

单词 球手
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLAP〕Fans usually clap the batsman when he leaves the field. 击球手离场时,球迷一般会为他鼓掌。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The team's new pitcher has never played pro baseball before and is something of an unknown quantity. 该队新加盟的投球手以前从没打过职业棒球赛,他的能力有点难以预料。朗文写作活用〔SURPRISED/SURPRISING〕The firing of the team's star pitcher came as a surprise to fans and sports writers alike. 这个球队的明星投球手被解雇,让球迷和体育新闻记者都感到吃惊。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕He's a very aggressive bowler -- he always bowls the ball straight at the batsman's body. 他是个很有攻击性的投球手一他总把球径直往击球手的身上投去。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕The batsman straightened up as Warne came in to bowl. 沃恩过来投球时,击球手直起了身子。朗文写作活用〔ball〕A pitched baseball that does not pass through the strike zone and is not swung at by the batter.坏球:一个投出的棒球,未通过击球区且未被击球手击中美国传统〔ball〕The fielders try to retrieve the ball quickly and return it to the bowler.外野手试图迅速把球捡回来传给投球手。牛津搭配〔barred〕He is simply the best goalscorer we have ever had, bar none.他绝对是我们从未有过的最佳进球手,无人可及。柯林斯高阶〔bash〕Too many golfers try to bash the ball out of sand. That spells disaster.太多高尔夫球手都想把球从沙子里敲出来,结果酿成了一场灾难。柯林斯高阶〔batsman〕Each batsman hit an early six.每位击球手都击得了第一个 6 分。牛津搭配〔batsman〕The player at bat in cricket and baseball.击球手:在板球和棒球中的击球手美国传统〔batter〕He has walked just eight batters all year.整整一年他只让 8 位击球手出局。牛津搭配〔batter〕Jimmy struck out the first batter with ease.吉米轻松地让第一位击球手出局。牛津搭配〔batter〕The first batter struck out.第一位击球手 3 击不中出局。牛津搭配〔bat〕Some players are never able to bat 30%.有的击球手击球率从未能达到30%。英汉大词典〔bean ball〕A pitch aimed at the batter's head.伤害投球:投向击球手头部的球美国传统〔bear down〕The pitcher bore down and struck out the last batter.投手拼尽全力,终于将最后一名击球手淘汰出局。韦氏高阶〔best〕The shortstop is the best player on the team, and the catcher is the next best player.这个棒球队里最出色的球员是游击手,其次是接球手。韦氏高阶〔bobble〕The catcher bobbled the ball.接球手漏掉了这个球。韦氏高阶〔bowler〕Australia's fast bowlers bowled well.澳大利亚的快速投球手投得很好。牛津搭配〔bowler〕England's number-one strike bowler 英国的头号投球手牛津搭配〔bowler〕The Pakistani pace bowler took six wickets for 60.巴基斯坦快速投球手投了 6 轮得 60 分。牛津搭配〔bowl〕To hurl a cricket ball from one end of the pitch toward the batsman at the other, keeping the arm straight throughout the delivery.掷球:从球场的一端将板球猛掷给在另一端的击球手,在整个过程中保持手臂平直美国传统〔box〕An area on a diamond marked by lines designating where the batter may stand.击球区:用线标示出来指示击球手站立的球场区美国传统〔box〕Any of various designated areas for other team members, such as the pitcher, catcher, and coaches.其他球手区:其他球队成员,如投球手、接球手和教练的各种指定地点美国传统〔brush back〕The pitcher threw a high inside pitch to brush the batter back.投手投了一个高内角球,使击球手难以击出好球。21世纪英汉〔bunt〕The batter bunted for a single.击球手轻击球打出一垒打。韦氏高阶〔changeup〕The batter struck out on a changeup.一个变速球使击球手三击未中出局。韦氏高阶〔change〕The batter struck out on a straight change.一个直线变化球使击球手三击未中出局。韦氏高阶〔cleanup〕Baseball The fourth position on a team's batting order, usually reserved for a strong hitter who can drive in extra runs.【棒球】 第四棒:球队击球顺序的第四个位置,通常留给特别能奔跑的强壮的击球手美国传统〔crease〕One of the lines in cricket marking off the positions of the bowler and batter or the space between two of these lines.位置线,区域线:板球场上标识投球手和击球手位置的线或这些线中任意两条间的区域美国传统〔crease〕The batsman moved out of the/his crease.击球手离开了他的区域线。韦氏高阶〔cup〕The golfer pushed the ball into the cup.高尔夫球手把球击进洞。英汉大词典〔declare〕He declared his intention to become a golfer.他宣布想要成为一名高尔夫球手。外研社新世纪〔decline〕He is still one of the world's most popular golfers, but his game is in decline.他仍然是世界上最受欢迎的高尔夫球手之一, 但他的比赛水准正在下降。外研社新世纪〔double〕Walker led the inning with a double.沃尔克是那一局的第一个击球手,击出一个二垒安打。朗文当代〔fan〕The batter fanned on a curveball.一个曲线球使击球手三击未中出局。韦氏高阶〔fan〕The pitcher has fanned six batters in the first three innings.这名投手在前三局中使六名击球手三击不中出局。韦氏高阶〔fly〕The batter flied to left field.击球手向左外野击了一个腾空球。韦氏高阶〔force play〕A play in which a runner is put out when forced by the batter to move to the next base and a fielder holding the ball touches that base first.封杀,被迫进垒:棒球比赛出现的一种局面,跑垒员在击球手击出球后被跑向下一垒,而对方的守垒员已首先接球并触那一垒美国传统〔gird yourself〕Europe's finest golfers are girding their loins for the challenge of the Ryder Cup.欧洲顶尖的高尔夫球手正在准备迎接莱德杯高尔夫球赛的挑战。剑桥高阶〔give away〕The pitcher gave the game away by walking four batters in a row.投手连续投出坏球,使四名击球手自由上垒而输掉了比赛。韦氏高阶〔hammer〕The batter hammered the ball over the fence.击球手用力把球击过了围栏。韦氏高阶〔hand〕The quarterback faked to fullback and handed off to the halfback.四分卫做了个要把球传给后卫的假动作,却把球手递手传给了前卫。英汉大词典〔hitter〕The Georgian, aged 19, is not one of the game's big hitters.这位19岁的格鲁吉亚球手不是这场比赛的主要击球员之一。外研社新世纪〔judge〕The golfer judged it well, timing the ball to perfection.高尔夫球手判断准确,击球时机拿捏得恰到好处。牛津搭配〔k〕The pitcher had more than 10 Ks in his last game.这名投手在他最后一场比赛中有10多次使击球手三击不中出局。韦氏高阶〔launch pad〕Wimbledon has been a launch pad for so many players.温布尔登一直是成就众多球手的地方。外研社新世纪〔launch pad〕Wimbledon has been a launch pad for so many players.温布尔登一直是成就众多球手的地方。柯林斯高阶〔lead〕Baseball To be the first batter in an inning.【棒球】 一局中的第一位击球手美国传统〔live〕His name will live in history as one of the greatest bowlers of all time.他将作为最伟大的投球手之一名垂史册。外研社新世纪〔loop〕The batter looped a single to left field.击球手击出一记左外野弧线一垒安打。韦氏高阶〔make your name〕He has made quite a name for himself as a golfer.他以高尔夫球手的身份出了大名。韦氏高阶〔mimic〕The computer model is able to mimic very closely the actions of a golfer.这个计算机模型能够非常逼真地模仿高尔夫球手的各种动作。牛津搭配〔mound〕Baseball The slightly elevated pitcher's area in the center of the diamond.【棒球】 投球区土墩:在棒球场中心略高的棒球投球手的区域美国传统〔pass〕Baseball To walk (a batter).【棒球】 保送上垒:使(击球手)自由上垒美国传统〔picture〕The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft.许多报纸的头版上都刊登了那个高尔夫球手高高举起奖杯亲吻的照片。柯林斯高阶〔pinch〕A pinch homer won the game.替补击球手打出本垒打赢得了比赛。韦氏高阶〔pitcher〕Baseball The player who throws the ball from the mound to the batter.【棒球】 投手:在棒球投球土墩处向击球手投球的人美国传统〔pitch〕A throw of the ball by the pitcher to the batter.抛:球的抛出,被投手击向击球手美国传统〔punter〕He started off the season as both the kicker and punter.本赛季开始时他既是踢球手又是弃踢手。外研社新世纪〔retire〕To put out (a batter).使(击球手)出局美国传统〔right-hander〕The team has more right-handers than left-handers.这个球队中的右手投球手多于左手投球手。韦氏高阶〔score〕Robin Smith made 167, the highest score by an England batsman in this form of cricket.罗宾·史密斯得到 167 分,创下了英格兰击球手在这类板球比赛中的最高得分纪录。柯林斯高阶〔sidespin〕The batter couldn't handle the sidespin on the ball.击球手对那个侧旋球毫无办法。剑桥高阶〔spiral〕The quarterback threw a tight spiral to the receiver.四分卫向接球手扔了一个急旋球。韦氏高阶〔stablemate〕Tomorrow he will play his Cuemasters stablemate.明天他将迎战同是台球大师俱乐部出道的球手。柯林斯高阶〔starter〕A pitcher who regularly begins games for a team.开局球手:总为一队开局的投手美国传统〔strike (sb) out〕The pitcher struck out all three batters in the ninth inning and saved the game.投手在第9局使两名击球手三击不中出局,挽救了比赛。剑桥高阶〔strike〕A batter is out after three strikes.击球手三击不中出局。剑桥高阶〔strike〕He struck out the first batter he faced.他使第一个击球手三振出局。朗文当代〔strike〕The quarterback threw a strike to the receiver.四分卫传了一个绝妙的球给接球手。韦氏高阶〔stroke〕The batsman stroked the ball effortlessly to the boundary.击球手毫不费力地将球击到边线上。剑桥高阶〔swatter〕Baseball A hard-hitting batter.【棒球】 强有力的击球手美国传统〔swing〕The golfers were practising / practicing their swings.高尔夫球手正在练习挥杆动作。牛津搭配〔take〕The batter took the pitch.击球手放过这个投球没打。21世纪英汉〔third baseman〕The infielder stationed near third base.第三击球手:靠近第三垒的内场球员美国传统〔trot〕The batter trotted around the bases after hitting a home run.击球手击出本垒打后绕垒慢跑。韦氏高阶〔turn out〕He turned out the closet in search of his baseball glove.为了找棒球手套,他清空了壁橱。韦氏高阶〔untouchable〕A lot of the players began to feel they were untouchable.许多球手开始觉得自己天下无敌。柯林斯高阶〔wager〕Golfers had wagered a good deal of money on Nick Faldo winning the championship.高尔夫球手投下重注赌尼克·法尔多夺冠。柯林斯高阶〔walk〕He walked the first two batters.他连续投出坏球,让前两名击球手自由上垒。韦氏高阶〔walk〕He would have had a perfect game, except he walked a batter in the final inning.对他来说,这本来可以是一场完美的比赛的,除了在最后一局他让一名击球手自由上垒。剑桥高阶〔weak〕The batter hit a weak ground ball.击球手击出一记力道不足的滚地球。韦氏高阶〔whiff〕Baseball To strike out. Used of a batter.【棒球】 三振出局:三击不中出局。用于指棒球击球手美国传统〔wicket〕As a fast bowler, he took many wickets (= caused many players to finish their turns).作为投快球的好手,他多次让击球手淘汰出局。剑桥高阶〔wicket〕The termination of a batsman's innings.击球手一个回合的结束美国传统〔wicket〕Wicket falls (或is down, is lost, is taken).击球手出局。英汉大词典Being a good pool player is usually a sign of a misspent youth.做一个好的赌注台球手通常是浪费青春的一个标志。剑桥国际Even the most experienced of West Indian batsmen was unsettled by the sheer speed of this bowler.即使是经验最丰富的西印度队击球员也因这个投球手的可怕速度而感到不安。剑桥国际He is unquestionably the best tennis player in England. 他无疑是英国最好的网球手。译典通He pitched the ball (= in cricket, threw the ball for the player with the bat to hit it) wide of the stumps, and the batsman didn't play at it.他把球投出了门柱,击球手没击这个球。剑桥国际He's one of the highest-earning professional golfers in the world.他是世界上收入最高的职业高尔夫球手之一。剑桥国际The West Indies have been dominant in the cricketing world for over ten years, due largely to their seemingly endless supply of pace bowlers.西印度人在国际板球界独占鳌头有十几年,很大一部分原因就是他们似乎能不断地培养出一批又一批的快速投球手。剑桥国际The pity was that such a small crowd turned out to see some of the world's best batsmen in full flow.令人遗憾的是只有一小群人从头到尾观看了世界最好的一些击球手。剑桥国际Their star strikers played merry hell with the French defence towards the end of the game.他们的主力击球手在比赛快要结束时破坏了法国队的防守。剑桥国际There was applause as the batsman walked out to the wicket.击球手走向三柱门时响起一阵掌声。剑桥国际Today, thankfully, women tennis players are not encumbered with/by long, heavy skirts and high-necked blouses.今天,谢天谢地,女网球手不用再拖着又长又重的裙子和穿高领衬衫了。剑桥国际We need a catcher on our team. 我们队需要一个捕球手。译典通With a clever shot, the batsman lofted the ball over the fielder.击球手机敏地打出一个越过外场队员头顶的高球。剑桥国际




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