

单词 短促
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bark〕The big guns barked.大炮发出短促清脆的轰响。21世纪英汉〔bark〕The harsh, abrupt sound uttered by a dog.吠声:刺耳的短促的狗叫声美国传统〔bark〕To utter the harsh, abrupt sound of a dog.吠,吼叫:发出刺耳短促的狗叫声美国传统〔blast〕The ship's siren let out several short blasts.轮船的汽笛发出几声短促的吼鸣声。麦克米伦高阶〔blip〕A high-pitched electronic sound; a bleep.高音电子声音;短促的尖音信号美国传统〔brevity〕The quality or state of being brief in duration.短促,短暂:在时间上简暂的性质或状态美国传统〔burst〕Her breath was coming in short bursts.她的呼吸急迫短促。牛津高阶〔cheer〕A short, rehearsed jingle or phrase, shouted in unison by a squad of cheerleaders.欢呼:一小队啦啦队员齐声喊的短促、反复的音韵或短语美国传统〔chirp〕A short, high-pitched sound, such as that made by a small bird or an insect.啁啾声或唧唧声:如小鸟或昆虫所发出的声音的一种短促而高音质的声音美国传统〔chirp〕To make a short, high-pitched sound.发出短促而高音质的声音美国传统〔chop〕A swift, short, cutting blow or stroke.砍击:迅速短促的砍劈似的重击或敲击美国传统〔chop〕Sports A short, downward stroke.【体育运动】 削切击球:一记短促向下的击球美国传统〔chop〕Sports To hit or hit at with a short, swift downward stroke.【体育运动】 削击:击球或用一个短促向下的打法击球美国传统〔clack〕To cause to make an abrupt, sharp sound.使发出短促、尖锐的声音美国传统〔clack〕To make an abrupt, sharp sound, as in the collision of two hard surfaces.噼啪作响:发出短促、尖锐的声音,如两个坚硬表面碰撞时的声音美国传统〔clipped〕The Chief Constable's clipped tones crackled over the telephone line.电话线那头噼里啪啦地传来警察局长短促的声音。柯林斯高阶〔derisively〕There was a short, derisive laugh.有人短促、嘲弄地笑了一声。柯林斯高阶〔derisive〕There was a short derisive laugh.有人短促、嘲弄地笑了一声。外研社新世纪〔dip〕A brief plunge or immersion, especially a quick swim.短促浸入,特别是快的摆动美国传统〔gasp〕A short convulsive intake or catching of the breath.短促地、剧烈地吸气或屏气美国传统〔glimpse〕A brief, incomplete view or look.一瞥,一看:短促的,粗略的一瞥或一看美国传统〔hoot〕She gave three short hoots on the car horn.她短促地按了3声汽车喇叭。剑桥高阶〔laugh〕He gave a short, amused laugh.他被逗乐了,短促地大笑一声。牛津搭配〔paint〕Apply paint to the canvas in a series of short strokes.用油彩在画布上连续而短促地涂抹几下。韦氏高阶〔pant〕A short, labored breath; a gasp.喘气,喘息:短促而费力的呼吸;大口喘气美国传统〔pant〕A short, loud puff, as of steam from an engine.喷气声:短促而声音大的喷气声,如发动机喷蒸气的声音美国传统〔peeper〕A creature that makes short, high-pitched sounds, especially a frog.雨蛙:尤指青蛙等发出短促而高尖声音的动物美国传统〔peep〕To utter short, soft, high-pitched sounds, like those of a baby bird; cheep.幼鸟发出吱吱啾啾的叫声:发出如幼鸟的短促且轻而尖细的声音;唧唧或吱吱地叫美国传统〔plunk〕With a short, hollow thud.砰地一声:短促而中空的声音美国传统〔pop〕To burst open with a short, sharp, explosive sound.砰的一声爆开:伴随短促、尖利的爆炸声炸开美国传统〔pop〕To make a short, sharp, explosive sound.发出砰的一声:发出短促、尖利的爆裂声美国传统〔puff〕A brief, sudden emission of air, vapor, or smoke.一阵烟:空气、蒸汽或烟雾短促而突然的散发美国传统〔puff〕A short, forceful exhalation of breath.喘息:短促而有力的呼气美国传统〔puff〕A short, sibilant sound produced by a puff.发出咝咝声:由呼气造成的短促的咝咝声美国传统〔puff〕A short, sudden gust of wind.一阵风:一阵短促而突然的风美国传统〔puff〕Her breath came in short painful puffs.她的喘气短促而痛苦。麦克米伦高阶〔puff〕To blow in puffs.吹一口气:短促而有力地吹美国传统〔pulse〕Any of a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by a brief, sudden change in a quantity.一连串的持续跳动:以数量短促而突然的变化为特征的一系列间歇性出现美国传统〔pulse〕Physics To undergo a series of intermittent occurrences characterized by brief, sudden changes in a quantity.【物理学】 断续跳动:经历一系列以短促而突然的数量变化为特征的间歇性发作美国传统〔rattle〕A device, such as a baby's toy, that produces short percussive sounds.嘎嘎响的玩具,拔浪鼓:像儿童玩具之类的发出短促敲击声音的器具美国传统〔rattle〕A rapid succession of short percussive sounds.嘎嘎声:快速的,连续不断的短促敲击的声音美国传统〔rattle〕A rattling sound in the throat caused by obstructed breathing, especially near the time of death.呼噜声:由于呼吸受阻而在喉中发出的短促尖利的声音,尤指人临死前发出的声音美国传统〔rightly〕It is rightly said that life is short.人生短促这句话说得很恰当。文馨英汉〔roll〕To beat (a drum) with a continuous series of short blows.急促地击鼓:以一系列持续的短促击打擂(鼓)美国传统〔shallowly〕He was breathing quickly and shallowly.他快速、短促地呼吸着。外研社新世纪〔shallow〕He was breathing shallowly.他呼吸短促。牛津高阶〔shallow〕He was breathing, quickly and shallowly.他快速、短促地呼吸着。柯林斯高阶〔span〕Our life is but a span.我们的一生只是很短促的一段时间。英汉大词典〔speak〕Our steamer spoke in a short, sharp blast.我们的船以短促而尖利的汽笛声发出信号。英汉大词典〔squeaker〕One that squeaks.发吱吱声者:发出短促刺耳声的人或动物美国传统〔squeaky〕Her voice is squeaky.她的声音短促尖厉。韦氏高阶〔squeak〕A short shrill cry or sound, such as that made by a mouse or a rusty hinge.尖叫声:短促的刺耳的叫声或声音,如由老鼠或生锈的铰链发出来的声音美国传统〔squeak〕To give forth a short, shrill cry or sound.发吱吱声:发出短促的尖利叫声或声音美国传统〔squeak〕To utter in a thin, shrill voice.发出尖叫声:以短促的尖声说出美国传统〔strangled〕Ed gave a strangled cry.埃德发出了一声短促的喊叫。朗文当代〔thundershower〕A brief rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning.雷阵雨:伴有雷声和闪电的短促暴雨美国传统〔tweet〕The tweet of the referee's whistle stopped the game.比赛在裁判短促响亮的哨声中结束了。韦氏高阶〔whistle〕He gave a short blast on his whistle.他猛吹了一下哨子,声音短促。牛津搭配〔yelp〕A short, sharp cry or bark.短促、尖利的叫喊声或狗叫声美国传统〔zip〕A brief, sharp, hissing sound.尖啸声:短促、尖利、嘶嘶的声音美国传统She gave brief staccato replies to every question.她对每个问题都作了简单短促的回答。剑桥国际She gave three short hoots on the car horn.她短促地鸣了三声喇叭。剑桥国际




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