

单词 神往
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MODEST〕Umbria is a wonderful region, where life is simple and the people are unpretentious country folk. 翁布里亚是个令人神往的地区,那里的生活朴素,居民都是谦逊的乡下人。朗文写作活用〔appealing〕The idea of retiring at 50 is very appealing.50岁就退休的想法令人神往。外研社新世纪〔beckon〕All the attractions of the peninsula beckon.半岛上的各处景点无不令人心驰神往。柯林斯高阶〔beckon〕The prospect of a month without work was beckoning her.一个月的闲暇时光令她神往。牛津高阶〔breathless〕The vast expanse of the sea left him breathless.浩瀚的大海使他屏息神往。英汉大词典〔capture〕His brilliant performance captured the audience's imagination.他的精彩表演使观众为之神往。英汉大词典〔capture〕His stories of foreign adventure captured my imagination.他所讲的外国历险故事使我心驰神往。朗文当代〔charm〕The island possesses great charm.这座岛令人神往。韦氏高阶〔charm〕We are charmed with the scenery of the West Lake.西湖景色使我们神往。英汉大词典〔fascinate〕China has always fascinated me.中国一直令我心驰神往。牛津高阶〔flutter〕The new star is certain to set young girls' hearts fluttering.这位新星肯定会使姑娘们心颤神往。英汉大词典〔glitter〕He was attracted by the glitter of Hollywood.好莱坞的魅力令他心驰神往。剑桥高阶〔imagination〕Italian football captured the imagination of the nation last season.上个赛季意大利足球使意大利举国为之神往。外研社新世纪〔inviting〕A red front door gives a house a warm and inviting look.红色的前门会使一幢房子看起来温暖而令人神往。外研社新世纪〔longingly〕Jan sat by her fire, longingly recalling that wonderful summer.简坐在炉火旁,神往地回忆起那个美妙的夏天。麦克米伦高阶〔mutely〕He sat mute, speechless with ecstasy, gazing into the sky.他静静坐着,凝视天空,一言不发,心驰神往。柯林斯高阶〔mute〕He sat mute, speechless with ecstasy, gazing into the sky.他静静坐着, 凝视着天空, 一言不发, 心驰神往。外研社新世纪〔prestige〕Many people are attracted by the prestige of working for a top company.在一家一流公司工作令人羡慕,很多人因此心向神往。剑桥高阶〔seductive〕The idea of retiring to the south of France is highly seductive.退休后到法国南方去,这个主意令人心驰神往。牛津高阶〔take〕I haven't enjoyed anything so much, I don't know when. The performance is so good that it has taken me right out of myself.我不记得从什么时候以来就一直不曾有过这样的享受了。这演出真精彩,把我带进了忘我神往的境界。英汉大词典〔tantalizing〕I caught a tantalizing glimpse of the sparkling blue sea through the trees.透过树丛,我瞥见了令我心驰神往的波光粼粼的蔚蓝色大海。剑桥高阶〔theatrical〕There was a theatrical air about the whole scene which had a great appeal for me.整个场面有如置身戏中, 令我神往。外研社新世纪〔unsung〕It is little known, unsung and one of the grandest towns you could ever wish to see.它虽然名不见经传, 但却是令人神往的最具恢宏气象的小镇之一。外研社新世纪Life in London has so many attractions--nightclubs, good restaurants and so on.伦敦的生活有那么多令人神往的地方----夜总会、上乘的餐馆等等。剑桥国际Many young people look on Miami as a kind of Mecca.许多青年人将迈阿密看成令人神往的地方。剑桥国际The majestic Montana scenery will leave you breathless.蒙大拿的秀丽风光会令你屏息神往。剑桥国际




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