

单词 男青年
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔boy〕a local/hometown boy 本地/家乡的男青年韦氏高阶〔boy〕city/country boys = boys from the city/country 来自城市/农村的男青年韦氏高阶〔conscription〕the forced conscription of boys into the army 强征男青年服兵役牛津搭配〔crime〕a hate crime against a young gay man 针对一名同性恋男青年的仇恨犯罪牛津搭配〔effete〕an effete young man 女孩子气的男青年韦氏高阶〔hostel〕a YMCA hostel 基督教男青年会旅社英汉大词典〔infatuated〕an infatuated youth 热恋中的男青年英汉大词典〔province〕a shy young man from the provinces 腼腆的外地男青年牛津高阶〔smiling〕a smiling young man 面带笑容的男青年英汉大词典〔smooth〕an extremely good-looking, smooth young man一位相貌英俊、能说会道的男青年外研社新世纪〔star〕a young out-of-towner with stars in his eyes and dreams of making it big一个满怀憧憬、梦想大展宏图的城市外来男青年外研社新世纪〔uncomplicated〕an easygoing, uncomplicated young man 一个随和、率直的男青年牛津高阶〔virile〕a virile young man 一名雄赳赳的男青年文馨英汉〔youngish〕a smart, dark-haired, youngish man一位聪明的黑发男青年外研社新世纪〔youth〕a youth of 16 16岁的男青年英汉大词典




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