

单词 登陆艇
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LCM〕Landing craft, mechanized.机械化登陆艇美国传统〔LCS〕Landing craft, support.支援登陆艇美国传统〔LCT〕Landing craft, tank.坦克登陆艇美国传统〔LST〕A flat-bottomed vessel developed during World War II to land troops and cargo on open beaches and sometimes used as a weapons platform and hospital ship.登陆艇:第二次世界大战期间制造的平底船,可将军队和货物运至开阔的海滩,有时用做武器平台和医疗船美国传统〔beach〕Both landing craft beached in safety.两艘登陆艇都安全上了海滩。英汉大词典〔landing craft〕A naval craft designed to convey troops and equipment from ship to shore.登陆艇:一种用来把军队和设备从船上运到岸上的海军舰队美国传统〔landing craft〕The engine of one landing craft was still running.一艘登陆艇的发动机还在运转。柯林斯高阶〔soften〕The beach defences were softened up before the landing crafts went in.在登陆艇驶入以前,海滩防御工事已遭削弱。英汉大词典




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