

单词 独处
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALONE〕I had always been a loner, and I hated sharing an apartment when I went to college. 我一向喜欢独处,所以上大学时讨厌与人合住一套公寓。朗文写作活用〔ALONE〕I need solitude in order to paint my pictures. 我需要独处来画我的画。朗文写作活用〔PRIVATE〕Until he got used to his new school, Davy kept to himself and almost never spoke to the other children. 戴维习惯新学校以前,一个人独处,几乎从不与其他孩子说话。朗文写作活用〔ache〕I ached to be alone.我渴望独处。外研社新世纪〔acquire〕Living alone is an acquired taste.独处是一种修得的境界。柯林斯高阶〔all〕He lives all alone.他索居独处。牛津高阶〔alone〕He lives alone.他独居独处。牛津高阶〔alone〕I couldn't imagine why he would want to be alone with me.我想象不出为什么他会想和我独处。柯林斯高阶〔alone〕It was forbidden for an unmarried couple to be alone together.未婚男女不得两人独处。麦克米伦高阶〔alone〕Roger hadn't had a chance before to be alone with Therese.罗杰以前一直没有机会与特丽兹独处。麦克米伦高阶〔ambivert〕Ambiverts like to be with people, but they also like to be by themselves.中间性格的人乐于与他人交流,可也喜欢独处。剑桥高阶〔antipathy〕He is a private man with a deep antipathyto/towards the press.他是个喜欢独处的人,对媒体非常反感。剑桥高阶〔apart〕He lives entirely alone, apart from the rats, bats, and moths.他孑身独处,只有老鼠、蝙蝠和飞蛾同他作伴。英汉大词典〔asocial〕He was asocial, withdrawn from society.他不善交际,离群独处。文馨英汉〔bad〕It is bad for kids to be on their own so much.小孩子经常独处不好。朗文当代〔by inclination〕He's a loner by inclination.他愿意独处。韦氏高阶〔cocooning〕The harassments of daily life—looming nuclear incineration, rude waiter—have driven people to cocooning.日常生活中的种种烦恼——核灾难的威胁、侍者的粗鲁态度——使人们越来越倾向于闭门独处。英汉大词典〔community〕A supportive house for eight to ten older people, each with his or her own room, provides privacy and a sense of community.一幢扶助性住宅可供8至10位老人居住,每个人都有自己单独的房间,在这里,他们既能独处,又有社区归属感。柯林斯高阶〔community〕A supportive house for eight to ten older people, each with his or her own room, provides privacy and a sense of community.一幢扶助性住房可供8到10位老人居住, 每人都有自己的单间, 既能独处, 又有社区归属感。外研社新世纪〔company〕I enjoy my own company (= I like being alone).我喜欢独处。剑桥高阶〔condition〕He was in no condition to be left alone.他的身体状况不适宜独处。外研社新世纪〔crowd〕You can find a private hideaway or join the crowd at the beach.在海滩上你可以找个僻静地方独处,也可以跟大家在一起。韦氏高阶〔die of〕He was dying of boredom in the isolated island.他独处于孤岛之中觉得乏味得要死。21世纪英汉〔engineer〕Engineer a situation where you can be alone.安排一个你可以独处的环境。外研社新世纪〔fear〕Being alone is my greatest fear.我最怕一个人独处美国传统〔garment〕Garmented like a mummy in acres of clingfilm, you will be left alone to relax for the duration of the treatment.你会像木乃伊一样被裹在大量的保鲜膜里, 在整个治疗过程中一人独处, 放松休息。外研社新世纪〔grizzly〕All babies need quiet times on their own and get grizzly if they've had too much stimulation.所有的婴儿都需要安静的独处时间, 如果被过多打扰就会哭闹。外研社新世纪〔healthy〕I don't think it's healthy for her to spend so much time alone.我认为她独处的时间太多,不正常。朗文当代〔hideaway〕The resort is a perfect romantic hideaway for young couples.这个度假胜地对年轻夫妇而言是完美的独处之地。韦氏高阶〔incommunicado〕Yesterday she was incommunicado, putting the finishing touches to her autobiography.昨天她闭门独处,对她的自传作最后的润色。柯林斯高阶〔individual〕We deal with each case on an individual basis.我们单独处理每个病例。剑桥高阶〔introspective〕Ben was naturally introspective and enjoyed being alone.本性喜内省,好独处。麦克米伦高阶〔keep (myself) to myself〕I don't see friends very often. I prefer to keep myself to myself.我不经常见朋友,宁愿独处。剑桥高阶〔keep〕She kept to herself in the ship and would speak to no one.她在船上一人独处,不与任何人交谈。英汉大词典〔lone wolf〕He's a lone wolf.他喜欢独处。外研社新世纪〔loner〕I'm very much a loner: I never go out.我是个喜欢独处的人:我从不外出。外研社新世纪〔luxuriate〕He lay and luxuriated in the silence and loneliness.他躺着,沉浸在幽然独处的寂静之中。英汉大词典〔mind〕I never used to mind being on my own.我过去从不介意独处。外研社新世纪〔monophobia〕An abnormal fear of being alone.孤居恐惧症:一种不正常的对独处产生恐惧的症状美国传统〔morbidity〕Their passion for privacy verges on morbidity.他们对独处的热爱已近乎病态。文馨英汉〔motif〕The motif of these volumes is that 'solitude is the richness of the soul, loneliness is its poverty'.这些篇章的主旨是“独处是内心世界充实的表现, 而孤独是内心世界贫乏的表现”。外研社新世纪〔myself〕I like to spend a little time by myself at weekends.我喜欢周末的时候一个人独处一小段时间。麦克米伦高阶〔obvious〕It was obvious to the two children that their parents wished to be alone.父母想要独处, 这对两个孩子而言是显而易见的。外研社新世纪〔occur to sb〕Does it ever occur to you that I might want to be on my own sometimes? 你难道从没想过有时候我或许喜欢独处?剑桥高阶〔oftentimes〕He would oftentimes prefer to be alone.他常常喜欢独处。剑桥高阶〔openness〕Don't leave a child alone in a room with an open fire.房间里有裸露的明火时,不要让孩子独处其中。柯林斯高阶〔own〕I need some time on my own.我需要独处一段时间。外研社新世纪〔own〕I need some time on my own.我需要独处一段时间。柯林斯高阶〔paean〕The song is a paean to solitude and independence.这首歌是赞美独处和独立的。剑桥高阶〔paradise〕Being alone is his idea of paradise.他视独处为至乐之事。牛津高阶〔play〕Tom's very good at playing by himself.独处;自得其乐麦克米伦高阶〔privacy〕He moved furniture, to produce good conversation areas, create corners of privacy.他移开家具,以留出与人谈话的地方,并辟出幽然独处的角落。英汉大词典〔privacy〕I felt I needed some privacy.我感觉需要独处一段时间。外研社新世纪〔privacy〕I've always enjoyed my privacy.我一直都喜欢独处。外研社新世纪〔privacy〕With seven people squashed in one house, you don't get much privacy.七个人挤在一间房子里,想要独处不大可能。朗文当代〔private〕They were very private people, with almost no friends.他们非常喜欢独处, 几乎没有什么朋友。外研社新世纪〔provide〕Curtains provide privacy.拉上窗帘可使人有独处而不受打扰之感。英汉大词典〔recluse〕A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude.隐士:逃遁离开这个世界而居住于偏僻之地且常常是独处的人美国传统〔recluse〕He is a millionaire recluse who refuses to give interviews.他是个喜欢独处的百万富翁,不接受别人的采访。剑桥高阶〔recluse〕My neighbor is a recluse—I only see him about once a year.我的邻居是个喜欢独处的人——我大约一年才见到他一次。韦氏高阶〔reclusive〕He was reclusive by nature.他天性就爱一个人独处。外研社新世纪〔reclusive〕Seeking or preferring seclusion or isolation.隐居的:想要或愿意隐居或独处的美国传统〔retiring〕Shy and reserved; modest.离群索居的,孑身独处的:害羞而寡言保守的;谦虚的美国传统〔sane〕Having that little bit of time to myself is what keeps me sane.正是有那点儿独处的时间才使我能保持头脑清醒。牛津搭配〔society〕She prefers her own society (= likes to be alone).她喜欢独处。剑桥高阶〔solitary〕He was a solitary child (= he enjoyed being alone).他是个喜欢独处的小孩。剑桥高阶〔solitary〕He was often alone but never solitary.他时常一人独处,但从不感到孤寂。英汉大词典〔solitary〕He's a very solitary man.他非常喜欢独处。韦氏高阶〔solitary〕Pandas are solitary creatures.熊猫是喜欢独处的动物。朗文当代〔solitary〕Paul was a shy, pleasant, solitary man.保罗是一个羞怯、友善、惯于独处的男人。柯林斯高阶〔solitude〕He enjoyed his moments of solitude before the pressures of the day began.他喜欢在白天的压力到来之前享受独处的时光。柯林斯高阶〔solitude〕It provides one with a chance to reflect on spiritual matters in solitude.它为人们提供了幽居独处、玄思冥想的机会。剑桥高阶〔solitude〕She enjoyed a few days of peace in the solitude of the mountains.她在山里享受了几天独处的清静。牛津搭配〔solitude〕She wished to work on her novel in solitude.她希望能独处以写小说。韦氏高阶〔starve〕After being alone for so long, I was starving for conversation.独处了这么久,我渴望和人交谈。韦氏高阶〔strict〕We are under strict orders not to leave the prisoner alone.我们有严格规定,不准让囚犯独处。韦氏高阶〔tap〕The advantage of group holidays is company on tap but time alone if you want it.团体度假的好处在于,要找人陪伴非常容易,想要独处也行。柯林斯高阶〔themselves〕They were by themselves.他们自己独处。文馨英汉〔treasure〕My solitude was a treasure which I guarded like a jewel.独处幽居是我像宝贝一样守护的珍贵之物。英汉大词典〔understand〕She intuitively understood his need to be alone.她凭直觉就知道他需要独处。牛津搭配〔weary〕She was weary of being alone.她厌倦了独处。外研社新世纪〔weary〕She was weary of being alone.她厌倦了独处。柯林斯高阶〔yearn〕Sometimes I just yearn to be alone.有时我只想一人独处。剑桥高阶〔yourself〕Do you like being by yourself sometimes or do you get lonely? 你喜欢有时候一个人独处,还是你会觉得孤单?剑桥高阶During the day he left her alone but at night his image would come unbidden into her mind.白天他不影响她的独处, 但在晚上他的形象会不由自主地出现在她的脑海里。剑桥国际He likes to be alone, and only goes out on very rare occasions.他喜欢独处,只在很少时候外出。剑桥国际He looked for somewhere private where he could think in peace.他寻找一个独处的地方,在那儿他能安静地思考。剑桥国际It's a pretty state of affairs when you have no privacy in your own home.在自己的家里不能独处是很糟糕的。剑桥国际It's good he enjoys his own company (=he likes being alone) because he has a very lonely job.他能喜欢独处生活也好,因为他的工作是非常寂寞的。剑桥国际People need a chance to reflect on spiritual matters in solitude.人们需要独处的机会来反思精神上的事情。剑桥国际She prefers her own society (= likes to be alone).她喜欢一人独处。剑桥国际Sometimes I just yearn to be alone.有时我只是渴望一人独处。剑桥国际There's a lot to be said for living alone.独处有许多好处。剑桥国际




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