

单词 留作
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Polaroid〕I took a Polaroid of them so I could remember them when they were gone.我给他们拍了一张宝丽来照片,这样他们走后我能留作纪念。柯林斯高阶〔basin〕An artificially enclosed area of a river or harbor designed so that the water level remains unaffected by tidal changes.内港,内湾:留作河流或港口专用的人工围起的区域,潮水变化不致使水位受影响美国传统〔consumption〕Half of the small crop was kept for home consumption.不多的粮食收成中,一半被留作国内消费。牛津搭配〔cut〕They cut a hole in the wall for the new window.他们在墙上凿出一个洞,留作新窗户。韦氏高阶〔decoration〕The decorations were taken down and put away for another year.装饰品被取下收起来,留作来年使用。牛津搭配〔expansion〕This is land being held for future expansion.这片土地留作日后扩展之用。牛津搭配〔lay up〕The farmer laid the big field up for pasture.农场主把这块大田留作牧场。21世纪英汉〔master〕Keep one as a master copy for your own reference and circulate the others.一盘留作母带自用,其余的都分发出去。柯林斯高阶〔park〕A piece of land with few or no buildings within or adjoining a town, maintained for recreational and ornamental purposes.公园:城镇内部或邻近区域的一块留作娱乐或美化之用的有很少或没有建筑的土地美国传统〔plot〕The bottom of the garden was given over to vegetable plots.花园的尽头留作了菜地。柯林斯高阶〔remaining〕Mix in half the butter and keep the remaining half for later.将一半黄油掺入,剩下的一半留作以后使用。剑桥高阶〔save〕She saved leftovers for supper.她把剩余的食物留作晚餐。文馨英汉〔seed stock〕A supply of seed for planting.种子储备:留作播种用的一批种子美国传统〔sentimental〕She kept the letters for sentimental reasons.她把那些信留作纪念。牛津高阶〔sentimental〕She saved her wedding gown for sentimental reasons.她把婚纱留作纪念。韦氏高阶〔set apart〕A few acres of the city were set apart for a park.这个城市有几英亩地被留作公园用地了。韦氏高阶〔souvenir〕I bought the ring as a souvenir of Greece.我买了一枚戒指,留作对希腊的纪念。牛津高阶〔souvenir〕Passengers souvenird the knife and fork they used on the plane.旅客们把在飞机上使用过的刀叉留作纪念。英汉大词典〔stock〕Some of the animals will be kept as breeding stock.一些牲畜将留作种畜。剑桥高阶〔stud〕The horse was retired from racing and put out to stud(= kept for breeding).那匹赛马被淘汰下来,留作种马。牛津高阶〔stud〕When Ebony grew too old to race they put him out to stud.当埃博尼老得不能再参加比赛时,他们将其留作种马。麦克米伦高阶About half the land, including the golf course, would be left as open space.大约有一半的土地,包括高尔夫球场,将被留作空地。剑桥国际Electroconvulsive therapy is usually reserved for cases of very severe depression.电休克疗法通常留作治疗非常严重的抑郁症。剑桥国际It would be easy, but facile, to dismiss this as a problem which industry should be left to solve.把这个问题留作工业上应解决的问题而草草了事是容易的,但这是偷懒省力气。剑桥国际You need to make proper allowance for marketing costs.你必须把适当的数额预留作营销成本。牛津商务




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