

单词 美国人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-something〕Most American twenty-somethings do not read about politics.绝大多数二十多岁的美国人不读政治方面的东西。柯林斯高阶〔ADA〕Americans for Democratic Action.美国人争取民主行动组织美国传统〔American〕He said he was proud to be an American.他说作为美国人他很自豪。剑桥高阶〔American〕Her mother is American.她妈妈是美国人。朗文当代〔Asian-American〕Most of the people who live in this neighborhood are Asian-American.这个街区里居住的大多数人都是亚裔美国人。韦氏高阶〔CHEAT〕Cohen claimed that criminals posing as salesmen cheat Americans out of billions of dollars each year. 科恩称,冒充销售员的罪犯每年从美国人手中骗走了数十亿美元。朗文写作活用〔Euro-American〕Of or relating to Euro-Americans.欧洲裔美国人的:欧洲裔美国人的或是与其相关的美国传统〔FIRST〕The prototype of this particular computer was developed by an American in 1975. 这种电脑的原型是由一位美国人于1975年研制的。朗文写作活用〔Franco-American〕Of or relating to the Franco-Americans.属于或关于法裔美国人的美国传统〔Gosiute〕A Native American people inhabiting an area southwest of Great Salt Lake.美国土著人:居住在盐湖的西南地区的土生土长的美国人美国传统〔Hispano〕A native or resident of Spanish descent living in the southwest United States.西班牙裔美国人:居住在美国西南部的,具有西班牙血统的美国人美国传统〔LESS〕The Chinese don't eat as much meat as Americans do. 中国人吃肉没有美国人多。朗文写作活用〔LOT〕To most Americans, $150,000 sounds like a whole lot of money. 对于大多数美国人来说,15万美元是一笔不小的数目。朗文写作活用〔La Raza〕Mexicans or Mexican Americans considered as a group, sometimes extending to all Spanish-speaking people of the Americas.拉雅族人:墨西哥人或是墨裔美国人的总称,有时也扩展到指代所有说西班牙语的美洲人美国传统〔Martian〕Orson Welles managed to convince many Americans that they were being invaded by Martians.奥森•韦尔斯曾设法让很多美国人相信他们正遭到火星人的入侵。外研社新世纪〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕There is concern that twenty years from now, the average American won't be able to afford to send his or her children to college. 有人担心,二十年以后,普通的美国人可能会没有能力送自己的子女上大学。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕The Americans are preparing two new satellites for launch. 美国人正准备发射两颗新卫星。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕The religious beliefs and practices of Americans have hardly changed since the 1940s. 美国人的宗教信仰和习俗自20世纪40年代以来没有什么变化。朗文写作活用〔THREATEN〕When they found out he was an American, the soldiers threatened to kill him. 当那些士兵发觉他是美国人后,就威胁说要杀死他。朗文写作活用〔ace〕The Americans hold most of the aces in this technology.这种技术美国人占绝对优势。朗文当代〔backyard〕Americans would probably react differently to the war if it was in their own back yard.战争要是发生在自己的家门口,美国人可能就会有不一样的反应。朗文当代〔belong〕British actors did well at the award ceremony, but the evening belonged to the Americans.英国演员在颁奖仪式上表现很好,但整个晚上却是美国人大出风头。牛津高阶〔bone〕Americans with a bone to pick爱争论的美国人外研社新世纪〔breathe〕No American should have to drive out of town to breathe clean air.所有美国人都不必开车到城外去呼吸洁净的空气。柯林斯高阶〔canon〕Mapplethorpe's pictures offended the canons of American good taste.梅普尔索普的摄影作品有悖于美国人的鉴赏标准。朗文当代〔capital〕Americans wrongly convicted of capital crimes被误判死罪的美国人外研社新世纪〔carry〕Cuban Americans play an important role in whether he carries Florida in the fall campaign.古巴裔美国人对他在佛罗里达州的秋季选举中的成败将起到重要作用。朗文当代〔catch〕It wasn't a very radical or intellectual newspaper, but it caught a mood of dissent in mid-1950s America.这家报纸并不是很激进,学术性也不强,但却揭示了20世纪50年代中期美国人的叛逆心理。麦克米伦高阶〔cheer〕Irish Americans came to the park to cheer for their boys.爱尔兰裔美国人来到公园为他们的小伙子们欢呼。外研社新世纪〔cocoon〕Americans are spending more time cocooning at home in recent years.最近几年,美国人待在家里的时间多了起来。韦氏高阶〔commercial〕The average American sees and hears thousands of commercial messages each day.普通美国人每天都会看到和听到数千条商业信息。韦氏高阶〔consume〕In the mid-seventies Americans consumed about seventeen million barrels of oil daily.在70年代中期美国人每天耗油约达1700万桶。英汉大词典〔cradle〕From cradle to grave, the car marks every rite of American passage.在美国人的一生中,每一个重要阶段都有汽车的影子。朗文当代〔culture〕The paintings reflect African American culture.这些画反映了非洲裔美国人的文化。牛津搭配〔dominance〕American dominance in heavyweight boxing 美国人在重量级拳击中的优势牛津搭配〔double agent〕He was secretly working as a double agent for the Americans during the war.战争期间他为美国人秘密从事双重间谍的工作。韦氏高阶〔economy〕In order for our bubble economy to continue expanding, Americans must continue spending.为了让我们的泡沫经济继续膨胀,美国人必须继续消费。牛津搭配〔erode〕America's belief in its own uniqueness started to erode.美国人开始逐渐怀疑自己的独一无二。外研社新世纪〔faithful〕Older Americans are among this country's most faithful voters.较年长的美国人是这个国家最忠实的选民群体之一。外研社新世纪〔field〕He's the best-known American outside the field of (=not connected with) politics.他是政治领域之外最出名的美国人。朗文当代〔fight with〕In World War Ⅱ,the Americans fought with the British and French against the Germans.第二次世界大战中,美国人与英国人和法国人并肩战斗,抵抗德国人。21世纪英汉〔file〕Today is the deadline for Americans to file their tax returns .今天是美国人递交纳税申报单的最后一天。朗文当代〔game〕Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game.直到现在, 美国人一直在玩弄着精心设计的政治花招。外研社新世纪〔god〕Most Americans still believe in God .大多数美国人仍信仰上帝。朗文当代〔heartbeat〕The candidate said that he understood the heartbeat of the Hispanic community in California.这位候选人说他了解加利福尼亚州的西班牙语裔美国人社区的特点。牛津高阶〔heritage〕The performance shows how African Americans celebrate their heritage.这个表演展示了非洲裔美国人是如何颂扬自己的传统的。牛津搭配〔heterogeneous〕America has a very heterogeneous population.美国人口是由不同种族组成的。麦克米伦高阶〔include〕The jury was composed of nine whites, one Hispanic, and two Asian Americans.陪审团由九个白人、一个西班牙裔美国人和两个亚裔美国人组成。朗文当代〔insurance〕Millions of Americans lack adequate health insurance.数百万美国人缺乏充分的健康保险。牛津搭配〔irrelevantly〕He said politics has become increasingly irrelevant to most Americans.他说政治对大多数美国人来说已经变得越来越不重要了。柯林斯高阶〔just〕Many Americans no longer viewed it as a just war.许多美国人不再把它看作一场正义的战争。麦克米伦高阶〔kinship〕He felt a kinship with the only other American on the base.他对基地仅有的另一名美国人有一种亲切感。朗文当代〔know〕I knew him for an American.我看出他是美国人。英汉大词典〔laughable〕The idea that these TV shows represent typical American life is laughable.认为这些电视剧是美国人生活的典型写照, 这样的想法是荒唐可笑的。外研社新世纪〔let〕The Americans won't let her leave the country.美国人不允许她出境。柯林斯高阶〔live〕Do Americans really have a higher temperature than Europeans? Well, you live and learn. 美国人体温真比欧洲人要高一些吗? 嘿,这真是活一天长一天见识了。英汉大词典〔love affair〕America's love affair with the automobile.美国人酷爱小轿车美国传统〔love affair〕The book describes America's love affair with baseball.这本书描写了美国人对棒球运动的无限热爱。韦氏高阶〔mind-set〕The greatest challenge for the Americans is understanding the mindset of Eastern Europeans.对于美国人来说,最大的挑战在于理解东欧人的思维方式。柯林斯高阶〔nationality〕She's American, but her parents are of Japanese nationality.她是美国人,但她父母都是日本国籍。韦氏高阶〔nation〕The Americans, British and French are nations.美国人、英国人和法国人是他们各自国家的国民。英汉大词典〔near-death experience〕A recent Gallup poll revealed that 20 million Americans claimed to have had near-death experiences.最近的一次盖洛普民意测验披露,2,000 万美国人声称他们有过濒死体验。柯林斯高阶〔necessary evil〕Most Americans accept taxes as a necessary evil.大多数美国人认为纳税是必须的。剑桥高阶〔number〕I lost my number badly by saying that Shakespeare was American.我因说莎士比亚是美国人而大出洋相。英汉大词典〔parachute〕Food parcels were parachuted in by the Americans.食品包裹由美国人空投进去。外研社新世纪〔per capita〕This year Americans will eat about 40% more fresh apples per capita than the Japanese.今年美国人均吃掉的鲜苹果数量将比日本高40%。外研社新世纪〔prematurely〕Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans.交通事故仍然是造成美国人过早死亡的头号因素。柯林斯高阶〔proclaim〕His pronunciation proclaimed that he was an American.他的发音表明他是美国人。英汉大词典〔progeny〕Many Americans are the progeny of immigrants.许多美国人是移民的后代。韦氏高阶〔psyche〕His exploration of the myth brings insight into the American psyche.他对这个神话的探讨揭示了美国人的心理。外研社新世纪〔rank〕Last month, 370,000 Americans joined the ranks of the unemployed.上个月,有37万美国人加入了失业者的行列。柯林斯高阶〔report〕According to recent news reports , two of the victims are Americans.根据不久前的新闻报道,其中有两名受害者是美国人。朗文当代〔risk〕Will they go ahead with their plans, even at the risk of offending the Americans? 他们会继续他们的计划吗,哪怕是冒着得罪美国人的危险?朗文当代〔share〕Two Americans will share this year's Nobel Prize for Medicine.两名美国人将共同摘得今年的诺贝尔医学奖。柯林斯高阶〔society〕Americans had become citizens of an affluent society and had discovered the wonders of credit.美国人已经成为了富裕社会的公民, 并且发现了信用的奇妙之处。外研社新世纪〔solicitation〕Republican leaders are making open solicitation of the Italian-American vote.共和党领袖公开向意大利裔美国人拉选票。外研社新世纪〔span〕The average lifespan of an American is 75 years.美国人的平均寿命是 75 岁。牛津搭配〔study〕Princeton's African American studies department 普林斯顿的非裔美国人研究系牛津搭配〔submit〕In the end, they submitted to the Americans.最终他们向美国人屈服了。麦克米伦高阶〔sworn〕The American made a sworn statement to the police.那名美国人经宣誓后向警方作出了陈述。外研社新世纪〔tip〕Americans were always welcome because they tended to tip heavily.美国人总是受欢迎,因为他们往往给很多小费。牛津高阶〔viewing〕American funerals often include public viewing of the body.美国人的葬礼经常包括公开瞻仰遗体。麦克米伦高阶〔whip up〕Joe McCarthy whipped up Americans into a frenzy of anti-Communist activity in the Fifties.20世纪50年代,乔·麦卡锡使美国人卷入了疯狂的反共运动之中。柯林斯高阶〔write〕Americans write ‘colour' without a ‘u'.美国人拼写colour 时不带 u。麦克米伦高阶〔written〕We're waiting for written confirmation from the Americans.我们在等美国人的书面确认。柯林斯高阶A new study of attitudes to censorship in the US has just been published.关于美国人对审查制度态度的最新研究结果刚公布。剑桥国际Americans drive one third of the 400 million cars on the planet.在这颗行星上美国人驾驶着占4亿辆汽车总数1/3的汽车。剑桥国际Americans have the reputation of being very hospitable people. 美国人有非常好客的美誉。译典通He did not want to see any American blood spilt. 他不想看到任何美国人流血牺牲。译典通He estimated that the average American consumes about 45 micrograms of possibly carcinogenic man-made pesticide residues in a day.他估计普通美国人每天摄入约45微克有可能致癌的人造杀虫剂残留物。剑桥国际Her films had an immeasurable effect on a generation of Americans.她的影片对一代美国人有着无法估量的影响。剑桥国际I can always tell an American a mile off.我总能在很远就认出一个美国人。剑桥国际LISP is the standard research tool of artificial intelligence scientists in the United States.LISP 是美国人工智能科学家们标准的研究工具。剑桥国际Many Americans are of English descent. 许多美国人有英国血统。译典通Opinion polls show (that) most Americans would readily pay more tax in return for better schools. [+ (that) clause] 民意测验表明,大多数美国人愿意付更多的税来使学校办得更好。剑桥国际She's a second generation American (= her parents were American, although their parents were not).她是家族中第二代美国人。剑桥国际The Russians and Americans docked (= joined together in space) (their spacecraft) just after one o'clock this morning.就在凌晨一点钟后,俄国人和美国人(的宇宙飞船)在太空对接了。剑桥国际The overseas Americans are under the flag of the American government. 海外的美国人受美国政府的保护。译典通The terrorist threat has made many Americans reluctant to travel to Europe and has crucified the transatlantic air industry.恐怖主义的威胁使许多美国人不愿去欧洲旅行,从而严重损害了横跨大西洋的航空业。剑桥国际You have to understand the Canadian need for national self-discovery, the constant need to define how they are different from Americans.你必须明白加拿大人民族自知的需要,他们需要不断地将自己与美国人严加区分。剑桥国际




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