

单词 理论
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCEPT〕These theories have not found much acceptance among professional psychiatrists. 这些理论尚未得到专业精神病专家的广泛认可。朗文写作活用〔BELIEVE〕His latest theories have met with a lot of scepticism. 他最新提出的理论受到普遍的质疑。朗文写作活用〔Jungian〕In Jungian theory, there are certain archetypes of human personality.根据荣格理论,人格存在一些特定原型。剑桥高阶〔On a superficial level〕On a superficial level, his theory works, but the facts don't support it.表面上看,他的理论可行,但事实并不支持他的理论。韦氏高阶〔Skinnerian〕A follower of B.F. Skinner's theories or methods.斯金纳的理论或方法的追随者美国传统〔aid〕The research aided in establishing new theories.这项研究对建立新的理论有帮助。韦氏高阶〔all right〕All right, let's suppose your theory is correct. What then? 好吧,假设你的理论是正确的。那接下来呢?韦氏高阶〔atomic theory〕The physical theory of the structure, properties, and behavior of the atom.原子论:关于原子的结构、特征及运动的物理学理论美国传统〔attracted〕He wasn't sure he'd got it right, although the theory attracted him by its logic.该理论的逻辑性吸引了他,但他不能确定自己的理解是否正确。柯林斯高阶〔back up〕Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.从该星系中心收到的无线电信号证实了黑洞理论。柯林斯高阶〔blastogenesis〕The theory that inherited characteristics are transmitted from parent to offspring by germ plasm.种质遗传:遗传特征通过胚原基原生质由亲本传给后代的理论美国传统〔brashly〕He brashly confronted his boss about a raise.他咄咄逼人地去找老板理论关于加薪的事情。韦氏高阶〔cast〕Velikovsky had cast his net wide in search of supporting evidence for his theory.为了找到能支持其理论的证据,维利柯夫斯基把网撒得很开。麦克米伦高阶〔chutzpah〕Einstein had the chutzpah to discard common sense and long-established theory.爱因斯坦敢于抛弃常识和长期公认的理论。柯林斯高阶〔competing〕They talked about the competing theories of the origin of life.他们讨论了几种相互矛盾的生命起源理论。柯林斯高阶〔comport〕The findings of this research do not comport with accepted theory.该研究结果与已有理论不相符。剑桥高阶〔comprehension〕The theory is utterly above [beyond] my comprehension.这理论完全非我所能了解。文馨英汉〔confound〕This new evidence confounds your theory.新的证据推翻了你的理论。麦克米伦高阶〔contradict〕Recent evidence has contradicted established theories on this subject.关于这一问题,最近发现的证据与已有理论相抵触。剑桥高阶〔corroborate〕The theory has been corroborated by recent studies.这一理论已被最近的几次研究证实。韦氏高阶〔credence〕Historical evidence lends credence to his theory.史学根据使他的理论更为可信。牛津高阶〔deontology〕The theory or study of moral obligation; ethics.伦理,道德学:道德义务的理论或研究;伦理美国传统〔disrepute〕This theory fell into disrepute in the fifties.这一理论在五十年代时声誉尽失。朗文当代〔document〕He can document his theory with facts.他能为自己的理论提供事实证明。21世纪英汉〔dynamism〕Any of various theories or philosophical systems that explain the universe in terms of force or energy.物力论:任一种以力和能来解释宇宙的理论或哲学体系美国传统〔electroweak〕Of or relating to the combination of the electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces in a unified theory.弱电统一的:将电磁与弱核力交互作用结合统一的理论的或与其相关的美国传统〔eternally〕Political theories are not eternally valid.政治理论并非永远正确。文馨英汉〔even〕I tried to reason with him, but even as I started to explain what had happened he stood up to leave.我试图和他理论,可是我刚一开口解释所发生的事情,他就起身要走。剑桥高阶〔evolutionism〕A theory of biological evolution, especially that formulated by Charles Darwin.进化论:生物进化理论,尤指查尔斯·达尔文系统陈述的理论美国传统〔fact〕We need hard facts not just interesting theories.我们需要的是确凿的事实,而不仅仅是有趣的理论。朗文当代〔fit〕Scientists often select facts to fit their theories.科学家经常会挑选符合自己理论的事实。朗文当代〔formulate〕Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection.达尔文创立了物竞天择的理论。朗文当代〔framework〕The dual economy idea became the theoretical framework for the different growth models.双重经济理念成为不同增长模型的理论框架。外研社新世纪〔freeze〕Such a theory would freeze all social progress.这种理论会使一切社会进步停滞不前。英汉大词典〔ground〕His theories gradually gained ground among academics.他的理论渐渐被学者们接受了。朗文当代〔grudging〕Her theories have begun to win grudging acceptance in the scientific community.她的理论开始得到科学界的勉强接受。韦氏高阶〔historian〕No serious historian today accepts this theory.当今任何一位严肃的史学家都不会接受这种理论。牛津搭配〔homunculus〕A miniature, fully formed individual believed by adherents of the early biological theory of preformation to be present in the sperm cell.雏型人:一个微型的,充分成形的个体,早期生物理论预说的拥护者认为它存在于精子细胞中美国传统〔hypnotism〕The theory or practice of inducing hypnosis.催眠术:引导睡眠的理论及实践美国传统〔hypothesis〕A tentative explanation that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation; a theory.前提:对一系列事实进行说明的暂时解释,它能被进一步的调查检验;一个理论美国传统〔inadequacy〕They possibly falsified the results to cover up the inadequacies of their theory.他们有可能篡改了结果,以掩盖其理论的种种缺陷。牛津搭配〔include〕No single theory can embrace and explain every facet of human behavior.没有一种理论能包括并阐释人类行为的每个方面。美国传统〔inexplicable〕This theory makes sense of an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon.这一理论解释了一种其他任何理论无法解释的现象。牛津搭配〔internal〕A theory has its internal logic.每一种理论均有其固有的逻辑性。英汉大词典〔intuitionism〕The theory that truth or certain truths are known by intuition rather than reason.直觉主义:通过直觉而不是通过推理得出的真理或某些真相的理论美国传统〔invalidate〕Later findings invalidated the theory.后来的发现推翻了这一理论。朗文当代〔kineticism〕The theory or practice of kinetic art.活动艺术:活动艺术的理论或实践美国传统〔line of force〕A theoretical line in a field of force, such that a tangent at any point gives the direction of the field at that point.力线:力场上理论想象线,任一点的切线指向那一点的力场方向美国传统〔long〕He is long on experience but short on theory.他经验丰富,但理论不足。英汉大词典〔madrassah〕A building or group of buildings used for teaching Islamic theology and religious law, typically including a mosque.回教法律宗教学院:用于教授回教理论和宗教法律的一栋或一群建筑,常包括清真寺美国传统〔mainline〕We observe a striking shift away from a labor theory among all mainline economists.我们发现在主流经济学家中间出现了一种偏离劳动理论的显著变化。柯林斯高阶〔monad〕Philosophy An indivisible, impenetrable unit of substance viewed as the basic constituent element of physical reality in the metaphysics of Leibnitz.【哲学】 单子:莱布尼兹学说理论中认为是构成物质世界存在的最基本的和不可分的单位美国传统〔naturally〕Her conclusions follow naturally from the theory.她依据那个理论自然地得出这些结论。韦氏高阶〔obverse〕Of course, the obverse of the theory may also be true.当然,与这个理论相反的理论可能也正确。剑桥高阶〔oralism〕The theory or practice of teaching hearing-impaired or deaf persons to communicate by means of spoken language.口语教学法:教育听障或失聪者以口语方式沟通的理论与做法美国传统〔ordinarily〕Ordinarily, she wouldn't have bothered arguing with him.一般而言,她懒得跟他理论。牛津高阶〔part〕My theory is perhaps one-sided, but certainly true in great part.我的理论或许是片面的,但肯定其中大部分是正确的。英汉大词典〔pie〕At first his theories were dismissed as pie in the sky.开始的时候,他的理论被当作空中楼阁而未加以考虑。麦克米伦高阶〔pillar〕Equality is one of the pillars of socialism.平等是社会主义理论的重要组成部分之一。剑桥高阶〔positive〕Concerned with practical rather than theoretical matters.实证的:与实际而不是理论事物有关的美国传统〔premise〕His comments appear to premise the idea that the theory is possible.他的评论似乎是把该理论具有实施可能性作为前提。外研社新世纪〔pure〕He's doing pure maths.他正在研究纯理论数学。外研社新世纪〔rejection〕What are the reasons for his rejection of the theory? 他不接受这个理论的原因是什么?朗文当代〔relief〕The article throws into sharp relief the differences between the two theories.文章使两种理论的区别更加明显。朗文当代〔remote〕His theories are somewhat remote from reality.他的理论有点儿脱离现实。牛津高阶〔sceptic〕Most people now accept this theory, but there are a few sceptics.现在多数人接受了这一理论,但还有少数人怀疑。英汉大词典〔seamlessly〕He has moved seamlessly from theory to practice.他已经顺利地实现了从理论到实践的过渡。柯林斯高阶〔shred〕Within a year, other researchers had torn the theory to shreds.不到一年,其他研究者便把这一理论批驳得体无完肤。朗文当代〔something〕A lot of people support Katz's theory, so there must be something in it.很多人都支持卡兹的理论,那它一定有些道理。麦克米伦高阶〔string together〕See if you can string the theories together into something that makes sense.看看你能否把这些理论组合成让人理解的东西。韦氏高阶〔subjectivism〕The theory that individual conscience is the only valid standard of moral judgment.主观感情论:认为个人良心是道德判断之唯一有效标准的理论美国传统〔substitute〕The course teaches you the theory but there's no substitute for practical experience.这门课教的是理论,但没有任何东西能代替实践经验。牛津高阶〔support〕The statistics offer further support for our theory.这些统计数字为我们的理论提供了进一步的依据。牛津高阶〔suppose〕The theory supposes the existence of life on other planets.这个理论假定其他行星存在生命。牛津高阶〔suspect〕The theory is rendered suspect by its reliance on now discredited sources.这个理论由于所依赖的资料来源如今被认为不可靠而受到怀疑。牛津搭配〔technically〕It is still technically possible for them to win(= but it seems unlikely).从理论上讲,他们仍有获胜的可能性。牛津高阶〔tentatively〕Such theories are still very tentative.这种理论仍然是探索性的。柯林斯高阶〔theology〕Thomist theology 托马斯主义神学理论英汉大词典〔theoretical〕The first year provides students wi th a sound theoretical basis for later study.第一年为学生以后的学习奠定坚实的理论基础。牛津高阶〔theory〕He has a theory about why dogs walk in circles before going to sleep.他有一种理论解释狗在睡觉之前为什么要走几圈儿。牛津搭配〔theory〕His comments are just abstract theory and show little understanding of the realities of the situation.他的意见只是抽象的理论,对实际情况几乎毫无了解。牛津搭配〔theory〕In theory, these machines should last for ten years.理论上,这些机器应该能用 10 年。牛津搭配〔thinking〕There was undeniably a strong theoretical dimension to his thinking.不可否认,他的思想很有理论深度。柯林斯高阶〔translate〕His theory cannot be translated into simpler terms.他的理论不能用较为简单的措辞表达。21世纪英汉〔unhappily〕Unhappily the facts do not wholly bear out the theory.令人遗憾的是,这些事实并不能完全证明该理论。柯林斯高阶〔unsupported〕It was a theory unsupported by evidence.这一理论尚无佐证。外研社新世纪〔unsupported〕It was a theory unsupported by evidence.这一理论尚无证据支持。柯林斯高阶〔validate〕Do these results validate his theory?这些结果可以证实他的理论吗?21世纪英汉〔well〕In theory as well as in practice, the idea is unsound.这个主意在理论上和实践中都站不住脚。英汉大词典〔yield〕Ideally, the surface should yield slightly under pressure.理论上,物体表面在受力时应该会轻微凹陷。朗文当代He has no interest in academic questions. 他对纯理论问题毫无兴趣。译典通He is an ideologue of capitalism. 他是一位资本主义的理论家。译典通Her economic theories are out of / in favour (with the current government) (=disagreed with / agreed with by the present government).她的经济理论得不到/得到(现政府的)赞同。剑桥国际His new theory is tenable. 他的新理论是站得住脚的。译典通I ate lots of onions and I didn't feel ill so that disproves my theory that it's onions which make me sick.我吃了大量的洋葱,没觉得不适,这就证明我那洋葱会使自己生病的理论是错的。剑桥国际In theory, most telephone calls should be traceable (= it should be possible to discover where they have come from).理论上说,大多数电话都应该是可查出其来源的。剑桥国际The chaos theory posits that life will find a way for itself. 混沌理论假设生命会自己找到一条出路。译典通There are many unbelievable aspects to this theory. 这一理论有许多方面不可信。译典通We must link up theory with practice. 我们必须把理论和实践联系起来。译典通Your suggestion is appealing in theory, but it lacks practicality.你的建议理论上很吸引人,但不切实际。剑桥国际




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