

单词 目的在于
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COUNTRY〕The goal of the program is to increase international understanding and good will. 这一计划的目的在于增加国际间的理解和亲善。朗文写作活用〔HELP〕The aim of the meeting is to promote trade between the two countries. 会议的目的在于促进两国贸易。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕The new national tests are intended to keep a closer check on children's progress. 这项新的全国性测试目的在于仔细调查孩子们的进展情况。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕The proposal was aimed at ending the stalemate between environmentalist and business groups. 提议的目的在于结束环保主义者和商业团体之间的僵持状态。朗文写作活用〔Rambo〕An extremely aggressive person who feels no qualms about defying rules, regulations, or the law in order to right a perceived wrong.爱寻衅的人:极富有好斗性的人,对于抗拒规定、规章或法律毫不犹豫的人,目的在于纠正一个显而易见的错美国传统〔Securities and Exchange Commission〕A U.S. government agency that supervises the exchange of securities so as to protect investors against malpractice.证券交易委员会:美国负责指导证券交易的政府机构,目的在于保护投资者不受非法行为的侵犯美国传统〔aim at sth〕The government's campaign is aimed at influencing public opinion.政府开展这场运动的目的在于引导公众舆论。剑桥高阶〔aim〕The aim of the festival is to increase awareness of Hindu culture and traditions.该节庆日的目的在于增强人们对印度文化和传统的认识。柯林斯高阶〔basically〕The interviewee used “basically” many times basically to indicate that he had much more to say on the subject.接受采访的人多次用“基本上”一词,目的在于说明关于这个题目他还有许多其他的话要说。英汉大词典〔body mike〕A small wireless microphone worn inconspicuously or hidden on the body, as by a performer or announcer, so as to allow freedom of movement.无线小麦克风:(如表演者或播音员)戴在身上不明显的或藏在身上的无线小麦克风,目的在于行动方便美国传统〔bond〕The aim was to bond the group into a closely knit team.其目的在于使整个团体紧密团结在一起。剑桥高阶〔breadth〕The aim of these changes is to give the curriculum more breadth.这些变化的目的在于使课程更具广度。麦克米伦高阶〔casuistry〕Specious or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead.诡辩术:目的在于使人合理思考或误导人的貌似有理或过分精细的推导美国传统〔catch〕The proposals were aimed at catching votes from the middle-roaders.提出这些建议的目的在于争取中间派的选票。英汉大词典〔chain〕The aim is to improve the supply chain between the farm and the consumer.目的在于改进农场与消费者之间的供应链。外研社新世纪〔chiefly〕We visited Washington chiefly to see the Capitol and the White House.我们访问华府首要目的在于参观美国国会议堂及白宫。文馨英汉〔derail〕The attack was designed to derail the peace talks.这次进攻目的在于干扰和谈进程。英汉大词典〔edge〕It is meant to take the edge off the reproach.目的在于缓和责备的口气。英汉大词典〔erotica〕Literature or art intended to arouse sexual desire.色情作品:目的在于引起性欲的文学或艺术作品美国传统〔excel〕We aim to give every student the opportunity to excel.我们的目的在于给每位学生提供一个显露身手的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔idea〕The idea behind the lottery is to raise money for good causes.发行彩票的目的在于为慈善事业筹款。剑桥高阶〔illumination〕The skylights are designed to optimize natural illumination.设计天窗的目的在于优化自然照明。牛津搭配〔image〕The aim is to improve the public image of the police.目的在于改善警察的公众形象。剑桥高阶〔intend〕The arrests were intended as a warning to other criminals.逮捕这些人的目的在于警告其他罪犯。韦氏高阶〔level〕The speech was intended to answer the charges levelled against him by his opponents.他演讲的目的在于回应对手对他的公开指责。牛津高阶〔lie〕Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.假象:目的在于欺骗或给人造成错觉的某事美国传统〔local〕The aim is to improve services at both the local and national level.目的在于提高地方和全国的服务水准。麦克米伦高阶〔maintain〕The campaign is intended to pressure authorities into maintaining roads properly.该运动的目的在于给当局施压, 使其妥善养护道路。外研社新世纪〔pave〕The discussions are aimed at paving the way for formal negotiations between the two countries.探讨的目的在于为两国的正式协商铺平道路。外研社新世纪〔point〕The point of this exercise is to train new teachers.这项训练目的在于培养新教师。英汉大词典〔primary〕The primary aim of the treatment was to reduce suffering.这项治疗最主要目的在于减少痛苦。外研社新世纪〔punitive〕Inflicting or aiming to inflict punishment; punishing.惩罚性的或目的在于惩罚的;惩罚的美国传统〔punitory〕Inflicting or intended to inflict punishment.惩罚性的或目的在于惩罚的美国传统〔purport〕To have the intention of doing; purpose.意图:企图;目的在于美国传统〔put-on〕Something, such as a prank, intended as a hoax or joke; a spoof.戏弄:目的在于欺骗或开玩笑,例如恶作剧;哄骗,戏弄美国传统〔raid〕A predatory operation mounted against a competitor, especially an attempt to lure away the personnel or membership of a competing organization.掠夺:对竞争对手采取的掠夺式的行动,尤指目的在于吸引走竞争组织的人员或成员美国传统〔regimen〕A regulated system, as of diet, therapy, or exercise, intended to promote health or achieve another beneficial effect.养生法:有规则的制度,如饮食,疗法或锻炼(制度),目的在于提高健康水平或达到其他有利的效果美国传统〔result〕He aimed at influencing the result of the presidential elections.他的目的在于影响总统选举的结果。牛津搭配〔shenanigan〕Often shenanigans Remarks intended to deceive; deceit. 常作 shenanigans 谎言:目的在于欺骗的言论;谎言美国传统〔silence〕It's obvious that the purpose of this law is to silence dissent.很明显,这项法律的目的在于压制异议。韦氏高阶〔skid fin〕An upright auxiliary airfoil formerly placed above the upper wing in biplanes to increase lateral stability.防滑翼:早期在双翼飞机上翼装置的垂直附助性机翼,目的在于增加横向稳定性美国传统〔smooth〕These negotiations are intended to smooth the path to a peace treaty.这些谈判目的在于为签订和平条约铺平道路。牛津高阶〔strengthen〕The exercises are designed to strengthen your stomach muscles.这些活动目的在于增强你的腹部肌肉。牛津高阶〔stretch〕The exercises are designed to stretch and tone your leg muscles.这些活动目的在于伸展和增强你的腿部肌肉。牛津高阶〔take up〕The aim was not to take up valuable time with the usual boring pictures.目的在于不要用常见的无聊图片占用宝贵时间。柯林斯高阶〔tap〕The scheme aimed to tap underground water resources.该计划的目的在于获取地下水资源。麦克米伦高阶〔teaching〕The aim of the campaign is to promote the teaching of science.该活动的目的在于促进科学教学。牛津搭配〔teamwork〕The company says the aim is to encourage teamwork.公司称其目的在于鼓励团队合作。牛津搭配〔transfer〕The aim is to transfer power/control/responsibility to self-governing regional councils.目的在于把权力/控制权/责任移交给自治的地方议会。剑桥高阶Many marketing campaigns aim to identify and target opinion leaders.许多营销活动的目的在于找到和锁定意见领袖。牛津商务Martin Luther King Jr led a campaign aimed at the desegregation of all public services, including schools, restaurants, stores, and transport.小马丁·路德·金领导了一场运动,目的在于废除包括学校、餐馆、商店和交通工具在内的所有公共设施内的种族隔离。剑桥国际The campaign is designed to build brand awareness.这活动的目的在于建立品牌知名度。牛津商务The game involves hunting down your opponents and shooting them with paint, and is designed to appeal to people's predatory instincts.这项比赛包括追捕敌手,用颜料向他们射击,目的在于激起人们捕食的本性。剑桥国际The layout of a supermarket is designed to encourage impulse buying.超市的布局目的在于鼓励冲动购买。牛津商务The leaflet has been produced with the aim of increasing public awareness of AIDS.印发该传单的目的在于提高公众对爱滋病的意识。剑桥国际The talks are aimed at furthering detente between the two countries.对话的目的在于进一步缓和两国关系。剑桥国际The whole purpose of the selection process is to pick the best person for the job.这一选拔的目的在于挑选出适合这份工作的最佳人选。牛津商务These measures are designed to deter an enemy attack.这些措施的目的在于制止敌人的一次进攻。剑桥国际These measures are designed to reduce pollution.这些措施的目的在于减少污染。剑桥国际These tax-cutting measures are designed to detract (= take away) public attention from the government's past economic failures.这些减税政策的目的在于转移公众对政府过去经济政策败绩的注意。剑桥国际They are hoping to organize a campaign group that will aim to get better conditions for prisoners.他们希望组织一个目的在于为囚犯争取更好条件的运动团体。剑桥国际This job creation scheme is just a smokescreen to divert attention from the government's poor record on unemployment.这项创造就业计划只是个烟幕,它的目的在于转移人们对政府解决失业措施不力的注意。剑桥国际




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