

单词 细工
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MISTAKE〕People doing this kind of precision work can't afford to make the slightest slip. 做这种精细工作的人连最微小的错误都不能犯。朗文写作活用〔craftsmanship〕The fine craftsmanship of the table is remarkable.这张桌子的精细工艺非同寻常。韦氏高阶〔cutwork〕Openwork embroidery in which the ground fabric is cut away from the design.雕绣:一种透雕细工刺绣,它图案的中空部分被挖去美国传统〔daunt〕As Keith was a trained cabinetmaker, the practical side of renovating the house didn't daunt him.作为一名训练有素的细工木匠, 基思不会为真正动手翻修这座房屋而吓倒。外研社新世纪〔fretwork〕Ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets; geometric openwork.回纹细工饰:带有三维回纹饰的装饰物;几何形浮雕细工美国传统〔fretwork〕Such ornamental work represented two dimensionally by chiaroscuro.细工饰品:通过明暗对比表现出两维性此种装饰品美国传统〔latticework〕An open, crisscross pattern or weave.格子细工:开放式交叉结构或编织法美国传统〔openwork〕Ornamental or structural work, as of embroidery or metal, containing numerous openings, usually in set patterns.透雕细工:薄纱、金属、雕刻等的透雕细工和透孔制品美国传统〔parquetry〕Inlay of wood, often of different colors, that is worked into a geometric pattern or mosaic and is used especially for floors.镶木细工:木工镶嵌,通常用不同的颜色镶成几何图案或拼花图样,常用于地板装修美国传统〔parquet〕The art or process of making parquetry.镶木细工:制作镶花地板的工艺或程序美国传统〔tracery〕Ornamental work of interlaced and branching lines, especially the lacy openwork in a Gothic window.装饰线条:由交错和分枝的线条组成的装饰作品,尤指在哥特式玻璃窗上的带花边的透雕细工美国传统Her lecture will include a slide-show of historic pieces of furniture decorated with marquetry.她的讲座上将有幻灯片演示,是关于带镶嵌细工的古代家具。剑桥国际The filigree ironwork lent an elegant air to the bandstand.那个透雕图案的细工铁制装饰给乐池增添了优雅的情趣。剑桥国际




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