

单词 皮下
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕The nurse came in with a hypodermic needle, and Rob went white as a sheet. 护士拿着一支皮下注射针进来,罗布吓得脸色发白。朗文写作活用〔Mantoux test〕A tuberculin test in which a small amount of tuberculin is injected under the skin.曼托试验:将少量结核菌素注入皮下的结核菌素试验美国传统〔Syrette〕A trademark used for a collapsible tube having an attached hypodermic needle containing a single dose of medicine.西雷特皮下注射:带含有一次剂量的药的皮下注射针头的可折叠针管的商标美国传统〔UNDER/BELOW〕Scabies is a disease caused by a tiny insect that lays its eggs just underneath the skin. 疥疮是一种由在皮肤表皮下面产卵的小虫子引起的疾病。朗文写作活用〔ampoule〕A small glass vial that is sealed after filling and used chiefly as a container for a hypodermic injection solution.安瓿:小的玻璃容器,装满后密封,主要用于贮放皮下注射液美国传统〔break〕A bruise forms when a blood vessel breaks under the skin.瘀青是皮下血管破裂形成的。韦氏高阶〔bruise〕An injury to underlying tissues or bone in which the skin is not broken, often characterized by ruptured blood vessels and discolorations.青肿:皮下组织或骨头受伤,皮肤没破损,症状是血管破裂,有淤血斑美国传统〔bruise〕To injure the underlying soft tissue or bone of (part of the body) without breaking the skin, as by a blow.青肿:使皮下软组织或骨头受伤,但并没弄破皮肤,如挨一击美国传统〔bulge〕The bruise made a discoloured bulge under his skin.他的皮肤因受挫伤而在皮下出现变色的肿块。牛津同义词〔burrow〕The beetle burrows beneath the elm's bark.甲虫在榆树皮下面钻洞。外研社新世纪〔carbuncle〕A painful localized bacterial infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that usually has several openings through which pus is discharged.痈,红疹,红斑:一种疼痛的局部皮肤和皮下组织的细菌感染,通常有让脓流出来的一些口子美国传统〔cellulitis〕A spreading inflammation of subcutaneous or connective tissue.蜂窝织炎:一种皮下组织或相连组织的扩散性发炎美国传统〔currently〕Current thinking suggests that toxins only have a small part to play in the build up of cellulite.目前普遍认为,毒素对皮下脂肪团堆积影响不大。柯林斯高阶〔current〕Current thinking suggests that toxins only have a small part to play in the build up of cellulite.当前看法认为, 毒素对皮下脂肪团的堆积影响不大。外研社新世纪〔disposable〕An article, such as a paper diaper or hypodermic syringe, that can be disposed of after one use.可抛弃的物品,免洗用具:用后即可丢弃的物品,如纸制尿布或皮下注射器美国传统〔droopy〕Droopy eyelids can make you look older.眼皮下垂会让人看起来显老。外研社新世纪〔droop〕Crook's eyelids drooped and he yawned.克鲁克眼皮下垂, 打了个哈欠。外研社新世纪〔ecchymosis〕The passage of blood from ruptured blood vessels into subcutaneous tissue, marked by a purple discoloration of the skin.淤血:血液从破损的血管中流入皮下组织,使皮肤呈现青紫色斑美国传统〔endermic〕Acting medicinally by absorption through the skin.皮下的:通过皮肤吸收而产生医疗作用的美国传统〔fat〕Women have a layer of subcutaneous fat (= fat under the skin), which provides them with better insulation than men.女性有一层皮下脂肪,使她们比男性更耐寒。剑桥高阶〔fell〕A thin membrane directly beneath the hide.皮板:紧贴于皮下的包裹整个肢体的一层薄膜美国传统〔heel〕They simply dropped the stuff in the street, before showing the security men a clean pair of heels.他们把东西丢在了街上, 从保安眼皮下逃之夭夭。外研社新世纪〔housemaid's knee〕A swelling of the bursa in front of the patella just beneath the skin, caused by trauma, such as excessive kneeling.女仆膝症:由外伤,例如过度的跪地而引起的紧贴表皮下的膝盖骨前方的滑囊的肿起美国传统〔hype〕A hypodermic injection, syringe, or needle.皮下注射器:一次皮下注射,皮下注射器,或皮下注射的针美国传统〔hypodermal〕Lying below the epidermis.皮下的:位于真皮以下的美国传统〔hypodermic injection〕A subcutaneous, intracutaneous, intramuscular, or intravenous injection by means of a hypodermic syringe and needle.皮下注射:用皮下注射管或针做的皮下注射、皮肤注射、肌肉内注射或静脉内注射美国传统〔hypodermic needle〕A hollow needle used with a hypodermic syringe.皮下注射针:和皮下注射管一起用的一根空针美国传统〔hypodermic needle〕A hypodermic syringe including the needle.皮下注射针管:一支皮下注射管(包括针)美国传统〔hypodermic syringe〕A piston syringe that is fitted with a hypodermic needle for giving injections.皮下注射管:一支活塞管,和一根皮下注射针配合用来注射美国传统〔hypodermic〕A hypodermic injection.皮下注射美国传统〔hypodermic〕A hypodermic needle.皮下注射针美国传统〔hypodermic〕A hypodermic syringe.皮下注射管美国传统〔hypodermic〕He held up a hypodermic to check the dosage.他拿起一支皮下注射针筒检查剂量。外研社新世纪〔hypodermic〕Injected beneath the skin.皮下注射的美国传统〔hypodermic〕Of or relating to the layer just beneath the epidermis.属于或有关表皮下层的美国传统〔hypodermis〕An epidermal layer of cells that secretes an overlying chitinous cuticle, as in arthropods.分泌几丁质的细胞:皮下细胞层,比层细胞隐匿一层全面覆盖的分泌几丁质的角质层,与类人猿中的情形一样美国传统〔hypodermis〕Anatomy A subcutaneous layer of loose connective tissue containing a varying number of fat cells.【解剖学】 下皮,真皮:含有不同数量的脂肪细胞的皮下松散组织层美国传统〔hypodermis〕Botany A layer of cells lying immediately below the epidermis.【植物学】 皮下组织:紧挨表皮的一层细胞美国传统〔hypo〕A hypodermic injection.皮下注射美国传统〔hypo〕A hypodermic syringe.皮下注射器美国传统〔intradermal test〕A test for hypersensitivity or allergy in which a small amount of the suspected allergen is injected into the skin.皮下试验:通过在皮肤里注射少量有疑点的变应原以测定过敏性或变应性的试验美国传统〔lamina propria〕A thin vascular layer of connective tissue beneath the epithelium of an organ.鼓膜中层:一种器官皮下相连组织的细小的管状层美国传统〔lipectomy〕Surgical excision of subcutaneous fatty tissue.脂肪切除术:切除皮下脂肪组织的外科手术美国传统〔masked〕Having the anatomy of the next developmental form outlined beneath the integument, as in certain insect pupae.有覆盖物的:具有在外皮下成形的下一进化形式的骨骼的,如某些昆虫的蛹美国传统〔needle〕A hypodermic needle.注射针:皮下注射针头美国传统〔needle〕Informal A hypodermic injection; a shot.【非正式用语】 皮下注射;注射美国传统〔needle〕She carried hypodermic needles and syringes in her bag.她包里带着皮下注射针和针筒。朗文当代〔peel away〕As you peel away the onion skin,you will find another skin underneath.你剥去洋葱皮时,你会发现皮下还有皮。21世纪英汉〔scurvy〕A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by spongy and bleeding gums, bleeding under the skin, and extreme weakness.坏血病:一种由于缺少维生素C引起的疾病,症状为多孔的和爱流血的牙床,皮下出血和极度虚弱美国传统〔shoot〕To inject (a drug, for example) with a hypodermic syringe.注射:用一个皮下注射器注射(比如毒品)美国传统〔shot〕A hypodermic injection.皮下注射美国传统〔skin-pop〕To inject (a drug) beneath the skin rather than into a vein.皮下注射药品:在皮肤下面不是血管中注射(药品)美国传统〔skin〕Beneath his skin, the muscles were tight with tension.他皮下的肌肉因紧张而绷紧。牛津搭配〔skin〕He discovered a lump under his skin so he went to the doctor.他发现皮下有个肿块,就去看了医生。牛津搭配〔smegma〕A sebaceous secretion, especially the cheesy secretion that collects under the prepuce or around the clitoris.阴垢,包皮垢:皮脂下的暗藏物,尤指集中在包皮下或在阴蒂周围的奶酪状暗藏物美国传统〔subcutis〕A layer of connective tissue beneath the dermis.皮下组织:真皮下面的组织美国传统〔subdermal〕Located or placed beneath the skin; subcutaneous.位于皮肤下的,置于皮肤下的;皮下的美国传统〔syringe〕A hypodermic syringe.皮下注射器美国传统〔third-degree burn〕A severe burn in which the skin and underlying tissues are destroyed and sensitive nerve endings are exposed.三度烧伤:一种皮肤及皮下组织均被破坏且敏感的神经末梢被暴露的严重烧伤美国传统〔transmission〕There is a risk of transmission of the virus between hypodermic users.接受皮下注射者有相互传染病毒的可能。牛津搭配〔undercut〕The plastic surgeon undercut the skin of her cheek.整容外科医生将她的脸皮下部切开。21世纪英汉〔venture〕They ventured nervously into the water.他们紧张地硬着头皮下水。牛津高阶〔warble fly〕Any of several large hairy flies of the family Oestridae having larvae that form warbles under the skin of cattle and certain other animals.皮瘤蝇:任何一种属于中蝇科的大型多毛苍蝇,其幼虫能够在牛皮下或其他某些动物皮下形成肿块美国传统〔warble〕An abscessed boillike swelling on the back of cattle, deer, and certain other animals, caused by the larva of a warble fly.动物背上的肿块:由一种牛皮下蝇幼虫引起的牛、鹿或其他某些特定动物的背上的脓肿美国传统〔wood〕The secondary xylem of trees and shrubs, lying beneath the bark and consisting largely of cellulose and lignin.木质:位于树皮下的树和灌木的次木质部,主要由纤维质和木质构成美国传统She took one look at the hypodermic needle and fainted (dead) away (= lost consciousness immediately).她看了一眼皮下注射器,就昏(死)过去了。剑桥国际She underwent a liposuction surgery to restore her figure soon. 为了快速恢复体态,她进行了皮下抽脂手术。译典通The HIV virus can be spread by sharing hypodermic syringes/hypodermics.艾滋病病毒可由共用的皮下注射器传播。剑桥国际The insertion of the needle under the skin made him wince. 针刺入皮下使他畏缩起来。译典通




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