

单词 着法
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕Bill couldn't keep his mind on anything but the verdict. 比尔一心只想着法院的判决。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕Men still tend to dominate the world of law - hardly any top judges are women. 男人仍主宰着法律界,高级法官中几乎没有女性。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The 1789 revolution marked the end of the French monarchy. 1789年的革命标志着法国君主制度的结束。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕With the rise of the fascist right, democracy itself was in danger. 随着法西斯右翼势力的崛起,民主面临着危险。朗文写作活用〔agglutinate〕Linguistics To form (words) by combining words or words and word elements.【语言学】 用粘着法构词:通过词或词和词素的组合来构(词)美国传统〔agglutinate〕Linguistics To form words by agglutination.【语言学】 用粘着法构词美国传统〔agglutination〕Linguistics The formation of words from morphemes that retain their original forms and meanings with little change during the combination process.【语言学】 粘着法构词:指词素在结合过程中基本保留原来的形式和意义的构词法美国传统〔agglutinative〕Linguistics Of, relating to, or being a language in which words are formed primarily by means of agglutination.【语言学】 粘着法构词的:关于,属于或作为一种其单词最初是由粘着法构成的语言的美国传统〔alone〕They were convicted on forensic evidence alone.仅凭着法医证据, 他们就被判有罪。外研社新世纪〔alone〕They were convicted on forensic evidence alone.仅凭着法医证据,他们就被判有罪。柯林斯高阶〔as〕I was driving a Ferrari through town yesterday – as you do – when I saw an old schoolfriend outside the cinema.昨天我像大家一样开着法拉利穿过商业区,在影院外看见了一位老同学。朗文当代〔dispute〕The lawyers disputed the case before the judge.律师们当着法官的面对案件进行辩论。英汉大词典〔fly〕Some of the buildings were flying the French flag.有些大楼上飘扬着法国国旗。麦克米伦高阶〔gambit〕Games An opening in chess in which a minor piece, or pieces, usually a pawn, is offered in exchange for a favorable position.【游戏】 第一着棋,起手着法:国际象棋开局时自愿让出一个或几个小棋子(通常为兵)以交换较有利的形势美国传统〔inveigle〕Her son tried to inveigle her into giving him the money for a car.她儿子想着法子哄她给钱买汽车。剑桥高阶〔mixture〕We spoke in a mixture of English and French.我们说话时英语里夹杂着法语。外研社新世纪〔obscenity〕She screamed a string of obscenities at the judge.她冲着法官高声骂了一连串的脏话。牛津高阶〔represent〕A policeman represents the power of the law.警察体现着法律的权威。英汉大词典〔spit〕He was dragged out of the court, spitting abuse at the judge and jury.他被拖出法庭,嘴里还不停地骂着法官和陪审团。牛津高阶〔versus〕We are waiting for a court decision on Smith versus Watts.我们正等待着法庭关于史密斯对沃茨一案的裁决。麦克米伦高阶It takes a long time to learn all the moves in chess.学习棋的各种着法要花很多时间。剑桥国际The defendant glowered defiantly at the judge as she sentenced him to life imprisonment.当被告被判终身监禁时,他不服地怒视着法官。剑桥国际They are hoping for vindication in court.他们期待着法庭证明他们无辜。剑桥国际




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