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释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔antediluvian〕antediluvian attitudes to women. 看待女性的旧观念柯林斯高阶〔antediluvian〕antediluvian attitudes to women看待女性的过时观念外研社新世纪〔cod〕a cod documentary on what animals think of living in a zoo. 讲述动物如何看待动物园生活的搞笑伪纪录片柯林斯高阶〔disfavo(u)r〕look with disfavo(u)r on sth. 不赞同地看待某事物英汉大词典〔dispassionate〕taking a calm, dispassionate view of the situation 以冷静、客观公正的观点看待形势牛津高阶〔elderly〕pl. elderly (used with a pl. verb)Older people considered as a group. Often used withthe : 【复数】 elderly (与复数动词连用)对老年人的总称:被当作群体看待的老年人,经常与定冠词the 连用: 美国传统〔equatabilities〕to equate wealth with happiness把幸福与财富同等看待21世纪英汉〔eye〕look upon sth. with critical eyes 以挑剔的眼光看待某事物英汉大词典〔inclination〕an inclination to see everything in political terms 从政治角度看待一切事物的倾向朗文当代〔indulgent〕to take an indulgent view of sth 宽宏大量地看待某事牛津高阶〔jaundiced〕view sth. with a jaundiced eye 带着忌恨的偏见看待某事英汉大词典〔kindly〕look kindly on (或upon) sth. (sb). 以赞许的态度看待某事物(某人) 英汉大词典〔mixed〕viewed the change in management with mixed emotions; a closet full of mixed outfits.See Synonyms at miscellaneous 用矛盾的心情看待管理人员中的变动;一个装满各种工具的壁橱 参见 miscellaneous美国传统〔ourself〕the way we think of ourself and others. 我们看待自己和他人的方式柯林斯高阶〔ourself〕the way we think of ourself and others我们看待自己和他人的方式外研社新世纪〔paranoia〕the mounting paranoia with which he viewed the world around him. 他看待周围世界时越来越重的疑惧心理柯林斯高阶〔paranoia〕the mounting paranoia with which he viewed the world around him他看待周围世界时越来越重的疑惧心理外研社新世纪〔perspective〕a critique of the war from a historical perspective 从历史角度看待战争的评论文章韦氏高阶〔perspective〕a new perspective on life看待人生的一种新视角外研社新世纪〔perspective〕a perspective of history; a need to view the problem in the proper perspective. 历史的整体观;需以恰当的整体观点来看待问题美国传统〔perspective〕a report that looks at the education system from the perspective of deaf people 从聋人的角度看待教育制度的报告牛津高阶〔perspective〕marriage as seen from a male/female perspective 从男性/女性视角看待的婚姻韦氏高阶〔recognition〕equal recognition for the work women do 平等看待妇女的工作牛津搭配〔revulsion〕regard germ warfare with revulsion 怀着憎恶看待细菌战 英汉大词典〔rose-colo(u)red〕see things through rose-colo(u)red spectacles (或 glasses) (过于)乐观地看待事物英汉大词典〔rose-colored〕see the world through rose-colored glasses. 过于乐观地看待世界美国传统〔sentimentalization〕to sentimentalize the divorce感伤地看待离婚21世纪英汉〔single〕to consider something with a single eye用正确的眼光看待问题外研社新世纪




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