

单词 白菜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LIQUID〕All they had to eat for weeks was bread and watery cabbage soup. 一连几个星期他们吃到的只有面包和清水般的白菜汤。朗文写作活用〔New England boiled dinner〕A dish consisting of meat simmered with carrots, potatoes, and cabbage.新英格兰大餐:将胡萝卜、土豆、大白菜与肉一起煮成的一种菜美国传统〔SMELL〕The powerful smell of cabbage, sardines, and body odor filled the train. 这种强烈的气味—大白菜、沙丁鱼,还有人体的味道,充满了整列火车。朗文写作活用〔boil〕When the water boils add the meat and the cabbage.水开时加入肉和洋白菜。21世纪英汉〔empty〕They emptied basket after basket of cabbages onto the truck.他们把一筐一筐的白菜倒在卡车上。英汉大词典〔mash〕They ate a mash of 2 potatoes, 2 carrots & cabbage.他们吃了由两个土豆、两根胡萝卜和洋白菜做的糊。柯林斯高阶〔other〕One can find quite a lot of vegetables here — among others, cabbages, potatoes and beans.这里蔬菜相当多,包括大白菜、土豆和豆荚。英汉大词典〔pinch〕Wrap the chicken in vine leaves (cabbage will do at a pinch).用藤叶将鸡包裹起来(必要时也可以用圆白菜叶代替)。外研社新世纪〔pirog〕A large, flat, usually square or rectangular Russian pastry filled with finely chopped meat or cabbage often mixed with chopped hard-boiled eggs.(某种)俄式馅饼:一种大而扁的、常做成正方或长方形的俄罗斯馅饼,用细肉末或白菜和熟鸡蛋碎末做馅美国传统〔pirozhki〕Small Russian pastries filled with finely chopped meat or cabbage, baked or fried.俄国小馅饼:一种俄式小馅饼,以细肉末或白菜做馅,烘烤或煎炸而成美国传统〔raw〕Cabbage can be eaten raw.洋白菜可以生吃。朗文当代〔runza〕A pastry consisting of cabbage and usually pork or beef encased in yeast dough.伦扎饼:由包在酵母面粉中的白菜或猪肉、牛肉组成的饼美国传统Corned beef on rye and corned beef and cabbage are popular meals in New York on St. Patrick's Day.圣帕特里克节那天纽约很受欢迎的菜是黑麦面包夹咸牛肉和白菜咸牛肉。剑桥国际They lived on a wretched diet of bread, potatoes and cabbage.他们依靠面包,土豆及白菜等可怜的食品为生。剑桥国际




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