数百万美元英汉大词典〔evil〕an evil dictator responsible for the deaths of millions 应为几百万人死亡负责的邪恶独裁者朗文当代〔expenditure〕an expenditure of £1 million 一百万英镑的支出额朗文当代〔famine〕millions killed by war, drought, and famine 死于战争、干旱和饥馑的数百万人韦氏高阶〔feeder〕a nation that is the feeder of millions in developing countries. 一个为发展中国家的数百万人提供食物的国家美国传统〔hack〕hacked millions off the budget. 削减了几百万元的预算美国传统〔idolize〕a pop star idolized by millions of fans 受数百万歌迷崇拜的流行音乐歌星牛津高阶〔immolate〕the millions immolated in war 战争中被杀戮的数百万人英汉大词典〔kind〕a benign ruler of millions. 仁慈的千百万人的统治者。美国传统〔light year〕a star system millions of light years away远在数百万光年以外的星系外研社新世纪〔magnate〕a multimillionaire shipping magnate. 资产达数百万的船业巨头柯林斯高阶〔make〕make millions in oil 在石油上获利千百万元英汉大词典〔megaton〕a five megaton atomic bomb 五百万吨级的原子弹朗文当代〔megaton〕an atomic explosion with a force of several megatons 爆炸力高达数百万吨级的原子弹爆炸韦氏高阶〔millionth〕a millionth of a second 1秒钟的百万分之一英汉大词典〔million〕made a million in the stock market. 在股票市场赚了一百万美国传统〔multimillion〕a multimillion-dollar home 价值数百万美元的住宅韦氏高阶〔order〕equipment costing on the order of a million dollars. 花费近百万美元的设备美国传统〔pound〕the jobless millions who were pounding the pavement for work在马路上游荡的数以百万计的失业者外研社新世纪〔present〕the present situation of the millions of people who are suffering poverty and disease 遭受贫困和疾病折磨的几百万人民的现状朗文当代〔purse〕a golf tournament with a million dollar purse 奖金高达一百万美元的高尔夫球锦标赛韦氏高阶〔quick〕get quick millions 一下子赚得几百万英汉大词典〔run〕a debt running into millions of U.S. dollars 数目达几百万美元的债务英汉大词典〔self-made〕a self-made millionaire 靠自我奋斗成功的百万富翁麦克米伦高阶〔self-made〕a self-made millionaire. 一个靠双手打拼的百万富翁柯林斯高阶〔snivel〕millionaires sniveling about their financial problems 抱怨自己资金困难的百万富翁们韦氏高阶〔swindle〕a businessman who swindled investors out of millions of pounds 一个诈骗了投资者数百万英镑的商人朗文当代〔table〕at millions of American breakfast tables 在千百万美国人的早餐桌上英汉大词典〔trophy wife〕a millionaire and his young trophy wife 百万富翁和他的花瓶娇妻韦氏高阶a million-dollar contract 上百万元的合同牛津商务a millionaire businessman 百万富商牛津商务a multi-million-dollar rebrand 价值数百万元的再造品牌牛津商务




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