

单词 独一无二
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brahman〕The single absolute being pervading the universe and found within the individual; atman.自我:宇宙中和可在个体中找到的独一无二的绝对存在;自我美国传统〔DIFFERENT〕Each tile is a work of art, guaranteed one of a kind by the handprint of its maker. 每一块瓷砖都是一件艺术品,由制作者压上手印以保证它是独一无二的。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕Marilyn Monroe was one of a kind. There's no such thing as ‘the new Monroe’. 玛丽莲·梦露是独一无二的,决不会有“新梦露”这种事。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕The power of speech makes the human race unique among animals. 语言的力量使得人类在动物中显得独一无二。朗文写作活用〔HAPPEN〕We now know that our system of planets orbiting the sun is not a unique phenomenon. 现在我们知道,我们的行星围绕太阳运行的系统并非是独一无二的现象。朗文写作活用〔TRADITION〕The trip offers you a unique opportunity to experience the culture of the remote hill tribes of the north. 这趟旅游使你有独一无二的机会体验一下北方偏远山区部落的文化。朗文写作活用〔be one of a kind〕He's one of a kind, he really is.他独一无二,确实如此。剑桥高阶〔class〕As a player, he was in a class of his own.作为运动员,他是独一无二的。柯林斯高阶〔custom〕Her one-of-a-kind custom garments are priced from one hundred dollars to more than a thousand dollars.在她这里定做一件款型独一无二的衣服, 价格从100美元到1,000美元以上不等。外研社新世纪〔custom〕Her one-of-a-kind custom garments are priced from one hundred dollars to more than a thousand dollars.在她这里定做一件款型独一无二的衣服,价格从100美元到1,000美元以上不等。柯林斯高阶〔eroded〕America's belief in its own God-ordained uniqueness started to erode.美国人心中上帝赋予了他们独一无二的品质的信念开始逐渐丧失。柯林斯高阶〔erode〕America's belief in its own uniqueness started to erode.美国人开始逐渐怀疑自己的独一无二。外研社新世纪〔fashion〕We are all unique human beings, fashioned by life experiences.我们都是独一无二的人,是由生活经历塑造出来的。朗文当代〔fingerprint〕Everyone has a unique fingerprint.每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。韦氏高阶〔imprint〕Both King and Gandhi were tremendously brave men whose unique form of courage left a lasting imprint on their nations' histories.金和甘地都是勇敢无畏的人,他们独一无二的勇气在他们各自国家的历史上留下了深远影响。柯林斯高阶〔individual〕We know that all human individuals are unique.我们知道所有人类个体都是独一无二的。牛津搭配〔individual〕We're looking for a uniquely talented individual.我们正在寻觅一位独一无二的、有特别才能的人。麦克米伦高阶〔inimitable〕He makes his own point in his own inimitable way.他以他独一无二的方式表明了自己的观点。柯林斯高阶〔inimitable〕She appeared at the Oscars wearing one of Versace's inimitable creations.她身着独一无二的范思哲晚装亮相奥斯卡颁奖典礼。剑桥高阶〔invent〕Chaplin invented his own unique style of comedy.卓别林首创了他自己独一无二的喜剧风格。麦克米伦高阶〔irreplaceable〕Most of the porcelain you see in the display cabinets is irreplaceable.你在陈列柜中所见到的瓷器大多数是独一无二的。剑桥高阶〔irreplaceable〕There's one man who's considered irreplaceable.有一个人被认为独一无二。柯林斯高阶〔irreplaceable〕Works of art were lost, many of them irreplaceable.很多艺术品丢失了,其中很多都是独一无二的。朗文当代〔ism〕Thatcher is unique among her predecessors in having given the English language a brand new ism, created from her own name.撒切尔为英语词汇增添了一个全新的“主义”,以其本人姓氏命名,这与前任各届首相相比是独一无二的。剑桥高阶〔kind〕Each unique plate is handpainted and one of a kind.每个漂亮的盘子都由手工绘制,是独一无二的。朗文当代〔kind〕Her husband's one of a kind.她丈夫是独一无二的。外研社新世纪〔kind〕They played a truly unique kind of punk rock.他们演奏了一种真正独一无二的朋克摇滚。牛津搭配〔mould〕They broke the mould when they made you(= there is nobody like you).你是世上独一无二的。牛津高阶〔must〕Reggae must be the only music that's got its own country — Jamaica.雷盖音乐得到了一整个国家人民的支持,这个国家就是牙买加——这一点上它无疑是独一无二的。柯林斯高阶〔nay〕He was grateful for and proud of his son's remarkable, nay, unique performance.他为儿子出色的,不,应该是独一无二的表演心怀感激和骄傲。柯林斯高阶〔nay〕He was proud of his son's remarkable, nay, unique performance.他为儿子出色的, 不, 应该是独一无二的表演感到骄傲。外研社新世纪〔nowhere〕Nowhere did we suggest that this yacht's features were unique.我们压根没讲过这艘游艇的特色是独一无二的。外研社新世纪〔nowhere〕Point taken, but nowhere did we suggest that this yacht's features were unique.你说得对,但我们压根没讲过这艘游艇的特色是独一无二的。柯林斯高阶〔one〕My final guest on tonight's show needs no introduction. Please welcome the one and only Michael Jordan! 我们今晚节目的最后一位嘉宾无需介绍。请欢迎独一无二的迈克尔‧乔丹!剑桥高阶〔personal〕The movie is a uniquely personal exploration of the effects of war.这部电影是个人对战争影响进行的独一无二的探索。牛津搭配〔piece〕Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory.每一件艺术品都是绘在象牙上的精美绝伦的真人肖像, 都是独一无二的。外研社新世纪〔piece〕Each piece is unique, an exquisite painting of a real person, done on ivory.每一件艺术品都是绘在象牙上的精美绝伦的真人肖像,都是独一无二的。柯林斯高阶〔priceless〕They are priceless, unique and irreplaceable.它们是独一无二、不可替代的无价之宝。柯林斯高阶〔rara avis〕A rare or unique person or thing.不寻常者,罕见者:罕见的或独一无二的人物或事情美国传统〔represent〕The college's music library represents a unique resource.学院的音乐图书馆拥有独一无二的资源。麦克米伦高阶〔single〕The Middle East is the world's single most important source of oil.中东是世界上独一无二的最重要的石油产地。外研社新世纪〔singular〕Being the only one of a kind; unique.独一无二的:一个种类中唯一一个的;独特的美国传统〔special〕Each of them made his own special contribution to the family.他们中的每个人都对家庭做出了独一无二的贡献。外研社新世纪〔timeline〕A unique 13,000-word timeline runs through the full-colour volume, detailing events from the Earth's creation to the present day.一份独一无二的 13,000 词的年表贯穿彩印卷的始终,详细记述了从地球诞生到今天发生的重大历史事件。柯林斯高阶〔tony〕Marked by an expensive, luxurious, or exclusive manner or quality.高贵的:以昂贵,豪华或独一无二的态度或品质为特点的美国传统〔totem〕The red-painted columns rise from basement to roof — unique totem to today's solar technology.红漆柱子——当今太阳能技术的独一无二的标志物——从地下室直插屋顶。英汉大词典〔uniquely〕Each person's signature is unique.每个人的签名都是独一无二的。柯林斯高阶〔unique〕Each person's fingerprints are unique.每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。朗文当代〔unique〕Each person's genetic code is unique except in the case of identical twins.每个人的遗传密码都是独一无二的,同卵双胞胎除外。剑桥高阶〔unique〕Each person's signature is unique.每个人的签名都是独一无二的。外研社新世纪〔unique〕Everyone's fingerprints are unique.每个人的指纹都是独一无二的。牛津高阶〔unique〕Our fingers bear skin patterns that are unique to each individual.我们每个人手指上面的皮肤纹路都是独一无二的。外研社新世纪〔unique〕She’s proud of her ring because of its unique design.她为她的戒指而自豪,因为戒指的设计是独一无二的。牛津同义词〔unique〕The shape of each and every snowflake is unique.每片雪花的形状都是独一无二的。韦氏高阶〔unique〕Without an equal or equivalent; unparalleled.独一无二的:没有相等的或相当的;空前未有的美国传统〔unparallel(l)ed〕Our library is unparallel(l)ed.我们的图书馆是独一无二的。英汉大词典〔unparalleled〕Without parallel, equal, or match; unequaled.无双的:没有对等物或对手的;独一无二的美国传统Each order has a unique number and can be referenced at any time.每份订单都有一个独一无二的号码,在任何时候都可查阅。牛津商务Most of the porcelain you see in the display cabinets is irreplaceable.你在陈列柜所见到的瓷器大多数是独一无二的。剑桥国际My final guest on tonight's show needs no introduction. Please welcome the one and only Michael Jordan (= there is no other such person)! 今晚播出的最后一位嘉宾无需介绍。请欢迎独一无二的迈克·乔丹!剑桥国际Thatcher is unique among her predecessors in having given the English language a brand new ism, created from her own name.撒切尔与其各届前任首相相比是独一无二的,她给了英语一种以她本人的姓氏命名的新颖的主义。剑桥国际You mustn't say “I know how you feel” as each person's grief and sense of loss is unique.你不能说“我知道你的感受”,因为每个人的伤心事和失落感是独一无二的。剑桥国际




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