

单词 画一
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕Draw a line down that page's center.沿那一页的中心画一条竖线。柯林斯高阶〔COMPLETELY〕The two drawings are identical in every way. 这两幅画一模一样。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕Use your ruler to draw a straight line. 用尺画一条直线。朗文写作活用〔MIDDLE〕Draw a line through the center of the circle. 通过圆心画一条线。朗文写作活用〔SHAPE〕Draw a regular hexagon with 90 mm sides. 画一个规则的、边长为90毫米的六边形。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕Draw a rough diagram -- it doesn't have to be very neat. 画一张粗略的图表,不必画得很工整。朗文写作活用〔angle〕Draw a 130° angle in your notebooks.在你们的笔记本上画一个 130 度的角。牛津搭配〔bisect〕Draw a line that bisects the angle.画一条线,把这个角二等分。韦氏高阶〔bust〕A sculpture representing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest.半身像:刻画一个人的头部、肩膀和胸部的雕像美国传统〔cartoon〕To draw a humorous or satirical representation of; caricature.画漫画:为…画一幅幽默或讽刺性的画;画漫画美国传统〔centre〕Draw a line through the centre of the circle.穿过圆心画一条直线。朗文当代〔chalk〕She was drawing a small picture with coloured chalks.她正在用彩色粉笔画一幅小图。外研社新世纪〔circle〕Draw a circle 10cm in diameter.画一个直径 10 厘米的圆。朗文当代〔circle〕Draw a circle.画一个圆圈。牛津高阶〔circumscribe〕The artist will circumscribe the painting with just one red line.这位艺术家将会画一条简单的红线, 把这幅画框起来。外研社新世纪〔circumscribe〕To circumscribe a triangle is to draw a circle which touches each of its vertices.对一个三角形外接, 就是画一个与该三角形每个顶点都相接的圆。外研社新世纪〔colour in〕Draw simple shapes for your child to colour in.画一些简单的形状让孩子涂上颜色。柯林斯高阶〔colour〕I'll draw a tree and you can colour it in.我来画一棵树,你给它涂上颜色。牛津高阶〔commission〕He commissioned a series of portraits of his family.他委托别人为他全家画一组肖像画。麦克米伦高阶〔construct〕Construct a square with sides of 5cm.画一个边长为 5 厘米的正方形。朗文当代〔construct〕Construct a triangle that has sides of equal length.画一个等边三角形。韦氏高阶〔correspond〕Draw a horizontal line to correspond with your height.画一条和你的身高相一致的水平线。外研社新世纪〔diagonal〕Draw a diagonal line.画一条对角线。韦氏高阶〔diagram〕Draw a simple diagram of the leaf structure.画一张树叶结构简图。牛津搭配〔diameter〕Draw a circle six centimetres in diameter.画一个直径为六厘米的圆。朗文当代〔draw〕Can you draw me a map of how to get there? 你能否给我画一幅怎么去那里的地图?朗文当代〔draw〕Draw a line at the bottom of the page.在本页的底部画一条线。剑桥高阶〔draw〕Draw a rough design for a logo.画一个公司标志的草图。柯林斯高阶〔draw〕Keith was drawing a complicated-looking graph.凯斯在画一张看上去很复杂的图表。朗文当代〔expose〕These drawings must not be exposed to the air.这些画一定不能暴露在空气中。牛津搭配〔first〕I don't know the first thing about painting.我对绘画一窍不通。英汉大词典〔heritage〕The historic building is as much part of our heritage as the paintings.这幢历史建筑和这些绘画一样, 是我们的历史遗产的一部分。外研社新世纪〔heritage〕The historic building is as much part of our heritage as the paintings.这座历史建筑和这些画一样,都是留给我们的文化遗产的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔horizontal〕Draw a horizontal line across the bottom of the page.在本页底部画一条水平线。剑桥高阶〔horizontal〕Draw a horizontal line across the page.在这一页上从左到右画一条横线。麦克米伦高阶〔inside〕Draw a triangle inside the circle.在这个圆内画一个三角形。麦克米伦高阶〔join〕Draw a straight line joining these two points.画一条直线连接这两点。外研社新世纪〔line〕Draw a second line parallel to the first.再画一条线与第一条线平行。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕Draw a straight line across the top of the page.在这一页的上方画一条直线。朗文当代〔line〕Draw a thick black line across the page.在此页上横画一条粗黑线。牛津高阶〔map〕I'll draw you a map of how to get to my house.我给你画一张到我家的路线图。牛津高阶〔margin〕Draw a margin down the left-hand side.在左边画一条边界线。外研社新世纪〔match〕It was difficult to get an exact match for the paint.很难找到和这幅画一模一样的画。麦克米伦高阶〔middle〕Draw a line down the middle of the page.在这页纸的中间画一条竖线。朗文当代〔middle〕Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.拿出一张纸,在中间画一条线。牛津高阶〔money〕That painting must be worth a lot of money.那幅画一定很值钱。韦氏高阶〔oblong〕Draw an oblong.画一个长方形。韦氏高阶〔paint〕He is painting a huge volcano.他正在画一座巨大的火山。柯林斯高阶〔perpendicular〕Draw a perpendicular from the vertex of the triangle to its base.从三角形的顶点画一条垂线到底边。剑桥高阶〔picture〕Draw a picture of your house.画一张你家房子的图。韦氏高阶〔picture〕Draw a picture of your house.画一张你家的画吧。朗文当代〔picture〕The children were asked to draw pictures of their houses.孩子们被要求画一画他们的房子。外研社新世纪〔point〕Draw a line from point A to point B.从 A 点到 B 点画一条线。牛津高阶〔portrait〕She's commissioned an artist to paint her portrait/paint a portrait of her.她委托一位画家为她画一幅肖像。剑桥高阶〔quadrature〕Mathematics The process of constructing a square equal in area to a given surface.【数学】 求面积:画一个与所给平面面积相等的四方形的过程美国传统〔ransom〕This painting must be worth a king's ransom.这幅油画一定值一大笔钱。英汉大词典〔rebus〕A picture of an eye followed by an L followed by an ampersand is a rebus for “island”.先画一只眼睛,接着写上L字母,再画一个&符号,这个画谜的意思是“island”。英汉大词典〔rebus〕A picture of an eye followed by one of a tin can is a rebus for “I can”.画一只眼睛,接着画一只马口铁罐,这画谜便是“I can”的意思。英汉大词典〔red〕The artist used a bright red to paint a picture of the fire engine.画家用鲜红的颜料画一幅消防车的图像。英汉大词典〔roughly〕It often helps to make a rough sketch showing where the vehicles were.画一个简略的草图标示车辆当时所在的位置往往很有用。柯林斯高阶〔rubbish〕Many critics see the paintings as worthless rubbish.许多批评家认为这些绘画一文不值。牛津搭配〔rule〕Rule a line at the end of every piece of work.在每一篇作品的末尾画一条直线。牛津高阶〔sketch〕Draw a rough sketch of the dog.画一幅那只狗的草图。麦克米伦高阶〔sketch〕The art students were told to sketch the landscape.艺术专业的学生被告知要画一张实地风景素描。剑桥高阶〔square〕First draw a square.首先画一个正方形。剑桥高阶〔square〕First of all, draw a square.首先,画一个正方形。朗文当代〔straight〕Draw a straight line.画一条直线。麦克米伦高阶〔tangential〕Draw a line tangential to the circle.画一条与圆相切的线。英汉大词典〔template〕Trace around your template and transfer the design onto a sheet of card.沿着你的样板边画一圈,把图案描在一张硬纸板上。柯林斯高阶〔trace〕It is easier to trace a map than to draw it yourself.映描地图比自己画一幅要容易一些。外研社新世纪〔trait〕A stroke with or as if with a pencil.一笔:用铅笔或如同用铅笔一样画一下美国传统〔work up〕They asked me to work up some sample drawings and bring them down.他们请我画一些样图带过去。外研社新世纪〔work up〕They asked me to work up some sample drawings and bring them down.他们请我画一些样图带过去。柯林斯高阶Apply a fine line of highlighter along the middle of your top lip.沿着你的上唇中间部位画一条细轮廓线。剑桥国际Draw a circle 30 centimetres in circum-ference.画一个周长为30厘米的圆。剑桥国际Draw a diagonal line to divide the square into two triangles. 画一条对角线,把正方形分成两个三角形。译典通Draw a horizontal line across the bottom of the page.在此页底部画一条水平线。剑桥国际Draw a rule under the table of figures.在数字表格下方画一条直线。牛津商务Her paintings have awed and amazed the public for half a century.半个世纪以来,她的绘画一直使公众感到惊异和敬佩。剑桥国际If you want to draw a straight line, use a ruler.如果你想画一条直线的话就用一把尺子。剑桥国际Make an outline of the scene before you paint. 在上颜料之前先给此景画一个素描。译典通Painting must be / (Br also) run in his blood (= come from his parents, grandparents, etc.) , as his father and grandmother were artists too.由于他的父亲和祖母也是艺术家,所以绘画一定是他家族的遗传。剑桥国际Rule a line at the end of every piece of work.在每篇作品的末尾画一条直线。牛津商务She's commissioned an artist to paint her portrait/paint a portrait of her.她委托一位艺术家为她画一幅肖像。剑桥国际The art students were each told to sketch (= make a sketch of) a tree.艺术系学生每人都被要求画一张树的素描。剑桥国际The boy is painting a tiger. 那男孩在画一只老虎。译典通The flowers are blooming and our garden looks as pretty as a picture (= extremely pretty).花开了,我们的花园象一幅画一样美。剑桥国际The schoolchildren surveyed 100 square kilometres for a botanical atlas.学童们为画一张植物图而测量了100平方公里的土地。剑桥国际




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