

单词 石英
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEND〕When minerals such as quartz are heated, they emit light. 石英等矿物加热后会发光。朗文写作活用〔accurately〕Quartz timepieces are very accurate, to a minute or two per year.石英钟表走时非常准,年误差仅为一两分钟。柯林斯高阶〔accurate〕Quartz watches are very accurate.石英表走得很准。外研社新世纪〔amethyst〕A purple or violet form of transparent quartz used as a gemstone.紫水晶:紫色或紫丁香色的透明石英,用作宝石美国传统〔amphibolite〕A chiefly amphibole rock with minor plagioclase and little quartz.角闪岩:主要由角闪石、少量斜长石和石英组成的岩石美国传统〔amygdule〕A small gas bubble in igneous, especially volcanic, rock filled with secondary minerals such as zeolite, calcite, or quartz.杏仁孔:尤指含有次等矿物(如沸石、方解石和石英)的火成岩里的小气泡美国传统〔aplite〕A fine-grained, light-colored granitic rock consisting primarily of orthoclase and quartz.细晶岩:主要由正长石和石英构成的一种纹理细密的淡色花岗岩类岩石美国传统〔chalcedony〕A translucent to transparent milky or grayish quartz with distinctive microscopic crystals arranged in slender fibers in parallel bands.玉髓:一种半透明至透明的奶白色或浅灰色石英,具有平行且排列成纤细纤维状的特殊微观晶体美国传统〔chert〕A variety of silica that contains microcrystalline quartz.燧石:含微小晶状的石英的各种硅石美国传统〔chiefly〕The rock is composed chiefly of quartz.这种岩石主要由石英组成。韦氏高阶〔citrine〕A pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz.黄水晶,茶晶:一种类似黄玉的晶体石英的淡黄色变体美国传统〔crystal ball〕A globe of quartz crystal or glass in which images, especially those believed to portend the future, are supposedly visible to fortune tellers.水晶球:一种石英水晶球或玻璃球,占卜者被设想可以看到其中的图象,尤指那些被认为能预示未来的图象美国传统〔crystal〕A mineral, especially a transparent form of quartz, having a crystalline structure, often characterized by external planar faces.水晶:一种具有晶体结构的矿石,尤指石英的一种透明形态,通常其晶面在同一平面上美国传统〔crystal〕A natural or synthetic crystalline material having piezoelectric or semiconducting properties.石英:一种天然的或人造的晶体材料,具有压电性和半传导性美国传统〔crystal〕An electronic device, such as an oscillator or a detector, using such a material.石英片:一种用该种材料制成的电子部件,如振荡器和检波器美国传统〔dacite〕A light gray volcanic rock containing a mixture of plagioclase and other crystalline minerals in glassy silica, similar in appearance to rhyolite.石英安山岩:一种浅灰色的火山岩,包含斜长石与其它呈光滑硅土状的结晶矿物,在外表上与流纹岩相似美国传统〔diorite〕Any of various dark, granite-textured, crystalline rocks rich in plagioclase and having little quartz.闪长岩:一种黑色花岗岩的纹理的结晶质火岩石,富有斜长石,含有少量石英美国传统〔eclogite〕A coarse-grained basic rock consisting of a greenish mixture of pyroxene, quartz, and feldspar with large red garnet inclusions.榴辉岩:由辉石、石英、长石与红色石榴子石成分所组成的粗粒基岩美国传统〔endomorph〕A mineral enclosed within another mineral, such as rutile or tourmaline in quartz.内容体:内在另一矿物体中的矿物质,例如石英中的金红石或电气石美国传统〔felsite〕A fine-grained, light-colored igneous rock, composed chiefly of feldspar and quartz.霏细石:一种纹理细密且颜色浅的主要由长石和石英构成的火成岩石美国传统〔flint〕A very hard, fine-grained quartz that sparks when struck with steel.燧石,火石:一种用钢撞击能发出火星的坚硬的、纹理细密的石英美国传统〔ganister〕A fine-grained quartzite used to line refractory furnaces.致密矽石:一种纹理细密的石英岩,用于作耐温溶炉的衬里美国传统〔ganister〕A mixture of fire clay and ground quartz, used to line metallurgical furnaces.硅石:一种耐火土和石英的混合物,用于作冶金炉的内壁美国传统〔granophyre〕A fine-grained granite porphyry having a groundmass with irregular intergrowths of quartz and feldspar.花斑岩:一种细晶的花斑岩,带有不规则交生的石英和长石的基质美国传统〔granulite〕A fine-grained metamorphic rock often banded in appearance and composed chiefly of feldspar, quartz, and garnet.白粒岩;变粒岩;麻粒岩:一种通常有条带状外观的细粒变质岩,主要由长石、石英和石榴石组成美国传统〔greisen〕A granitic rock composed chiefly of quartz and mica.云英岩:一种主要由石英和云母构成的花岗石美国传统〔jasper〕An opaque cryptocrystalline variety of quartz that may be red, yellow, or brown.碧玉,水苍玉:一种颜色可为红色、黄色或褐色的不透明的隐晶体石英美国传统〔novaculite〕A very hard, dense, even-textured, silica-bearing sedimentary rock used in whetstones.均密石英岩:非常坚硬,致密,结构均匀,含硅的沉积岩,用作磨石美国传统〔pebble〕A lens made of such quartz.水晶透镜:由这种石英制成的镜片美国传统〔pebble〕Clear, colorless quartz; rock crystal.水晶,石英:透明的无色石英;石英美国传统〔porphyritic〕Containing relatively large isolated crystals in a mass of fine texture.在一团光滑的结构中含有相对量较大的独立石英的美国传统〔quartz lamp〕A mercury-vapor lamp enclosed by an envelope made from quartz rather than glass.石英灯:一种由石英而非玻璃制作灯罩的水银灯美国传统〔quartziferous〕Containing quartz.含有石英的美国传统〔quartzite〕A rock formed from the metamorphism of quartz sandstone.石英岩:一种由石英沙岩的变质作用而形成的岩石美国传统〔rock crystal〕Colorless, transparent quartz, used in optical instruments and as a semiprecious gemstone.水晶:用于制造光学仪器及用作价格一般的宝石的无色透明石英美国传统〔rose quartz〕A pinkish variety of the mineral quartz, used as a gemstone or as an ornamental stone.蔷薇石英:矿物石英的一种可用作宝石或装饰性石头的粉红色品种美国传统〔rubasse〕A variety of quartz colored ruby red by its iron-oxide content.红水晶:因含氧化铁而呈红宝石色的一种石英美国传统〔salic〕Of or relating to certain minerals, such as quartz and the feldspars, that commonly occur in igneous rocks and contain large amounts of silica and alumina.硅铝质的:属于或有关特定矿物质的,如石英和长石,常常在火成岩中出现,含有大量硅和铝美国传统〔stishovite〕A dense tetragonal polymorph of quartz that is formed under great pressure and is often associated with meteoroid impact.超石英:一种致密的四方形石英矿物,常在高压下生成,并与流星撞击有关美国传统〔tiger-eye〕A yellow-brown, semiprecious chatoyant gemstone consisting of quartz with parallel veins of silicified altered crocidolite.虎眼石:一种由石英和水平纹理的硅化变异青石棉构成的不太珍贵的黄褐色猫眼状闪光宝石美国传统〔topaz〕A light yellow variety of quartz.一种淡黄色的石英美国传统〔translucence〕Quartz has a high degree of translucency.石英的半透明度很高。韦氏高阶〔watch〕Quartz watches don't need winding.石英表不需要上弦。牛津搭配Although it is colourless, quartz is often tinted by impurities and is found in a variety of colours, such as purple, brown, yellow and pink.尽管石英本身是无色的,但它常常被杂质染上颜色,所以被发现时常带有多种色彩,例如紫色,褐色,黄色和粉色。剑桥国际Amethyst is a type of quartz.紫水晶是一种石英。剑桥国际Quartz crystal is found in Brazil.在巴西境内发现了石英晶体。剑桥国际Quartz crystals are widely used in digital watches.石英晶体被广泛运用于数字显示表中。剑桥国际Some natural crystals such as quartz are piezoelectric, which means they generate an electrical charge when they are pressed or distorted.一些自然晶体,如石英是可压电的,即当它们被挤压或变形时可发出电流。剑桥国际




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