

单词 的话
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ASK〕something that you ask someone 问某人的话朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕what people say when they drink alcohol together 人们一起喝酒时说的话朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕what you say when you hope something will happen 希望某事会发生时说的话朗文写作活用〔LUCKY〕things you say when hoping for good luck 希望有好运时说的话朗文写作活用〔SIT〕what you say to tell someone to sit 叫某人坐下时说的话朗文写作活用〔abusive〕abusive language.骂人的话。牛津同义词〔barroom〕a topic much discussed in barrooms across the country 全国各地酒吧间议论纷纷的话题牛津高阶〔catty〕a catty comment 尖酸刻薄的话牛津高阶〔consolatory〕consolatory words 安慰的话文馨英汉〔contrite〕contrite words. 忏悔的话美国传统〔convenient〕if it is convenient to (或 for) you 如果于你方便的话英汉大词典〔double-talk〕legal double-talk 法律上模棱两可的话朗文当代〔ejaculatory〕ejaculatory words 喊出的话英汉大词典〔gibberish〕talk gibberish 讲莫名其妙的话英汉大词典〔good-humoured〕a good-humoured remark 和善的话剑桥高阶〔hobby horse〕to get on your hobby horse(= talk about your favourite subject) 谈论自己喜爱的话题牛津高阶〔illumination〕find great illumination in sb.'s remarks 从某人的话中得到很大的启发英汉大词典〔impertinent〕impertinent remarks.无礼的话。牛津同义词〔indecorous〕an indecorous remark 失礼的话英汉大词典〔indelicate〕an indelicate comment 不得体的话朗文当代〔inopportune〕an inopportune remark 不合时宜的话英汉大词典〔key〕a remark in key with the jolly atmosphere 与兴高采烈的气氛相称的话语 英汉大词典〔mendacious〕a mendacious statement.See Synonyms at dishonest 虚假的话 参见 dishonest美国传统〔of〕a subject of very little interest 了无趣味的话题剑桥高阶〔pointless〕a pointless remark 没头没脑的话英汉大词典〔provided〕will pay the bonus provided the job is completed on time.See Usage Note at providing 如果工作及时完成的话将发奖金 参见 providing美国传统〔quote〕to quote what someone has said or written.引用某人说了或写了的话。牛津同义词〔reason〕speak (或 talk) reason 讲合乎道理的话英汉大词典〔season〕a word in season 适时的话英汉大词典〔sententious〕sententious remarks 说教的话朗文当代〔silent〕an issue about which the researchers are largely silent 研究人员大都保持沉默的话题牛津搭配〔sneer〕a sneering comment 讥讽的话牛津高阶〔solace〕to solace one's friend with soothing words用宽慰的话安慰友人21世纪英汉〔stream〕a stream of words 一连串的话韦氏高阶〔strike〕a subject guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of parents 保证让父母感到害怕的话题麦克米伦高阶〔treasure up〕to treasure up someone's words in one's memory铭记某人的话21世纪英汉〔turn〕turn sb.'s remarks to ridicule 使某人所说的话显得荒唐可笑英汉大词典〔volley〕a volley of words 连珠炮般的话英汉大词典〔well-spoken〕well-spoken words 得体的话韦氏高阶〔wrest〕wrest sb.'s words 歪曲某人的话英汉大词典




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