

单词 研讨
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-organized〕student-organized seminars. 学生组织的研讨会柯林斯高阶〔TEACH〕a conference for teachers of English 英语教师研讨会朗文写作活用〔annually〕a Writers' Workshop, held annually at Michigan State University每年在密歇根州立大学举办一次的作家研讨会外研社新世纪〔chew〕chew over the company's future 研讨公司的未来英汉大词典〔conceptual〕conceptual discussions that antedated development of the new product. 先于新产品开发的概念性研讨美国传统〔cope〕a seminar on ‘coping with stress in the workplace’ 以“应付职场压力”为主题的研讨会麦克米伦高阶〔forum〕an international forum on health issues 关于健康问题的国际研讨会麦克米伦高阶〔half-day〕a half-day workshop半日研讨会外研社新世纪〔impoverishment〕a meeting of experts on how the impoverishment of Africa can be reversed. 研讨如何逆转非洲穷困化状况的专家会议柯林斯高阶〔interdisciplinary〕an interdisciplinary conference 科际整合研讨会文馨英汉〔interdisciplinary〕an interdisciplinary seminar 科际研讨会文馨英汉〔lecture〕a two-day event of guest lectures, seminars and workshops 为期两天的客座讲座、研讨会和讲习班牛津搭配〔on〕a conference on language teaching 语言教学研讨会麦克米伦高阶〔professional〕workshops led by industry professionals from around the US 由美国各地的业内专业人士领导的研讨会牛津搭配〔seminar〕a Shakespeare seminar 莎士比亚研讨班朗文当代〔seminar〕a business seminar 商业研讨会麦克米伦高阶〔seminar〕a graduate seminar 研究生研讨班牛津高阶〔seminar〕a one-day management seminar 为期一天的管理研讨会牛津高阶〔seminar〕a seminar focusing on Africa 聚焦非洲问题的研讨会牛津搭配〔seminar〕a seminar on marketing 营销研讨会麦克米伦高阶〔seminar〕a seminar room 研讨室牛津高阶〔seminar〕a seminar room 研讨室韦氏高阶〔seminar〕a series of half-day seminars to help businessmen get the best value from investing in information technology. 旨在帮助商界人士从投资信息技术中获得最大价值的一系列半日研讨会柯林斯高阶〔seminar〕a writing seminar 写作研讨会韦氏高阶〔symposium〕a symposium on European cinema 欧洲电影研讨会剑桥高阶〔symposium〕a symposium on cloning 克隆专题研讨会韦氏高阶〔symposium〕a symposium on protecting the environment 环境保护专题研讨会麦克米伦高阶〔symposium〕a symposium on women's health 女性健康研讨会朗文当代〔unincorporated〕append unincorporated research notes to the text of the book 给书本加注未收入正文的研讨性按语英汉大词典〔workshop〕a creative writing workshop. 具创造力的写作研讨会美国传统〔workshop〕a drama workshop 戏剧研讨班牛津高阶〔workshop〕a drama/poetry/training workshop 戏剧/诗歌/培训研讨会剑桥高阶〔workshop〕a workshop aimed at brainstorming new marketing ideas 旨在集思广益探讨新营销理念的研讨班牛津搭配〔workshop〕a workshop for teachers 教师研讨班牛津搭配〔workshop〕a workshop session/production 研讨会会期/成果剑桥高阶a one-day management seminar 为期一天的管理研讨会牛津商务a workshop on rendering 渲染研讨班牛津商务an international symposium on change in the financial environment 关于金融环境变化的国际研讨会牛津商务to participate/take part in a webinar 参加在线研讨会牛津商务visioning exercises/workshops 远景规划活动/研讨会牛津商务




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