

单词 的邮件
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FOREIGN〕She seemed to receive a lot of mail from abroad. 她似乎收到许多来自国外的邮件。朗文写作活用〔LETTER〕Was there any post for me this morning? 今天上午有没有我的邮件?朗文写作活用〔SEND〕I asked the landlord to forward all my mail, but he didn't. 我叫房东转寄我所有的邮件,可他没有这样做。朗文写作活用〔address〕What's your email address? 你的邮件地址是什么?剑桥高阶〔airmail〕Mail conveyed or to be conveyed by aircraft.航空邮件,航空信:用飞机运送或将被航空运送的邮件美国传统〔astray〕Many items of mail being sent to her have gone astray.许多寄给她的邮件都不知所终。柯林斯高阶〔await〕A pleasant surprise awaits him in today’s mail.今天的邮件中一个意想不到的喜讯即将降临到他身上。21世纪英汉〔cascade〕A cascade of mail arrived from friends.朋友寄来的邮件如雪片一般。柯林斯高阶〔cc〕Her message was sent to the company president and cc'ed to us.她的邮件发给了公司总裁,同时抄送我们了。牛津高阶〔company〕In ten years, Jeff went from working in the mailroom to running the company.10 年时间里,杰夫从公司的邮件收发员一直晋升到管理层。朗文当代〔copy sb in〕I'll copy you in on all emails relating to the project.我会把和这个项目有关的邮件都抄送给你。剑桥高阶〔deliver〕The morning mail has just been delivered.早晨的邮件刚送走。朗文当代〔deluge〕The office is deluged with mail every day.办公室每天都收到大量的邮件。韦氏高阶〔deluge〕The office receives a deluge of mail every day.办公室每天都收到纷至沓来的邮件。韦氏高阶〔direct〕His mail is being directed to his new address.他的邮件正发往他的新地址。外研社新世纪〔ditto〕I should have just dittoed her post rather than try to paraphrase it.我本应该只是把她的邮件复制一遍, 而不是试着去改述。外研社新世纪〔divine right〕Being my wife doesn't give you the divine right to read my mail.你是我的老婆不等于你就有权看我的邮件。朗文当代〔endorse〕Mail not delivered at the original address must be endorsed to show the next address.未能按原址递送的邮件必须批注另一投寄地址。英汉大词典〔forward〕Please forward my mail to this address.请把我的邮件寄往这个地址。外研社新世纪〔general delivery〕A department of a post office that holds mail for addressees until it is called for.邮件待领部:邮局的一个部,存放那些无永久性地址的邮件,直到有人领取美国传统〔general delivery〕Mail directed to this department.待领邮件:被传送到此部的邮件美国传统〔indiscreet〕He lost his job after he sent an indiscreet e-mail to work friends.他因为向关系不错的同事发了一封轻率的邮件而丢掉了工作。外研社新世纪〔intercept〕Detectives have been intercepting her mail.侦探们一直在截查她的邮件。韦氏高阶〔mailbag〕Since the controversial programme was broadcast, the station's mailbag has been bulging.自从那次有争议的节目播出后,广播公司的邮件数开始猛增。剑桥高阶〔mail〕He found a mountain of mail waiting for him.他发现有堆积如山的邮件等着他处理。朗文当代〔mail〕He promised to forward my mail to my new address (=send it from my old home or office) .他答应把我的邮件转寄到我的新地址。朗文当代〔mail〕Minnie was sorting through her mail when Ellen arrived.埃伦到达时, 米尼正在整理自己的邮件。外研社新世纪〔mail〕Postal material for a specific person or organization.信件:寄给特定的人或者组织的邮件美国传统〔mail〕Was the notice in today's mail? 这份通知在今天的邮件中吗?韦氏高阶〔mark〕Do not open any mail marked ‘Confidential’.不要打开任何标有“机密”的邮件。牛津高阶〔misaddress〕We have now corrected the error in our computer records which resulted in our letters to you being misaddressed.我们已经更正了电脑档案,之前由于纪录错误,寄给你的邮件都写错了地址。剑桥高阶〔misdirect〕Our mail was misdirected to the wrong street.我们的邮件被送错了街道。朗文当代〔misdirect〕Their mail was misdirected to our address.他们的邮件错投到我们这儿了。韦氏高阶〔nixie〕A misaddressed or illegibly addressed piece of mail, therefore undeliverable.无法投递的邮件:地址不详或写错地址的邮件,因此无法投递美国传统〔pick〕She just dropped by to pick up her mail.她只是顺便过来取她的邮件。朗文当代〔pile up〕Mail was still piling up at the office.办公室里的邮件仍在往上堆。柯林斯高阶〔plough through〕I've got piles of unanswered mail to plough through.我还有成堆的邮件没看呢。外研社新世纪〔post〕Have you opened your post yet? 你拆开你的邮件了没有?牛津高阶〔post〕I sat down to open my post/mail.我坐下来打开我的邮件。牛津高阶〔post〕Is there any post for me?有我的邮件吗?外研社新世纪〔post〕The mail delivered.邮件:投递的邮件美国传统〔post〕Was there any post for me today? 今天有我的邮件吗?朗文当代〔recollect〕I am trying to recollect his e-mail address.我在努力回忆他的邮件地址。英汉大词典〔redirect〕Make sure you get your mail redirected to your new address.注意一定要让你的邮件改投到你的新住址。牛津高阶〔registered mail〕Mail that is recorded by the post office when sent and at each point on its route so as to assure safe delivery.挂号邮件:在发送到路线上每一个点都由邮局登记以保证其安全的邮件美国传统〔rural route〕A rural mail route.乡村邮道:乡村的邮件经过的路线美国传统〔second-class〕Of or relating to a class of U.S. and Canadian mail consisting of newspapers and periodicals.二类邮件的:美国和加拿大的一类由报纸和刊物组成的邮件的,或与之有关的美国传统〔snail mail〕Mail delivered by a postal system, as distinct from electronic mail.蜗牛邮件,普通邮件:区别于电子邮件的由邮政系统递送的邮件美国传统〔special delivery〕The delivery of a piece of mail, for an additional charge, by a special messenger rather than by scheduled delivery.特种快递:由专门信差传递的、而不按固定时间传递的收取额外费用的邮件快递美国传统〔strike〕Please strike my name from your mailing list immediately.请立即将我的名字从你的邮件列表中删除。剑桥高阶〔surface mail〕Mail transported over land and sea rather than by air.普通平信邮件:经由陆运和海运而非空运的邮件美国传统〔touch base〕I just wanted to quickly touch base with you: did you get an email from my secretary about the meeting? 我只想快快地问一下:你收到我的秘书给你的关于这个会议的邮件吗?剑桥高阶〔unopened〕There was a pile of unopened mail on the table.桌子上有一堆未启封的邮件。韦氏高阶〔vigilance〕All but one of these letter bombs had been intercepted by vigilant post office staff.除了一封漏网之外,警惕的邮局员工截获了其余所有的邮件炸弹。柯林斯高阶Certain classes of mail have to be signed for when they are delivered. 某些类的邮件在送达时必须签收。译典通Competitors may cherry-pick the most profitable mail services.竞争者可以选择最赚钱的邮件服务。牛津商务Enquiries should be directed to the Customer Services department.有关查询的邮件应寄往客户服务部。牛津商务Have you opened your post yet? 你打开你的邮件了吗?牛津商务I get so much unsolicited mail--it really annoys me.我收到这么多不请自来的邮件----真令我烦恼。剑桥国际It was clear from our postbag that viewers were unhappy about the programme.从我们收到的邮件可以清楚看到,观众们对这个节目不满意。剑桥国际Our post is delivered daily, except for Sundays.除星期天外,我们的邮件每天都送到。剑桥国际Unless it's marked ‘private’ my secretary usually opens my post.除非写有“亲启”,否则我的秘书会拆开我的邮件。剑桥国际We've had a huge postbag on the subject of animal rights.我们收到了大量有关动物权利的邮件。剑桥国际




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