

单词 登陆
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Earthian〕when Earthians begin landing on other peoples' worlds 当地球人开始登陆其他种族的世界时文馨英汉〔allied〕the Allied landings in Normandy 盟军在诺曼底的登陆行动剑桥高阶〔amphibious〕an amphibious assault/landing 两栖袭击/登陆韦氏高阶〔amphibious〕an amphibious landing craft which can carry helicopters and up to 2,000 troops. 能运送直升机和多达两千人的部队的水陆两用登陆艇柯林斯高阶〔amphibious〕an amphibious landing on the north coast 北海岸的两栖登陆麦克米伦高阶〔amphibious〕an amphibious landing/attack (= from the sea onto the land) 两栖登陆/进攻剑桥高阶〔amphibious〕stage an amphibious landing 实施两栖登陆进攻英汉大词典〔area〕a landing area; a playing area. 登陆区;游乐区美国传统〔command〕the log-on command 登陆指令麦克米伦高阶〔craft〕a landing/pleasure craft 登陆艇;游艇牛津高阶〔diversionary〕a diversionary landing 牵制性登陆英汉大词典〔heliborne〕heliborne landing troops 直升机载登陆部队文馨英汉〔lander〕a lunar lander 月球登陆宇航员英汉大词典〔landfall〕a landfall on the moon 在月球上的登陆英汉大词典〔landing〕the D-day landings (二战中英法盟军的)诺曼底登陆麦克米伦高阶〔landing〕the first landings of American Marines at Da Nang 美国海军陆战队队员在岘港的首次登陆朗文当代〔landing〕troop landings 部队登陆韦氏高阶〔land〕land on the moon 登陆月球文馨英汉〔land〕land troops in Kuwait 使部队登陆科威特文馨英汉〔moon〕a moon landing 月球登陆牛津高阶〔shoreless〕a shoreless island 无可登陆之海滩的岛屿文馨英汉〔whither〕landed on the shores whither the storm had tossed them. 在暴风雨吹到的海岸登陆美国传统




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