

单词 破门
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕The stupid gate won't open properly. 这破门不好开。朗文写作活用〔DEPEND/IT DEPENDS〕The case hinged on whether the jury believed the defendants had planned to kill anyone when they broke into the house. 这个案子完全取决于陪审团是否相信被告破门入屋时已计划好要杀人。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕The book focuses on the dirty tricks, break-ins, and illegal campaign contributions of the 1972 presidential election. 这本书着力记述了1972年的总统大选中发生的种种政客伎俩、破门入室以及非法的竞选资助金等事情。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕They've blocked the door. We'll have to force our way in. 他们把门封了,我们得破门进去。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕You can't just go into his apartment when he's not there - that's breaking and entering. 你不可以在他不在的时候随便就进入他的寓所——那是破门侵入。朗文写作活用〔LOOK FOR〕Thieves broke in and ransacked the house. 小偷破门而入,把屋子洗劫一空。朗文写作活用〔OPEN〕Firemen had to break the door down. 消防队员不得不破门而入。朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕Police forced their way into the flat and arrested two men. 警察破门进入公寓,逮捕了两名男子。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕Venturini has scored the first goal in each of the two US victories in the Olympics. 美国在奥运会上获胜的两场比赛中,文图里尼都是第一个破门得分的。朗文写作活用〔appear〕Police say there appear to be signs of a break-in.警方称似乎有破门而入的迹象。朗文当代〔barge〕The FBI barged through the gates, demanding to search the plant for evidence.联邦调查局的探员破门而入,要求在工厂内搜寻证据。柯林斯高阶〔bash in〕The thief bashed the door in and entered the room.小偷破门进入房间。21世纪英汉〔bash〕Police bashed down the door to get in.警察破门而入。朗文当代〔bash〕They had to bash the door down to get to the fire.为了进入火场他们不得不破门而入。麦克米伦高阶〔beat down〕The police had to beat down the door to get into the house.警方不得不破门而入。韦氏高阶〔beat in〕The policemen had to beat the door in.警察迫不得已破门而入。21世纪英汉〔boxed in〕He scored from the penalty spot after being brought down in the box.在罚球区内被违规撞倒后,他罚点球破门得分。柯林斯高阶〔break ... in〕They broke in and made off with all the furniture.他们破门而入,把所有家具都搬走了。21世纪英汉〔break into〕In this country a house is broken into every 24 seconds.在这个国家每24秒就会有一所房子被人破门而入。柯林斯高阶〔break into〕Someone tried to break into our house while we were away.有人试图在我们外出时破门而入。韦氏高阶〔break in〕Someone tried to break in while we were away.有人试图在我们外出时破门而入。韦氏高阶〔break-in〕Forcible entry, as into a building or room, for an illegal purpose, especially theft.破门而入:为非法目的强行闯入,如进入一幢建筑物或一个房间,尤指盗窃美国传统〔break-in〕There was an attempted break-in at our house while we were away.我们外出时,有人试图破门而入。韦氏高阶〔breaking and entering〕The gaining of unauthorized, illegal access to another's premises, as by forcing a lock.破门侵入:未经授权,非法侵入他人的领地,如通过撬锁美国传统〔break〕A house in Brecon Place was broken into last night.昨天晚上布雷肯区的一所房子被人破门而入。麦克米伦高阶〔break〕Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside.消防队员不得不破门而入,解救困在里面的人。牛津高阶〔break〕They've had the house broken into by thieves.他们的房子曾被窃贼破门而入。英汉大词典〔break〕Thieves broke in and stole £10,000 worth of computer equipment.窃贼破门而入,盗走了价值 10,000 英镑的计算机设备。朗文当代〔break〕We had to break into the house as we had lost the key.因为把钥匙丢了,我们不得不破门而入。英汉大词典〔bum-rush〕The thief bum-rushed.窃贼破门而入。21世纪英汉〔burgle〕He'd burgled the office.他破门盗窃了办公室。21世纪英汉〔burst in〕Armed law-enforcement officers burst in the door.武装执法人员破门而入。外研社新世纪〔burst in〕The thieves burst the door in.那些贼破门而入。21世纪英汉〔bust〕They will have to bust the door to get him out.他们将不得不撞破门把他弄出来。柯林斯高阶〔chance〕It was a definite chance and he should have taken it.那绝对是个破门机会, 他该抓住才是。外研社新世纪〔chance〕We created far more chances than they did in the first half.我们在上半场创造的破门机会比他们多得多。外研社新世纪〔clincher〕The clincher was City's second goal, scored minutes from the end.锁定胜局的是曼城队的第二粒进球, 破门时离比赛结束仅剩下几分钟。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕He dummied Whitelaw before scoring.他以假动作骗过怀特洛破门得分。外研社新世纪〔duplicate〕Charles scored again, with an exact duplicate of his first goal.查尔斯梅开二度,与第一次破门如出一辙。柯林斯高阶〔entry〕He found the door locked, but he forced an entry.他发现门锁着,却还是破门而入。牛津搭配〔fight〕United fought back and scored a last-minute goal.联队奋起还击,最后一分钟破门得分。朗文当代〔force〕The burglar forced an entry (= broke a window, door, etc. to get into the house).那个窃贼破门而入。剑桥高阶〔fray〕Tempers began to fray as the two teams failed to score.随着两队都没能破门得分,大家渐渐沉不住气了。柯林斯高阶〔free kick〕He scored from a free kick.他通过任意球破门。外研社新世纪〔fright〕I got such a fright when Joe burst through the door.乔破门而入吓了我一大跳。麦克米伦高阶〔get out〕They got out by smashing down the door.他们破门而出。外研社新世纪〔help〕They broke into the shop and helped themselves to the stock.他们破门而入随心所欲地窃取店里的货品。英汉大词典〔home〕He drove the ball home(= scored a goal)from 15 metres.他从 15 米远处劲射破门得分。牛津高阶〔in the name of sb/sth〕In old movies the police shouted "Open up in the name of the law" before they broke the door down.在老电影中,警察在破门而入之前会大喊“我们要依法撞门了”。剑桥高阶〔instruction〕The police who broke into the house were only acting on/under instructions.警察破门而入只是奉命行事。剑桥高阶〔intruder〕The dog scared off intruders who had tried to break into the house.这条狗把试图破门而入的闯入者吓跑了。麦克米伦高阶〔juke〕He juked a couple of defenders and scored.他用假动作晃过几名防守球员破门得分。韦氏高阶〔knock〕He was knocked flying as two policemen came crashing through the door.两名警察破门而入时他被撞飞了。牛津搭配〔knock〕They had to knock the door down to get in.他们不得不破门而入。牛津高阶〔lock out〕The new tenants locked themselves out of their apartment and had to break in.新房客们把自己关在了公寓门外, 不得不破门而入。外研社新世纪〔lock out〕The new tenants locked themselves out of their apartment and had to break in.新房客被自己反锁在屋外,于是只好破门进去。柯林斯高阶〔lock sb out〕He had to break into the house because his girlfriend had locked him out.由于女朋友把他锁在了门外,他只好破门而入。剑桥高阶〔make off with〕Masked robbers broke in and made off with $8,000.蒙面劫匪破门而入, 偷走了8,000美元。外研社新世纪〔make off〕Someone broke into the office and made off with some valuable equipment.有人破门闯入办公室,偷走了一些贵重的设备。韦氏高阶〔miss〕He scored two goals and had another two near misses.他攻进两球,另有两球也险些破门。牛津高阶〔nod〕Taylor leapt up to nod the ball home.泰勒跳起来头球破门。柯林斯高阶〔our〕I locked myself out of our apartment and had to break in.我把自己锁在了我们的公寓外面,不得不破门而入。柯林斯高阶〔panic-stricken〕The panic-stricken horses crashed through the door of the burning barn.受惊的马匹从着火的马棚里破门而出。韦氏高阶〔petrified〕She was petrified that the police would burst in at any moment.她感到惧怕的是警察随时都可能破门而入。牛津高阶〔picket〕He and Genevieve picketed their horses at the broken gate.他和吉纳维芙把马拴在了破门上。外研社新世纪〔police〕According to the police report the thieves broke in around midnight.根据警方报告,窃贼大约在午夜时分破门而入。韦氏高阶〔pounce〕Rooney pounced on the loose ball and scored.鲁尼对准无人控制的球飞起一脚,破门得分。牛津高阶〔power〕Miller powered home a free kick.米勒一记强有力的任意球破门得分。外研社新世纪〔ransack〕Thieves burgled and ransacked the house.窃贼破门而入,把房屋内的东西偷盗一空。英汉大词典〔rebound〕The ball rebounded from the goalpost and Podolski headed it in.球从门柱弹回,波多尔斯基头球破门。牛津高阶〔reply〕France took an early lead before Spain replied with three goals in 14 minutes.开球不久法国队便率先进球,之后西班牙队大举反攻,14分钟内先后3次破门。剑桥高阶〔rip〕Thieves broke in and ripped off five computers.盗贼破门而入,偷走了五台电脑。牛津高阶〔score〕Ronaldinho opened the scoring in the seventh minute of the game.比赛进行到第 7 分钟时,罗纳尔迪尼奥首开记录,破门得分。牛津搭配〔scoring〕Holwell opened the scoring in the 12th minute with a penalty.霍尔维尔在第12分钟以点球率先破门得分。外研社新世纪〔shot on goal〕A shot, as in hockey or soccer, that enters the goal or that would have entered the goal had the goalkeeper not blocked it.破门得分:曲棍球或英式足球等运动中的一次射门,球进入球门,如果不是被守门员挡住,球本来会进入球门美国传统〔smash down〕Police smashed down the door.警方破门而入。韦氏高阶〔smash〕The police had to smash the door down.警察不得不破门而入。牛津高阶〔split〕They went into the room by splitting the door.他们破门进入房间。21世纪英汉〔spring into/to action/life〕The crowd sprang to life after the first goal was scored.球队首次破门得分后,观众马上沸腾起来。韦氏高阶〔static〕Figures for housebreaking had dropped or remained static.破门入室的数字已下降或保持不变。麦克米伦高阶〔tap-in〕The pass left Tevez with a simple tap-in.这个传球使特维斯轻松破门。牛津高阶〔tap〕He tapped home his second goal from close range.他近距离触球破门,梅开二度。牛津搭配〔thief〕Thieves broke into the offices and stole $150,000's worth of computer equipment.小偷破门进入办公室,偷走了价值 15 万美元的计算机设备。朗文当代〔tie up〕Masked robbers broke in, tied him up, and made off with $8,000.蒙面大盗破门而入, 把他绑了起来, 抢走了8,000美元。外研社新世纪〔torch〕They smashed a side door to get in and then torched the warehouse when they had taken what they wanted.他们从侧门破门而入,在拿走了他们所要的东西后将仓库付之一炬。剑桥高阶〔turn over〕Someone broke in and turned the place over.有人破门而入, 偷了里边的东西。外研社新世纪〔unknown〕Unknown thieves had forced their way into the apartment.不知名的窃贼破门闯入了公寓。柯林斯高阶〔unmarked〕Sheringham was unmarked as he met Anderton's free kick and headed in after nine minutes.9分钟后,谢林汉姆在无人防守的情况下接安德顿开出的任意球头球破门得分。柯林斯高阶〔volley〕Cole lashed home a 20-yard volley.科尔从 20 码开外凌空一脚破门。牛津搭配His angled shot (=from the side, not from straight in front) beat the goalkeeper from 20 yards.他在20码外的斜向劲射,一举破门。剑桥国际In old movies the police shouted “Open up in the name of (= by the right of) the law” before they broke the door down.在旧电影里,警察在破门而入前常常大喊:“以法律的名义,把门打开”。剑桥国际Inside the jail, prisoners had barricaded themselves into their cells (= put something heavy against the door to stop anyone from getting in).狱中的犯人将牢门用东西撑住不让破门。剑桥国际My house was broken into twice within 24 hours -- the putty used to repair the broken window was still wet when they broke in the second time.我的房子24小时内两次有人破门而入----第二次来时用来修补碎玻璃窗的油灰还是湿的。剑桥国际On a more sober (= serious) note, there have been one or two break-ins in the building recently.这是认真的,决非玩笑,最近在这幢大楼中发生了一两起破门而入的事件。剑桥国际The break-in was discovered by a vigilant police officer.破门盗窃的事件是一位警觉的警官发现的。剑桥国际The police had forced open the door because nobody had answered.因为没有人应答,警察只得破门而入。剑桥国际The police who broke into the house were only acting on/under instructions.破门而入的警察仅仅是奉命行事。剑桥国际Thieves got in by smashing the lock off the door.窃贼们砸开门锁,破门而入。剑桥国际We were very upset when someone broke into our house, but we counted our blessings (=were grateful) that they didn't steal very much.有人破门而入我们非常不安,但谢天谢地他们没偷多少东西。剑桥国际When the secret arrangements came unglued, the president was revealed to have ordered the burglary.秘密安排败露时, 可以看得出是总统指使这次破门闯入的。剑桥国际




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