

单词 甲虫
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GET RID OF〕The eradication of the beetle has led to a five-fold increase in crop yields. 消灭甲虫使庄稼收成增加到五倍。朗文写作活用〔burrow〕The beetle burrows beneath the elm's bark.甲虫在榆树皮下面钻洞。外研社新世纪〔chafer〕Any of various beetles of the family Scarabaeidae, such as the cockchafer.金龟子:一种金龟子科甲虫,如金龟子等美国传统〔chrysomelid〕Any of various beetles of the family Chrysomelidae, which includes the Colorado potato beetle.叶甲:一种叶甲科的甲虫,包括科罗拉多马铃薯甲虫美国传统〔diving beetle〕Any of various predatory aquatic beetles of the family Dytiscidae.龙虱:龙虱科的食肉水栖甲虫美国传统〔dung beetle〕Any of various beetles of the family Scarabaeidae that form balls of dung on which they feed and in which they lay their eggs.金龟子:滚粪成球,以此为食并在其中产卵的一种金龟子科甲虫美国传统〔egg〕The beetles deposit their eggs in fields.甲虫将卵产在田野里。牛津搭配〔elaterid〕Any of numerous beetles of the family Elateridae, which includes the click beetles.叩头虫:叩头虫科的一种甲虫,包括叩头虫美国传统〔flea beetle〕Any of various small beetles of the subfamily Alticinae that have hind legs adapted for jumping and feed on the foliage of certain plants.跳甲:一种长有适于跳跃的后腿的各种跳甲亚科小甲虫,以某些植物的叶子为食美国传统〔fully-grown〕After six weeks, the larva emerges as a fully-grown beetle.六周以后,幼虫长成了一只发育成熟的甲虫。朗文当代〔girdler〕Any of several insects that chew circular bands around twigs or stems in preparing a nesting site.天牛甲虫:一种在树枝或树干上食取树皮以准备筑巢地点的昆虫美国传统〔grub〕The thick, wormlike larva of certain beetles and other insects.蛴螬,蛆:某些甲虫或昆虫的软原虫状幼虫美国传统〔import〕The beetle is thought to be a European import.这种甲虫被认为是从欧洲传进来的。朗文当代〔insect〕Ants, beetles, butterflies, and flies are all insects.蚂蚁、甲虫、蝴蝶和苍蝇都是昆虫。剑桥高阶〔laborious〕A beetle began to crawl laboriously up his leg.一只甲虫开始费劲地顺着他的腿往上爬。朗文当代〔lamellicorn〕A lamellicorn beetle.鳃角类甲虫美国传统〔lamellicorn〕Of or belonging to the superfamily Lamellicornia, which includes the scarabs and other beetles that have club-shaped, lamellate antennae.瓣鳃纲总目的:属于瓣鳃纲总目的,包括金龟子科甲虫和其他有棒状瓣鳃触角的甲虫美国传统〔longicorn〕Of or belonging to the family Cerambycidae, which includes the long-horned beetles.天牛科的:天牛科的或属于天牛科的,其中包括长角牛甲虫美国传统〔meloid〕Of or relating to blister beetles.芜菁科甲虫的,有关芜菁科甲虫的美国传统〔metamorphosis〕Beetles undergo a complete metamorphosis in their life cycle.甲虫在它们的生命周期里要经历一个完全变形的过程。朗文当代〔muscle〕Beetles tried to muscle in between his collar and his neck.甲虫想从他的衣领和脖子中间钻进去。英汉大词典〔pellet〕A beetle was rolling a pellet of dried dung up the hill.一只甲虫正把一个干粪球滚上斜坡。外研社新世纪〔potato beetle〕The Colorado potato beetle.马铃薯甲虫:科罗拉多马铃薯甲虫美国传统〔potato bug〕The Colorado potato beetle.科罗拉多马铃薯甲虫美国传统〔scarabaeid〕Any of the numerous stout-bodied, lamellicorn beetles of the family Scarabaeidae, which includes the June beetle and dung beetles.金龟子科甲虫:金龟子家族中一种体形壮大的鳃角类甲虫,包括六月金龟和蜣螂美国传统〔seed weevil〕Any of various small beetles of the family Bruchidae whose larvae bore into and feed on the dried seeds of peas, beans, and similar plants.种子象:一种豆象科的小甲虫,其幼虫产于豌豆、豆子和类似植物的种子上或以这些种子为生美国传统〔shard〕The elytron or outer wing covering of a beetle.甲虫的鞘翅或外层羽翼美国传统〔skitter〕When I lifted the log, there were lots of beetles skittering about/around under it.我抬起木头,下面有许多甲虫飞快地向四处爬去。剑桥高阶〔thumb〕I picked up the beetle carefully between finger and thumb.我用食指和拇指小心地捏起甲虫。牛津搭配〔tortoise beetle〕Any of several small beetles of the subfamily Cassidinae, shaped somewhat like a tortoise and having soft, fleshy larvae that eat the leaves of trees.龟甲虫:一种小甲虫,属金花虫亚科,形状有些像乌龟,其幼虫柔软,多肉,吃树叶美国传统〔troop〕Out of beams and cracks came troops of beetles, ants and spiders.从横梁上和裂缝里爬出来了一群群甲虫、蚂蚁和蜘蛛。柯林斯高阶〔troop〕Out of beams and cracks came troops of beetles, ants, and spiders.从横梁和裂缝里爬出了一群群甲虫、蚂蚁和蜘蛛。外研社新世纪〔typical〕He crushed the beetle deliberately, which is very typical of him.他有意把那只甲虫碾碎,只有他才会这样做。英汉大词典〔underground〕Many species of beetle live underground.很多种甲虫生活在地下。麦克米伦高阶〔water beetle〕Any of various aquatic beetles, especially of the family Dytiscidae, having a smooth oval body and flattened and fringed hind legs adapted for swimming.水生甲虫:各种水生甲虫之任一种,尤指龙虱科生有平扁卵圆之身体和适于游泳的扁平带缘毛的后腿美国传统〔wheel〕The beetle wheels his droning flight.甲虫嗡嗡作声地绕着圈子飞。英汉大词典〔wing〕The beetle's front wings are small and are not used in flight.甲虫的前翅很小,不是用来飞行的。牛津搭配〔wolf〕The destructive larva of any of various moths, beetles, or flies.有害的幼虫:各种蛾、甲虫或苍蝇的有害的幼虫美国传统〔work〕Her book is still considered the definitive work on beetles.她的书仍然被认为是甲虫研究方面的权威性著作。牛津搭配A firefly is a type of beetle.萤火虫是一种甲虫。剑桥国际Ants, beetles, butterflies and flies are all insects.蚂蚁、甲虫、蝴蝶和苍蝇都是昆虫。剑桥国际The beetles need to be picked off the leaves by hand as soon as they emerge.甲虫在叶子上一出现就应该用手摘除。剑桥国际These beetles are a blight to cotton. 这些甲虫是棉花的大害。译典通




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