

单词 畸形的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHAPE〕Misshapen carrots and potatoes were fed to the pigs. 畸形的胡萝卜和马铃薯都喂给猪吃。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕The drug was shown to cause deformity in a high proportion of babies born to mothers taking it. 经证明,服用这种药物的母亲生出的孩子有很大的比率是畸形的。朗文写作活用〔aberrated〕Characterized by defects, abnormality, or deviation from the usual, typical, or expected course.畸形的:以缺陷、畸形及有悖于正常的、一般的或预期的过程为特征的美国传统〔abnormality〕An increasing number of tests are available for detecting foetal abnormalities.检测胎儿畸形的方法越来越多。剑桥高阶〔abnormality〕They were about to operate on a boy with an abnormality in his urinary opening.他们即将给一个尿道口畸形的男孩动手术。外研社新世纪〔abortion〕The ogre was portrayed as an abortion.民间传说里的吃人巨人给画成了畸形的怪物。牛津同义词〔abortion〕This abortion of a bridge inspired only disgust.这座畸形的桥梁只会招致人们的厌恶。外研社新世纪〔arthropathy〕A disease or an abnormality of a joint.关节病:病变或或畸形的关节美国传统〔concordance〕Concordance in twins for central nervous system malformations is low.双胞胎都患上中枢神经系统畸形的情况很少见。外研社新世纪〔deformed〕Distorted in form; misshapen.变形的:形状上被扭曲的;畸形的美国传统〔deformity〕A deformed person or thing.畸形的人或物美国传统〔isolate〕Researchers are still trying to isolate the gene that causes this abnormality.研究人员仍然在试图分离导致这种畸形的基因。牛津高阶〔malformed〕Abnormally or faultily formed.畸形的:形状异常或不对的美国传统〔malformed〕More rarely, the tubes have been malformed from birth.这些管状器官先天畸形的现象更加少见。柯林斯高阶〔miscreate〕Formed unnaturally; misshapen or deformed.畸形的:形状不自然的;奇形怪状的或不成形的美国传统〔monster〕An animal, a plant, or other organism having structural defects or deformities.畸形生物:有结构缺陷或畸形的动物、植物或其他生物美国传统〔monster〕Pathology A fetus or an infant that is grotesquely abnormal and usually not viable.【病理学】 畸胎:畸形的且通常不能成活的胎儿或婴儿美国传统〔monstrous〕Deviating greatly from the norm in appearance or structure; abnormal.畸形的:外表上或结构上十分不正常的;畸形的美国传统〔odontology〕The study of the structure, development, and abnormalities of the teeth.牙科学:对于牙齿构造、生长及畸形的研究美国传统〔orthotics〕The science that deals with the use of specialized mechanical devices to support or supplement weakened or abnormal joints or limbs.整直学,矫正学:一门研究如何利用特定机械装置支撑或填补退化或畸形的关节或四肢的科学美国传统〔polydactyl〕A person or an animal having more than the normal number of digits.多指(或趾)畸形的人(或动物):有超过正常数目足趾或手指的人或动物美国传统〔polydactyl〕Having more than the normal number of digits.多指(或趾)畸形的:有超过正常数目的足趾或手指的美国传统〔scaphocephalic〕Having an abnormally long, narrow skull.长舟状头的:长有畸形的长而扁的头颅的美国传统〔teratogenic〕Of, relating to, or causing malformations of an embryo or a fetus.产生畸形的:导致胚胎畸形的或与其有关的美国传统〔teratogen〕An agent, such as a virus, a drug, or radiation, that causes malformation of an embryo or a fetus.致畸剂:导致畸形胎或畸形的制剂,如病毒、药物或辐射美国传统〔thrawn〕Crooked or twisted; misshapen.弯曲或扭曲的;畸形的美国传统A lamb with 2 tails is a freak of nature. 有两条尾巴的小羊是畸形的。译典通Deformity of fingernails and toenails was common among people who drank the polluted water.手指甲和脚趾甲畸形的现象在饮用污染水的人中间很普遍。剑桥国际High levels of radioactivity in the sea have led to increasing numbers of deformed and diseased fish.海里的高强度辐射导致了畸形的和有病的鱼的数量不断增加。剑桥国际The film exposed us to a terrifying collection of monsters, freaks and grotesques.这部电影向我们展现了一组可怕的怪物,畸形的东西和怪诞的东西。剑桥国际




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