

单词 白热
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HOT〕The white-hot metal sculptures are moved to a cooling room. 白热的金属雕塑被移至一个冷却室里。朗文写作活用〔PROTEST〕Racial tension boiled over in the inner city riots which spread across the nation last week. 市中心贫民区的暴乱致使种族间的紧张局势白热化,并于上周蔓延至全国。朗文写作活用〔afterglow〕The glow of an incandescent metal as it cools.残光:白热的金属在冷却时所发出的残光美国传统〔boiling point〕Relations between the two countries have almost reached boiling point .两国间的紧张关系差不多已经达到白热化的程度。朗文当代〔boiling point〕Tension between the two groups has almost reached boiling point.两个集团间的紧张关系几乎已经达到白热化的程度。麦克米伦高阶〔candent〕Having a white-hot glow; incandescent.发出白热的微光的;微微闪光的美国传统〔candescence〕The state of being white hot; incandescence.白热的状态;白炽美国传统〔climax〕The election campaign reaches its climax next week.下周竞选活动将进入白热化。剑桥高阶〔coal〕It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start cooking.很重要的一点是要把煤块烧到白热状再开始做饭。柯林斯高阶〔coal〕It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start cooking.把煤块烧到白热状态后再开始做饭, 这一点很重要。外研社新世纪〔fever pitch〕Campaigning is reaching fever pitch for elections on November 6.为 11 月 6 日选举进行的竞选活动逐渐达到白热化。柯林斯高阶〔fever pitch〕Campaigning is reaching fever pitch for elections on November 6.为11月6日选举进行的竞选活动逐渐达到白热化。外研社新世纪〔fever pitch〕Nationalistic fervour was raised to fever pitch by the promoters and the press.在倡导者和新闻界的鼓动下, 民族主义情感被提升到白热化程度。外研社新世纪〔fiery〕Burning or glowing.燃烧的,发白热光的美国传统〔head〕The dispute came to a head yesterday.昨天那场争论达到了白热化的程度。英汉大词典〔head〕These problems came to a head in September when five of the station's journalists were sacked.9月份, 台里的5位记者被解雇, 这些问题激化到了白热化的程度。外研社新世纪〔heat〕In the heat of the debate, she forgot to be nervous.在辩论的白热化阶段,她忘记了紧张。麦克米伦高阶〔heat〕Last week, in the heat of the election campaign, the Prime Minister left for America.上周,当竞选活动进行到白热化时,首相启程去了美国。柯林斯高阶〔heat〕Quick decisions had to be made in the heat of the negotiations.当时谈判处于白热阶段,必须快速作出决定。朗文当代〔heat〕The campaign has heated up in its final days.竞选活动在最后阶段已趋于白热化。英汉大词典〔heat〕The election contest is heating up.选举竞争正趋于白热化。牛津高阶〔hot up〕Campaigning is expected to start hotting up today.预计竞选从今天开始会进入白热阶段。外研社新世纪〔hot up〕The competition is really hotting up now.现在比赛已进入白热化状态。剑桥高阶〔hot〕Competition is getting hotter day by day.竞争日趋白热化。牛津高阶〔hot〕He held the metal in the flame until it became white hot.他把金属放在火中烧至白热。朗文当代〔incandescence〕A high degree of emotion, intensity, or brilliance.白热化:高度热情、热烈或辉煌美国传统〔incandescence〕The emission of visible light by a hot object.白热光:物体遇热发出可见光美国传统〔incandescence〕They could argue with an incandescence few friendships could survive.他们的争执甚至会进入白热化, 一般那么吵完的人也做不成朋友了。外研社新世纪〔incandescent〕Emitting visible light as a result of being heated.发白热光的:由于遇热而发出可见光的美国传统〔incandesce〕To make or become incandescent.使或变成白热化美国传统〔intensify〕The fighting has intensified.战斗白热化了。韦氏高阶〔pitching〕Tension has reached such a pitch that the armed forces say soldiers may have to use their weapons to defend themselves against local people.紧张关系已达白热化程度,武装部队说士兵有可能不得不使用武器保护自己不受当地民众的伤害。柯林斯高阶〔rage〕The war rages on and the time has come to take sides.战争趋于白热化, 是时候表明立场了。外研社新世纪〔white heat〕The indignation of the crowd had reached white heat.人群的愤怒已经达到了白热化的状态。外研社新世纪〔white heat〕The temperature or physical condition of a white-hot substance.白热:指白热物质的温度或物理状况美国传统〔white-hot〕It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start.你在启动之前要把煤炭烧到白热, 这一点很重要。外研社新世纪〔white-hot〕So hot as to glow with a bright white light.白热的:热得以致于发出明亮的白光美国传统〔white-hot〕The atmosphere was white-hot.气氛白热化。韦氏高阶The incident occurred during the heat of (=at the busiest period of) the argument / battle / campaign.事情发生在争论 / 战斗 / 战役的白热化阶段。剑桥国际The light of an electric lamp comes from an incandescent filament. 电灯光亮来自白热的灯丝。译典通




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