

单词 猎物
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔balk〕balk a beast of its prey 阻止野兽吞食爪下猎物英汉大词典〔big game〕a big-game hunter 打大型猎物的猎人韦氏高阶〔breast-high〕a breast-high scent 追踪的猎狗抬着头即可嗅到的猎物臭迹英汉大词典〔carry〕teach a dog to fetch and carry 教狗把打死的猎物叼回来英汉大词典〔chase〕the chase for the quarrel on a crossbow. 驽弓上用来捕猎猎物的箭槽美国传统〔circle〕like a hawk circling prey. 像老鹰在猎物头顶盘旋柯林斯高阶〔crouch〕a cat crouching near its prey. 猫蹲伏在它的猎物附近美国传统〔distance〕the average distance covered during pursuits by cheetahs 猎豹追赶猎物时奔跑的平均距离牛津搭配〔drive〕drive the woods 在树林里围赶猎物英汉大词典〔eat〕hyenas devouring their prey; 猎狗吞下他们的猎物;美国传统〔full〕woods full of game 猎物多的树林英汉大词典〔game〕a head of game 一头猎物英汉大词典〔game〕fish, game, and poultry鱼肉、猎物肉和家禽肉外研社新世纪〔game〕hunting for game.猎取猎物。牛津同义词〔head〕a large head of game 大批猎物英汉大词典〔kill〕lions feeding on their kill 正在吃猎物的狮子牛津高阶〔kill〕the excitement of the kill 捕杀猎物的快感麦克米伦高阶〔kill〕vultures sensing a fresh kill 察觉到新鲜猎物的秃鹫牛津搭配〔lie〕a giant crocodile lying in wait for its prey 一条守候猎物的巨鳄朗文当代〔lollop〕a lolloping hound, eager for the chase一条着急追逐猎物却动作缓慢而蹒跚的猎犬外研社新世纪〔mouth〕the musical mouth of a hound on the scent 猎犬循臭迹追捕猎物时发出的悦耳的吠叫声英汉大词典〔pounce on〕like a tiger pouncing on its prey像老虎扑向猎物一样外研社新世纪〔pounce〕like a tiger pouncing on its prey. 像老虎猛扑向猎物一样柯林斯高阶〔pounce〕pounce the quarry on the ground 猛扑下去抓住地上的猎物英汉大词典〔pounce〕to pounce the quarry on the ground猛扑过去抓住地上的猎物21世纪英汉〔prey〕a cat pouncing on its prey 猛扑向猎物的猫牛津搭配〔prey〕a tiger stalking its prey 潜行跟踪猎物的老虎朗文当代〔quarry〕a lion’s quarry.狮子的猎物。牛津同义词〔scent〕dogs scenting their prey. 通过嗅觉追踪猎物的狗美国传统〔search〕to search for game in the woods在森林中搜寻猎物21世纪英汉〔set〕the set of a gundog when pointing 猎狗指示猎物所在时的姿势 英汉大词典〔slink〕slunk away ashamed; a cat slinking through the grass toward its prey. 羞惭地偷偷溜走了;一只猫偷偷地穿过草丛向猎物扑去美国传统〔snow〕to snow the game over用雪盖住猎物21世纪英汉〔spring ... on〕to spring on the game扑向猎物21世纪英汉〔stalk〕a leopard stalking the games in the bush在灌木丛中搜寻猎物的美洲豹21世纪英汉〔stalk〕a tiger stalking its prey 一只悄悄跟踪猎物的老虎朗文当代〔track〕track game 跟踪猎物 英汉大词典〔track〕tracking game through the forest. 追踪猎物穿过森林美国传统〔trail〕the trail of a hunted animal. 被追捕猎物的足迹美国传统〔whoop〕whoop the hounds in a chase 呐喊着驱狗追赶猎物英汉大词典




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