

单词 belong
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANTAGE〕What are the benefits for Britain of belonging to the European Union? 英国归属欧盟有何裨益?朗文写作活用〔Cartesian product〕A set of all pairs of elements (x, y) that can be constructed from given sets, X and Y, such that x belongs to X and y to Y.笛卡尔乘积:从给定的集合X和Y中构成的所有(x,y)元素对集合,其中x属于X,y属于Y美国传统〔GROW〕It was thought that the skull was too small and light to belong to an adult male. 有人认为,这个头骨太小太轻,不是属于成年男性的。朗文写作活用〔Hanoverian〕Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the kingdom or province of Hanover.(德国)汉诺威王国或汉诺威省的美国传统〔Mousterian〕Designating or belonging to a Middle Paleolithic culture following the Acheulian and associated with Neanderthal man, characterized by the use of flaked tools.莫斯特文化:指或属于继阿舍利文化之后的、同尼安德特人有关的欧洲旧石器时代中期的文化,其文化特征为使用薄石片工具美国传统〔Nicobar Islands〕An island group in the Bay of Bengal northwest of Sumatra. They are part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands belonging to India.尼古巴群岛:位于苏门答腊岛西北方的孟加拉湾内的一组岛屿。属于安达曼群岛的一部分且归印度管辖美国传统〔ORGANIZATION〕They both belong to the local tennis club. 他们俩都是当地网球俱乐部的会员。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕A car believed to belong to the bank robbers was found abandoned yesterday. 昨天发现一辆被弃置的车辆,相信是属于银行劫匪的。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕Who does that Walkman belong to? 那个随身听是谁的呢?朗文写作活用〔PUT〕He had tidied up the room and put back all my things where they belonged. 他打扫完房间,把我的东西都放回原处。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕Most of the island's population belong to the Islamic faith. 这座岛上的大部分人口都信奉伊斯兰教。朗文写作活用〔Vietcong〕A Vietnamese belonging to or supporting the National Liberation Front of the nation formerly named South Vietnam.越共:属于或者支持越南民族解放阵线(以前叫南越)的越南人美国传统〔active〕All the men that belong to the Tanzim fighter units are active.“坦齐姆”战斗部队中的人员都是现役战士。外研社新世纪〔age〕This exquisite little hotel seemed to belong to a different age.这家别致的小旅馆好像属于另一个时代。牛津搭配〔allotransplant〕To transfer (an organ or body tissue) between two genetically different individuals belonging to the same species.同种异体移植:(器官或身体组织)在两个属于同种但遗传上不同的个体间转移美国传统〔annelid〕Of or belonging to the phylum Annelida.环节动物门的:环节动物门的或属于环节动物门的美国传统〔antediluvian〕Occurring or belonging to the era before the Flood written about in the Bible.大洪水以前的:发生或属于《圣经》中记载的大洪水以前的美国传统〔anthropoid〕Of or belonging to the group of great apes of the family Pongidae, which includes the gorilla, chimpanzee, and orangutan.猿科动物的:猿科动物的,关于猿科动物类人猿,包括大猩猩,黑猩猩和猩猩的美国传统〔antique〕Of or belonging to ancient times, especially of, from, or characteristic of ancient Greece or Rome.古风的,古式的:古老的或属于古式的,尤指古希腊罗马的,来自古希腊罗马的或具有古希腊罗马特点的美国传统〔antiquity〕Often antiquities Something, such as an object or a relic, belonging to or dating from ancient times. 常作 antiquities 古代文物,古迹:属于或存在于古代的,如物体或遗迹美国传统〔as〕Scientists differ as to whether the giant panda belongs to the bear or panda family.关于大熊猫究竟属于熊科还是熊猫科,科学家意见不一致。英汉大词典〔belong in〕I don't really feel I belong in the movies.我觉得自己不适宜于当电影演员。21世纪英汉〔belong to sb〕This book belongs to Sarah.这本书是萨拉的。剑桥高阶〔belong to〕He belongs to Chicago.他是芝加哥的居民。21世纪英汉〔belong to〕It does not belong to a mere fallible human being to question the ways of divine providence.易犯错误的世人怀疑天佑之道是不适当的。21世纪英汉〔belong to〕This hand-writing belongs to my younger brother.这是我弟弟写的字。21世纪英汉〔belong to〕What family does that bird belong to? 那种鸟属于哪一科?韦氏高阶〔belong under〕This item belongs under a different heading.这一项应归入不同的类目。21世纪英汉〔belong with〕Mr.Smith is taking over the business which belongs with his elder brother.史密斯先生正在接管他哥哥的生意。21世纪英汉〔belonging〕I'm so glad to see you back where you belong.我真高兴看到你又回到了属于你自己的天地。柯林斯高阶〔belonging〕The future belongs to democracy.未来属于民主。柯林斯高阶〔belonging〕The pictures belong to an era when there was a preoccupation with high society.这些画出自一个人人向往上流社会的时代。柯林斯高阶〔belonging〕They established that the body belonged to a 15-year-old girl.他们确定这是一具15岁女孩的尸体。柯林斯高阶〔belong〕A man of his ability belongs in teaching.具有他那样才能的人适宜于当教师。英汉大词典〔belong〕A sick person belongs in bed.病人该待在床上。韦氏高阶〔belong〕A telephone belongs in every office.电话机在任何办公室里都是有用的。英汉大词典〔belong〕All the acts were good, but the evening belonged to a dance group from Moscow.所有的表演都很精彩,但是当晚最受欢迎的是一个来自莫斯科的舞蹈团。朗文当代〔belong〕British actors did well at the award ceremony, but the evening belonged to the Americans.英国演员在颁奖仪式上表现很好,但整个晚上却是美国人大出风头。牛津高阶〔belong〕Do you belong to any clubs?你加入了任何俱乐部吗?外研社新世纪〔belong〕He belongs on the “hawk”side.他属“鹰”派。英汉大词典〔belong〕I certainly believe bad guys belong in jail.我当然认为坏人应该被送进监狱。外研社新世纪〔belong〕I don’t feel I belong here.我在这里不自在。牛津同义词〔belong〕I felt I did not belong among these people.我感到同这些人格格不入。英汉大词典〔belong〕No matter what I did, I just didn't belong.无论我做什么,我都觉得合不来美国传统〔belong〕Put the groceries away where they belong.请把这些食品杂货拿走,放到应放的位置。韦氏高阶〔belong〕She recognized the voice as belonging to the man who had attacked her.她听出那就是袭击她的那个人的声音。朗文当代〔belong〕That lamp belongs on the desk.那盏灯应该放在桌子上。麦克米伦高阶〔belong〕The book belongs to Dan.这本书是丹的。朗文当代〔belong〕The clothes he wears belong on a scarecrow.他身上的衣服给稻草人穿倒挺合适。英汉大词典〔belong〕The handwriting belongs to a male.这是一位男性的笔迹。外研社新世纪〔belong〕The president is a statesman who belongs among the great.这位总统是位应归入伟人之列的政治家。21世纪英汉〔belong〕The young girl from the big city could not seem to belong in the countryside.这位大城市姑娘似乎无法适应农村生活。21世纪英汉〔belong〕These workers belong in a different category.这些工人工种不同。麦克米伦高阶〔belong〕They established that the body belonged to a 15-year-old girl.他们确定了这是一具15岁女孩的尸体。外研社新世纪〔belong〕This book belongs on that shelf.这本书应放在那个架上。英汉大词典〔belong〕This book belongs to me.这本书是我的。牛津同义词〔belong〕This book belongs to the school.这本书是学校的。21世纪英汉〔belong〕This chair belongs in the living room.这把椅子应放在起居室里。英汉大词典〔belong〕This painting clearly belongs to a later period.这幅画显然创作于后期。麦克米伦高阶〔belong〕This table belongs in the sitting room.这张桌子应该放在客厅里。剑桥高阶〔belong〕Tom seemed to belong anywhere he put himself down.看来汤姆不论在哪里住宿都能随遇而安。英汉大词典〔belong〕We are taking over responsibilities which belong with the government.我们正在把属于政府职责范围之内的事接管过来。英汉大词典〔belong〕When you've finished, put the cassettes back where they belong.你听完后,把磁带放回原处。麦克米伦高阶〔belong〕Who belongs to this shirt? 这件衬衫是谁的?英汉大词典〔bodily〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the body.肉体的:身体的,与身体相关的或属于身体的美国传统〔bourgeoise〕A woman belonging to the middle class.中产阶级妇女美国传统〔bygone〕These photos belong to a bygone age.这些照片属于过去的时代。麦克米伦高阶〔camp〕Which political camp do you belong to?政治上你属于哪个阵营?牛津同义词〔category〕The cars belong to the same category.这些汽车属于同一类型。韦氏高阶〔churched〕Belonging to or participating in a church.教会的:属于教会的,或在教会中参与的美国传统〔cladoceran〕Of or belonging to the order Cladocera.枝角目的:属于或关于枝角目的美国传统〔clansman〕A man belonging to a clan.族人:属于氏族的人美国传统〔clanswoman〕A woman belonging to a clan.女族人:属于一个氏族的女人美国传统〔class-conscious〕Aware of belonging to a particular socioeconomic class.阶级意识的:意识到属于某一社会经济阶级的美国传统〔classic〕Belonging to the highest rank or class.最优秀的,第一流的:属于最高级别或类别的美国传统〔clone〕The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction.克隆已经灭绝的生物的想法仍旧只限于科幻小说中。柯林斯高阶〔club〕Do you belong to any clubs? 你加入什么俱乐部了吗?韦氏高阶〔coleopteran〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the order Coleoptera.鞘翅目昆虫的:鞘翅目昆虫的,有关鞘翅目昆虫的,属于鞘翅目昆虫的美国传统〔communal〕Of, belonging to, or shared by the people of a community; public.共有的:属于公社人民或由公社人民分享的美国传统〔communion〕He belongs to the Anglican communion.他是圣公会的教徒。朗文当代〔congener〕An organism belonging to the same taxonomic genus as another organism.同属:与另一个生物体有相同类属的生物体美国传统〔cyprinodont〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the family Cyprinodontidae.鳉科的:鳉科的,有关鳉科的或属于鳉科的美国传统〔date〕The archaeologist dated the ruins as belonging to the early Minoan period.这位考古学家确定该废墟属于早期弥诺斯时期。21世纪英汉〔dipteran〕Of or belonging to the order Diptera; dipterous.双翅目的:数翅目科的或与双翅目相关的;双翅目的美国传统〔doctrinal〕Characterized by, belonging to, or concerning doctrine.教义的:教义的,学说的,教诲的,主义的美国传统〔edentate〕Of or belonging to the order Edentata, which includes mammals having few or no teeth, such as anteaters, armadillos, and sloths.贫齿目的:属于贫齿目的,包括无齿和少齿的哺乳动物,如食蚁兽、犰狳和树懒美国传统〔emblements〕The crops or products of the land legally belonging to a tenant.庄稼收益:法律上属于土地占有人的土地上的庄稼或出产物美国传统〔equerry〕An officer charged with supervision of the horses belonging to a royal or noble household.掌马官:为王室或贵族掌马的官员美国传统〔exclusive〕He belongs to an exclusive club.他是一家上层社会俱乐部会员。韦氏高阶〔family〕He belonged to an aristocratic family.他出身贵族。牛津搭配〔fantasy〕The idea belonged in the realms of fantasy.这样的构思纯属幻想。牛津搭配〔feline〕Of or belonging to the family Felidae, which includes the lions, tigers, jaguars, and wild and domestic cats; felid.猫科的:是或属于狮子、虎、美洲虎及野生和家养的猫等猫科动物的;猫类美国传统〔fossil〕Belonging to the past; antiquated.过时的,陈旧的:属于过去的;废弃的美国传统〔gadoid〕Of or belonging to the fish family Gadidae, which includes the cods and the hakes.鳕鱼科的:包括鳕鱼和狗鳕等鳕鱼科的或属于鳕鱼科的美国传统〔gang〕A lot of the boys belong to gangs.许多男孩子加入了帮派。牛津搭配〔garnishee〕A third party who has been notified that money or property in his or her hands but belonging to a defendant has been attached.第三债务人:被告知由其代管金钱或财产的第三方,但所有权属于已扣押的被告美国传统〔group〕She belongs to a group of people, all of whom bear the name of a natural object.她参加了一个团体, 里面每个成员的称呼都是一种自然物的名字。外研社新世纪〔group〕She belongs to an environmental/youth group.她隶属于一个环保/青年团体。韦氏高阶〔hemichordate〕Of or belonging to the phylum Hemichordata.半索动物(门)的,属于半索动物(门)的美国传统〔high-minded〕She belonged to a high-minded group of ladies who met and discussed Works of Literature.她属于那种超凡脱俗的女性, 她们聚在一起畅谈文学作品。外研社新世纪〔holy〕Belonging to, derived from, or associated with a divine power; sacred.神的,神圣的:属于、源于或有关神的力量的;神圣的美国传统〔household〕The living spaces and possessions belonging to such a unit.家产:属于上述家庭单位的居住空间和财产美国传统〔impound〕The police impounded cars and other personal property belonging to the drug dealers.警察没收了毒贩的汽车及其他个人财物。剑桥高阶〔inappropriately〕It is inappropriate for a judge to belong to a discriminatory club.法官参加一个带歧视性的俱乐部是不合适的。柯林斯高阶〔intelligentsia〕He told me that he belonged to the intelligentsia.他对我说他属于知识阶层。英汉大词典〔iridaceous〕Of or belonging to the iris family.鸢尾科的:鸢尾科的或属于鸢尾科的美国传统〔isopod〕Of or belonging to the order Isopoda.等足目的:关于或属于等足目的美国传统〔jointly〕The cabin belonged jointly to me and my younger sister.那小屋归我和我妹妹共同所有。文馨英汉〔labiate〕Of or belonging to the mint family Labiatae.唇形科的:属于唇形科的或与之有关的美国传统〔latter-day〕Belonging to present or recent times; modern.近代的:属于现在或近期的;现代的美国传统〔latter〕There are the people who speak after they think and the people who think while they're speaking. Mike definitely belongs in the latter category.有些人开口之前会三思,而有些人想到什么就说什么。迈克绝对属于后者。柯林斯高阶〔lepidopterous〕Of or belonging to the order Lepidoptera, which includes insects such as the butterflies and moths.鳞翅目的:鳞翅目的或属于鳞翅目的,该目包括蝴蝶和飞蛾之类的昆虫美国传统〔mariachi〕A musician belonging to such a band.街头乐手:属于此类乐队的乐手美国传统〔marsupial〕Of or belonging to the order Marsupialia.有袋目动物的:属于有袋目动物的,有袋目动物的美国传统〔medieval〕Relating or belonging to the Middle Ages.中世纪的:属于或关于中世纪的美国传统〔musteline〕Of, relating to, or belonging to Mustelidae, the family of fur-bearing mammals that includes the badger, mink, otter, and weasel.鼬科的:属于或有关于鼬科的,鼬科包括獾、水貂、水獭和黄鼠狼等产毛皮哺乳动物美国传统〔native〕Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the original inhabitants of a particular place.土著的,原住民的:属于,关于,或成为典型的某一地区的当地的居民的美国传统〔necropolis〕A cemetery, especially a large and elaborate one belonging to an ancient city.墓地:公墓,尤指古代城市修建的大而复杂的墓地美国传统〔odonate〕Of or belonging to the order Odonata.蜻蜓目的或属于蜻蜓目的美国传统〔of right〕The estate belongs of right to him.这块地产按理属于他。韦氏高阶〔order〕Tom is a combination of the characteristics of the three boys, he belongs to the composite order of architecture.汤姆融合了那3个男孩的特点,他属于混合型。英汉大词典〔originally〕That van originally belonged to us.那辆货车最初是我们的。韦氏高阶〔ornithischian〕Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the order Ornithischia.属于、关于或以鸟臀目恐龙目特征的美国传统〔oscine〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the Oscines, a large suborder of passerine birds that includes most songbirds.鸣禽类的:鸣禽类的、与鸣禽类有关的或属于鸣禽类的,该类包括多数歌鸟雀形目鸟的一个大亚目美国传统〔pachuco〕A Mexican-American youth or teenager, especially one who dresses in flamboyant clothes and belongs to a neighborhood gang.花衣墨西哥人:墨西哥裔美国青年或少年,尤指穿奇装异服并属于附近帮派的青年美国传统〔palatine〕Belonging to or fit for a palace.宫殿的:属于或适合于宫殿的美国传统〔pertain〕To belong as an adjunct, part, holding, or quality.附属:作为附属物、部件、所有物或品质属于美国传统〔phoronid〕Of or belonging to the phylum Phoronida.帚虫的,属于帚虫门的美国传统〔playing card〕A card marked with its rank and suit and belonging to any of several decks used in playing various games.扑克牌:以牌值和花色为标志的纸牌,属于用于玩各种游戏的若干种纸牌之一美国传统〔preliterate〕A person belonging to such a culture.属于这种文化的人美国传统〔preservation〕She belongs to the Association for the Preservation of Civil War Sites 她是内战旧址保护协会的会员。剑桥高阶〔properly〕The house properly belongs to his sister.这栋房子实际上属于他姐姐。韦氏高阶〔purebred〕Of or belonging to a recognized strain established by breeding individuals of unmixed lineage over many generations.纯种的:属于一个几代以来建立在不混杂的生殖个体的链状结构之上的家族的美国传统〔rarefied〕Belonging to or reserved for a small, select group; esoteric.秘密的:属于一个挑选出来的小群人的;专为其保留的;秘传的美国传统〔ray-finned fish〕Any of various bony fishes belonging to the subclass Actinopterygii, having fins supported by dermal rays.组织鳍鱼:属于辐鳍亚纲的各种多骨鱼之一,有由放射组织所支撑的鱼鳍美国传统〔refer〕To assign to or regard as belonging within a particular kind or class.认为…属于:指定或认为属于一种特定的种类或类型美国传统〔regular〕Belonging to or constituting the permanent army of a nation.正规军的:属于或构成一个国家的常备军的美国传统〔republican〕Republican Abbr. R.,Rep.,Repub.Of, relating to, characteristic of, or belonging to the Republican Party of the United States. Republican 缩写 R.,Rep.,Repub.共和党的:属于、关于或具有美国的共和党的特征的美国传统〔republic〕An autonomous or partially autonomous political and territorial unit belonging to a sovereign federation.加盟共和国:一个属于某一最高联邦政府的且在政治上和领土上具有自治权或部分自治权的单位美国传统〔rightfully〕Jealousy is the feeling that someone else has something that rightfully belongs to you.嫉妒是觉得别人拥有本该属于你的东西。外研社新世纪〔right〕Often Right Of or belonging to the political or intellectual Right. 常作 Right 右翼的:(属于)右翼政治派别或学术见解的美国传统〔round〕The round arch is thought to belong to an earlier period.这种弧形拱门被认为是较早期的建筑。麦克米伦高阶〔samurai〕A professional warrior belonging to this class.武士:属于这个阶层的职业战士美国传统〔saturniid〕Of or belonging to the Saturniidae.属天蚕蛾科的、或与之有关的美国传统〔saurian〕Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the Sauria.蜥蜴的:蜥蜴的、属蜥蜴目爬行动物的、或蜥蜴特征的美国传统〔school〕What you think about this probably depends on which school of economics you belong to.你对此事的观点可能取决于你属于哪一个经济学派。麦克米伦高阶〔sciaenoid〕Of or belonging to the Sciaenidae, a family of fishes that includes the drums and croakers.石首鱼科的:属于或关于石首鱼科的,即包括石首鱼在内的鱼的家族美国传统〔scincoid〕Of, belonging to, or resembling the skinks.石龙子的:关于、属于或类似石龙子的美国传统〔scombroid〕Of or belonging to the suborder Scombroidei, which includes marine fishes such as the mackerel.鲭亚目的:属于鲭亚目的,包括如鲭在内的海鱼美国传统〔secular〕Not bound by monastic restrictions, especially not belonging to a religious order. Used of the clergy.不受修道院誓约约束的:不受修道院限制约束的,尤指不受宗教法令约束的。用于牧师美国传统〔selachian〕Of or belonging to the order Selachii of elasmobranch fishes that includes the sharks and in some classifications also the rays and skates.软骨鱼的,横口鱼的,鲨类的:板鳃亚纲鲨类目的鱼类,包括鲨鱼,在某些分类中也包括鳐和灰鳐美国传统〔self-defense〕Defense of what belongs to oneself, as one's works or reputation.个人所有的保护:保护属于自己的东西,如自己的作品或声誉美国传统〔sequence〕This article is out of sequence and belongs on page 57.这篇文章排错了顺序,应该在 57 页。牛津搭配〔shipwreck〕The contents of shipwrecks belong to the state.一切沉船中的物品均属国家所有。牛津高阶〔short〕His novels belong to a great but vanished age. They are, in short, old-fashioned.他的小说属于一个辉煌但已逝去的时代。一句话,已经过时了。牛津高阶〔story〕That face must have a story belonging to it.那张脸之所以这个模样,背后必有文章。英汉大词典〔string〕A set of animals, especially racehorses, belonging to a single owner; a stable.一群赛马:属于同一马主的一群赛马;一群赛马美国传统〔subordinate〕Belonging to a lower or inferior class or rank; secondary.次要的:下级的,级别低的;第二等级的美国传统〔syrphid〕Of or belonging to the syrphids.食蚜蝇的或属于之的美国传统〔tanagrine〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the tanagers.唐纳雀的:有关、涉及或属于唐纳雀的美国传统〔thoroughbred〕Thoroughbred Relating or belonging to horses of the Thoroughbred. Thoroughbred 良种马的:有关或属于良种马的美国传统〔thought〕They belong to different schools of thought.他们分属不同的学派。牛津搭配〔thysanuran〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the order Thysanura.属于、关于或作为缨尾目的美国传统〔topical〕Of or belonging to a particular location or place; local.局部的:某一特定部位或地方的;属于这一特定部位或地方的;地域的美国传统〔to〕It belongs to him.这属于他。外研社新世纪〔unchurched〕Not belonging to or participating in a church.不属于教会的,不参与教会的美国传统〔value〕That watch had belonged to his grandfather and had great sentimental value.情感价值麦克米伦高阶〔very〕At last he had his very own car(= belonging to him and to nobody else).他终于有了完全属于他自己的汽车。牛津高阶〔vespertilionid〕Of or belonging to the family Vespertilionidae.蝙蝠科的:蝙蝠科的或属于蝙蝠科的美国传统〔viverrine〕Of or belonging to the family Viverridae, which includes small carnivorous mammals such as the civets and mongooses.灵猫科的:属于或关于灵猫科的,其中包括如灵猫和獴在内的小型肉食哺乳动物美国传统〔wardrobe〕The costumes belonging to a theater or theatrical troupe.全部戏装:属于剧院或剧团的戏装美国传统〔wholly〕While the two are only days apart in age they seem to belong to wholly different generations.尽管这两人年龄上只相差几天,他们却好像是属于完全不同时代的人。柯林斯高阶〔who〕Who does this car belong to? 这部汽车属于谁?文馨英汉〔xiphosuran〕Of or belonging to the order Xiphosura.剑尾目的:剑尾目的,属于剑尾目的美国传统All the land belongs to the state in this country. 在这个国家土地全属国有。译典通Do you belong to any professional associations? 你参加了专业协会没有?牛津商务Edith Piaf made the song “Je ne regrette rien” (all) her own (= She was famous for singing it and people thought of it as belonging to her).伊迪丝·皮阿夫把《我永不悔》这首歌变成她的专利。剑桥国际He belongs to a small sect which abnegates pleasure.他属于一个克制享乐的宗派。剑桥国际He belongs to a travelling opera company/travelling circus.他属于一个巡回演出的歌剧团/马戏团。剑桥国际He belongs to the lower middle class. 他来自中产阶级下层。译典通I'd like to have my (very) own car (= to have a car that belongs just to me, and which I don't have to share or borrow).我想有自己的汽车。剑桥国际I've got something of yours (= that belongs to you) .我有一些你的东西。剑桥国际It's not my bag. It must be someone else's (= it must belong to another person) .这不是我的包。一定是别人的。剑桥国际MPs kept up their outward allegiance to the parties they belonged to. 议员们对各自所属的党派保持表面上的忠诚。译典通She belongs in New York city. 她住在纽约。译典通She belongs to an elite club which is very hard to get into.她是一所精英俱乐部的成员,要加入这家俱乐部可难了。剑桥国际She belongs to the rich American upper class and spends her time having lunch with friends and doing charity work.她属于美国富裕的上层阶级,把时间花在和朋友共进午餐和做慈善工作上面。剑桥国际She married a man from an aristocratic family (=a family belonging to the aristocracy).她嫁给了一个出自贵族世家的男人。剑桥国际She regards that cupboard as her own preserve (= belonging to her) and no-one else is allowed to use it.她把这个小橱视为己有,不许任何人用。剑桥国际She's an active member of her trade union (=not only belongs to it, but does work to help it).她是工会中的一个积极分子。剑桥国际The chair belongs in the corner. 这张椅子应放在角落处。译典通The keys must belong to someone or other.这钥匙一定是某个人的。剑桥国际The musical society I belong to is only loosely organized (= is not controlled very closely, but contains people who share similar interests) .我参加的音乐协会只是一个松散的组织。剑桥国际They belong to a branch of the church which deviates in some ways from other branches.他们属于基督教教派的一支,在某些方面和其他支派有所不同。剑桥国际They belong to an outlaw terrorist group.他们属于一个亡命恐怖分子小组。剑桥国际This matter falls outside (= does not belong to) the area which we are responsible for.这件事不属于我们应该负责的范围。剑桥国际This street contains few owner-occupied houses (= houses that belong to the people who live in them).这条街没几幢房子的主人拥有其产权。剑桥国际Two large storehouses belonging to relief agencies were robbed and food and clothing supplies stolen.属于救助机构的两个大仓库遭到了抢劫,食品和衣物被盗。剑桥国际Under Greek law, all antiquities (=objects of great age) that are discovered in Greece belong to the government.按希腊法律,在希腊发现的一切古文物均归政府所有。剑桥国际You shouldn't take what doesn't belong to you.你不应该把别人的东西占为己有.剑桥国际




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