

单词 的那样
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔EXPECT〕when things happens in the way you expected 事情如预料的那样发生朗文写作活用〔English〕give the ball the desired english 使球如希望的那样侧旋英汉大词典〔aptly〕as Dr Hochstadt so aptly remarked to his wife正如霍赫施塔特医生贴切地告诉妻子的那样外研社新世纪〔as-told-to〕one of those quickie, as-told-to autobiographies. 正如自传体作者本人所述说的那样,这是匆忙完成的作品之一美国传统〔doubtless〕as you doubtless already know. 正如你很可能早已知道的那样美国传统〔point〕as repeatedly pointed out by President Bush 如布什总统多次指出的那样牛津搭配〔pronounce〕as I pronounce it to you就像我对你朗读的那样21世纪英汉〔proverb〕as an old proverb has it 像一句老话所说的那样英汉大词典〔stuff〕an enchanting place – the very stuff of dreams 一个迷人的地方 — 正如梦中所见的那样朗文当代〔wont〕as human beings are wont to do就像人惯常做的那样外研社新世纪




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