

单词 独自
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Australian〕She went solo backpacking for eight months in the Australian outback.她独自在澳大利亚内陆地区进行了8个月的徒步旅行。柯林斯高阶〔Galahad〕In Arthurian legend, the purest of the Knights of the Round Table who alone succeeded in the quest for the Holy Grail.格拉海德:在亚瑟王传说中,他是圆桌骑士中最纯洁的一位且独自一人找到了圣杯美国传统〔INCREASE〕Her confidence grew, and soon she was able to go out driving on her own. 她的自信心增强了,很快她就能够独自驾车出去了。朗文写作活用〔JEALOUS〕She is extremely possessive about her university friends, and doesn't like them mixing independently with her workmates. 她对自己大学时代的朋友占有欲非常强,不喜欢他们独自与她的同事交往。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕Mrs Hasan was deserted by her husband and had to support four children on her own. 哈森夫人被丈夫抛弃,只得独自抚养四个孩子。朗文写作活用〔abort〕To give birth before the embryo or fetus is capable of surviving on its own; miscarry.流产,早产:在胚胎或婴儿能独自存活之前就出生了;流产美国传统〔abulia〕Loss or impairment of the ability to make decisions or act independently.意志缺失,丧志症:做出决断或独自行动的能力遭到损害或丧失美国传统〔alarmed〕She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone.她一想到独自旅行的情景就害怕。牛津高阶〔alone〕He was standing all alone in the middle of the hall.他独自一人站在大厅中央。外研社新世纪〔alone〕More women are going it alone in business.更多的女性在独自做生意。麦克米伦高阶〔alone〕There he was, all alone in the middle of the hall.他独自一人在大厅中央。外研社新世纪〔along〕Newman walked along the street alone.纽曼独自走在街上。柯林斯高阶〔begin〕I can't even begin to imagine what it's like for him, bringing up three kids on his own.我甚至无法想象他是如何独自养大3个孩子的。麦克米伦高阶〔breakdown〕Most breakdown services give priority to women travelling alone.大多数故障救险组织优先救援独自旅行的女性。牛津搭配〔breed〕He lived alone, breeding horses and dogs.他独自一人生活,饲养马匹和狗。柯林斯高阶〔by herself〕The grandmother still lives in the house by herself.祖母仍然独自一人住在这栋房子里。韦氏高阶〔by himself〕He likes to travel by himself.他喜欢独自旅行。韦氏高阶〔by myself〕It's hard to believe that I started this company by myself 20 years ago.很难相信20年前我独自一人建立了这家公司。韦氏高阶〔by〕She had no wish to hurry alone through the streets of London by night.她可不想独自在夜晚匆匆走过伦敦的街道。柯林斯高阶〔camaraderie〕When you've been climbing alone for hours, there's a tremendous sense of camaraderie when you meet another climber.独自攀登数小时后遇到另一个攀登者,这时你会产生强烈的志同道合感。剑桥高阶〔chuckle〕He was chuckling to himself over what he was reading.他读到有趣的地方就独自抿着嘴笑。21世纪英汉〔command〕She was in sole command of one million pounds.她独自掌控着 100 万英镑。牛津搭配〔company〕She enjoys her own company(= being by herself)when she is travelling.她喜爱独自旅行。牛津高阶〔contrary〕Contrary to orders, he set out alone.他违背命令,独自出发了。英汉大词典〔dark〕They avoid going out alone after dark.天黑之后他们就会避免独自出行。外研社新世纪〔detach〕Alexis saw his father detach himself from the group and walk away down the hill by himself.亚历克西斯看到父亲离开那一群人,独自走下山去了。柯林斯高阶〔disapprove〕Her parents disapprove of her going to dance alone.她父母反对她独自赴舞会。英汉大词典〔disconcerting〕I found it disconcerting to be left alone in her office.我觉得一个人独自留在她的办公室中很难为情。韦氏高阶〔disconnect〕She may disconnect herself from others and suffer the tortures of loneliness.她也许会离群索居, 独自忍受孤独的折磨。外研社新世纪〔diseur〕A man who is a skilled and usually professional performer of monologues.男独白艺人:有技术的而且通常是专业的独自表演的男子美国传统〔doghouse〕Her husband was in the doghouse for leaving her to cope on her own.她丈夫因让她独自应付而成为众矢之的。外研社新世纪〔ever〕He was by himself, alone, as ever.他独自一人,一如往常。柯林斯高阶〔examination〕The examinations are set by individual teachers.考试都是由教师独自出题。牛津搭配〔fear〕He feared for his mother, left alone on the farm.他为独自一人留在农场的母亲担忧。牛津高阶〔feat〕He has pulled off an extraordinary feat in completing the voyage single-handedly.他完成了独自驾船航行的非凡壮举。牛津搭配〔go beyond〕I've gone beyond learning the computer on my own now;I really must get someone to help!我现在独自学电脑已是力不从心,我真需要请人来帮忙!21世纪英汉〔haze〕She sat by herself in a haze of nostalgic bliss.她独自坐在那儿,沉浸在一种怀旧的幸福之中。麦克米伦高阶〔help〕I'm not able to finish the work myself. Please help me out with it.我独自一人完成不了这工作,请你帮我一起干吧。英汉大词典〔herself〕She lives all by herself in that big house.她独自一人住在那座大房子里。麦克米伦高阶〔hitchhike〕You should never go hitchhiking alone.你决不能独自搭便车旅游。麦克米伦高阶〔homologate〕I don't know if he will homologate you to pilot a plane alone.我不知道他会不会同意让你独自驾机单飞。21世纪英汉〔isolate〕Solitary; alone.独自的;单独的美国传统〔joiner〕He's not a joiner. He prefers to do things by himself.他不爱参加社团。他更喜欢独自行事。韦氏高阶〔leave〕He left me with a child to support.他扔下我独自拉扯一个孩子。柯林斯高阶〔less〕She wasn't any the less happy for(= she was perfectly happy)being on her own.她并不因独自一人而有一丁点儿不快活。牛津高阶〔light out〕Maybe he had lit out for the territories himself without telling any of us.也许他没告诉我们任何人就已经独自动身去了那些地方。外研社新世纪〔lonesome〕After the kids go to school there I am, all by my lonesome.孩子们上学去以后,我就是独自一人了。英汉大词典〔lone〕A lone woman motorist waited for six hours for help yesterday because of a name mix-up.由于名字搞错了,一位独自开车的女子昨天等候救援的时间长达6小时。柯林斯高阶〔loose〕He was cast loose at an early age to make a living on his own.他年纪很小的时候就漂泊在外独自谋生。英汉大词典〔lost〕She looked rather lost and lonely, standing in a corner by herself.她独自站在角落里,看上去茫然而孤独。牛津搭配〔miserable〕I spent a miserable weekend alone at home.我独自一人在家度过了一个惨兮兮的周末。牛津高阶〔mourn〕He sat alone in his room after the battle, mourning over the loss of his best friend.这场战役打完后,他独自坐在屋里,哀悼好友的牺牲。21世纪英汉〔move〕She's been all on her own since her daughter moved away.自从她女儿搬走以后,她一直独自生活。牛津高阶〔myself〕Everyone else had gone out and I had the apartment all to myself.其他人都出去了,就我独自一人在公寓里。朗文当代〔myself〕I had a whole pizza to myself.我独自吃了一整个比萨饼。牛津高阶〔myself〕I had the whole beach to myself – it was paradise.我独自拥有整个海滩,它是天堂。麦克米伦高阶〔myself〕I painted the room all by myself.我独自一人粉刷了屋子。牛津高阶〔oneself〕One can't do such a thing for oneself.这样的事情,独自一个人是做不成的。英汉大词典〔or〕Are you going with your parents or by yourself? 你同父母一起去还是你独自去? 英汉大词典〔out〕She worked out the math problem by herself.她独自一人算出了这道数学题。韦氏高阶〔own〕You shouldn't be out on your own at this time of night.你不该独自一人晚上这个时候出去。麦克米伦高阶〔price〕Loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age.孤寂是老年独自生活要付出的高昂代价。牛津高阶〔pride〕It's a matter of pride that he does the work all by himself.他独自一人做这项工作是出于自尊心。韦氏高阶〔problem〕Problem gamblers are far more likely to gamble alone.问题赌徒更有可能独自赌博。外研社新世纪〔proper〕It was not considered proper for young ladies to go out alone.年轻女子独自外出以往被认为有失体统。牛津搭配〔proprietor〕He is now sole proprietor of the business.他现在独自拥有这家公司。牛津搭配〔ruminate〕He sat alone, ruminating on the injustice of the world.他独自坐着,思考世事的不公。朗文当代〔sake〕Oh, for goodness' sake, leave me alone! 噢,行行好,让我独自呆着!麦克米伦高阶〔sensitive〕In the movie, he plays a concerned and sensitive father trying to bring up two teenage children on his own.在影片中,他扮演了一个关怀备至、体贴入微的父亲,努力独自抚养两个十几岁的孩子。剑桥高阶〔separate〕They plan to form their own separate party.他们计划独自成立政党。外研社新世纪〔single〕The apartments are ideal for single people living alone.这些公寓供单身者独自居住最为理想。牛津高阶〔solely〕You are solely responsible for this job.这件工作由你独自负责。文馨英汉〔solitary〕His evenings were spent in solitary drinking.他晚上的时间都是靠独自喝闷酒打发。柯林斯高阶〔solitary〕She enjoys long solitary walks.她喜欢独自长距离散步。牛津高阶〔solitude〕Imagine long golden beaches where you can wander in solitude.想象一下那长长的金色海滩吧,在那里你可以独自徜徉。柯林斯高阶〔sounding board〕He needed a sounding board rather than thinking alone.他需要的是征询别人的意见,而不是独自思考。柯林斯高阶〔strum〕In the corner, one youth sat alone, softly strumming a guitar.一个青年独自坐在角落里,轻轻地弹着吉他。柯林斯高阶〔tack〕The helmsman could tack the boat singlehanded.舵手独自一人就能变换航向。柯林斯高阶〔themselves〕Why were these two small children wandering about all by themselves? 为什么这两个小孩独自四处游荡呢?麦克米伦高阶〔then〕She left in 1984 and from then on he lived alone.她于 1984 年离去,从那时起他便独自一人生活。牛津高阶〔tod〕I don't want everyone to go at once and leave me all on my tod.我不愿大家同时全走,只留下我独自一人。英汉大词典〔to〕It was the first time I'd had a room to myself.这是我第一次独自拥有一个房间。朗文当代〔unaided〕He can now walk unaided.他现在能独自行走了。牛津高阶〔uncomfortable〕I'm uncomfortable about Danny going on the bus by himself.丹尼独自一人坐公共汽车走使我感到不安。麦克米伦高阶〔uncommon〕A woman eating alone is not an uncommon sight.一个女子独自进餐并不少见。外研社新世纪〔walk〕Is it safe to walk the streets alone at night? 夜间独自一人在大街上行走安全吗?牛津高阶〔weird〕He was sitting alone by a window with a weird contraption on the table in front of him.他独自坐在窗边,面前的桌子上摆着个奇怪的装置。剑桥高阶〔which〕Idon't know which is worse – spending Christmas alone or watching my friends get drunk.我不知道哪一个更糟,独自过圣诞节还是看着朋友们喝醉。麦克米伦高阶〔willie〕Spending a night in the house alone always gives me the willies.独自一人在这所房子里过夜总是让我心惊胆战的。剑桥高阶〔yourself〕In office yourself, you helped push the bill along.在国会你必须独自一人促进提案通过美国传统Andrew decided to go it alone and start his own business.安德鲁决定独自创业。牛津商务He went around alone. 他独自走来走去。译典通I know he's amusing when he's in company, but he has a more serious side to him in private.我知道他在大伙面前很风趣,可他独自一人时有更深沉的一面。剑桥国际Mary's father lives (all) by himself in a very large house.玛丽的父亲独自住在一幢很大的房子里。剑桥国际On the hill, a solitary figure is busy chopping down trees.在山上,有个人正在独自忙于砍树。剑桥国际She did nine months’solo walking in Japan.她独自一人在日本行走了9个月。剑桥国际She has had to surmount the problem/difficulty/challenge of bringing up six children on her own.她得排除万难独自一人抚养六个孩子。剑桥国际Spending another evening at home on my own is a very depressing prospect.又一个晚上要独自守家的可能真令人沮丧。剑桥国际The poet wanted to wander those countries on his own. 诗人想独自漫游那些国家。译典通When you've been climbing alone for hours there's a tremendous sense of camaraderie when you meet another climber.独自攀登数小时后,当你遇到另一个攀登者时,会感到强烈的志同道合感。剑桥国际




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