

单词 狡诈
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕Blakemore was a cold, scheming man who could not be trusted. 布莱克莫尔是个冷酷又狡诈的人,不能信赖。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕Collins is best-known as the scheming Alexis Colby from the television series, ‘Dynasty.’ 柯林斯最出名的是演电视连续剧《豪门恩怨》中那个狡诈的亚历克西丝·科尔比。朗文写作活用〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕She's a devious and manipulative young woman. 她是个狡诈、爱摆布人的年轻女人。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕Don't buy a car from him, he's a real dodgy character. 别向他买车,他这人极其狡诈。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕You have to be pretty devious to be successful in that sort of business. 你想要在那种生意上发迹,就得相当狡诈。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Eliot looked sly and deceitful, as though he wasn't telling us the whole truth. 埃利奥特一脸的狡诈骗人相,好像没把所有实情都告诉我们。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕She's a cunning little devil! She left for school as usual, and then went into town instead with her friends. 她是个狡诈的小鬼!她又像平时一样去上学,然后却和一帮朋友去镇上。朗文写作活用〔Machiavellian〕Suggestive of or characterized by expediency, deceit, and cunning.显示出或以诡计、欺骗和狡诈为特征的美国传统〔artifice〕An artful or crafty expedient; a stratagem.诡计:狡猾或狡诈的手段;计谋美国传统〔calculating〕Northbridge is a cool, calculating and clever criminal who could strike again.诺思布里奇是个头脑冷静、诡计多端、阴险狡诈的罪犯,他可能还会犯案。柯林斯高阶〔conniving〕He's a conniving bastard! 他是个狡诈的混蛋!剑桥高阶〔craft〕Skill in evasion or deception; guile.狡诈:逃避或欺骗的技巧;诡计美国传统〔cunning〕He had used cunning to get what he wanted.他用了狡诈的手段来得到他想要的东西。牛津搭配〔cunning〕Skill in deception; guile.诡计:骗人的技巧;狡诈美国传统〔deceive〕These verbs mean to lead another into error, danger, or a disadvantageous position, for the most part by underhand means.这动词是通过狡诈的手段把他人导入错误、危险或不利的位置的意思。美国传统〔designing〕Conniving; crafty.阴谋的;狡诈的美国传统〔deviousness〕He had gained great office by deviousness rather than by ability.他当上大官靠的是阴险狡诈而不是真才实学。外研社新世纪〔devious〕He's devious, self-centred and arrogant.他很狡诈,以自我为中心,而且傲慢无礼。麦克米伦高阶〔dodgy〕He made a lot of money, using some very dodgy methods.他采用一些极其狡诈的手段赚了许多钱。牛津高阶〔elf〕A usually sprightly or mischievous or sometimes spiteful person.恶作剧的人,狡诈的人,恶毒的人:通常活泼的或恶作剧的或怀有恶意的人美国传统〔fleet〕A sly smile fleeted across her face.她的脸上掠过一丝狡诈的微笑。外研社新世纪〔foxy〕He had wary, foxy eyes.他的目光警惕而又狡诈。外研社新世纪〔foxy〕He had wary, foxy eyes.他的眼睛机警而又狡诈。柯林斯高阶〔fox〕A crafty, sly, or clever person.诡计多端的人:狡诈、诡诈或聪明的人美国传统〔guile〕Treacherous cunning; skillful deceit.狡诈,诡计美国传统〔mind〕He has a very devious mind.他生性狡诈。朗文当代〔miscarried〕He's very artful but sometimes miscarries.他很狡诈,但有时也会失策。21世纪英汉〔naive〕These adjectives mean free from guile, cunning, or sham.这些形容词都含有不狡诈、不狡猾或不虚伪的意思。美国传统〔overreach〕To get the better of, especially by deceitful cleverness; outwit.诈骗:以奸诈取胜于…,尤指以狡诈;智胜美国传统〔prey〕Elderly people are easy prey for dishonest salesmen.老年人容易上狡诈推销员的当。牛津高阶〔rascally〕They stumble across a ghost town inhabited by a rascally gold prospector.他们偶然来到一个居住着一位狡诈的淘金者的废墟之城。柯林斯高阶〔roguish〕Set adrift by his roguish crew, the captain of the ship spent a week alone at sea.船长被狡诈的船员驱逐,独自一人在海上漂泊了一个星期美国传统〔sharp〕A shrewd cheater; a sharper.狡诈的骗子;骗子美国传统〔slyly〕She is devious and sly and manipulative.她阴险狡诈,会玩人。柯林斯高阶〔sly〕Adept in craft or cunning.狡诈的:善于谋划或耍阴谋的美国传统〔species〕He has a species of cunning.他有一种狡诈性格。英汉大词典〔stealth〕The quality or characteristic of being furtive or covert.鬼祟,狡诈:秘密、鬼祟的性质或特征美国传统〔straight〕What a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer.他真是个狡诈的辩论家,总是拒绝给出直截了当的回答。柯林斯高阶〔strike〕He was the most insidious person I had ever struck.他是我遇到过的人当中最阴险狡诈的一个。英汉大词典〔subtle〕Crafty or sly; devious.欺骗的,诡秘的,迂回的:狡诈的或诡秘的;不光明正大的美国传统〔throw〕The tricky wording of the contract didn't throw her.这份合同狡诈的措辞并没把她搞晕。韦氏高阶〔viper〕A person regarded as malicious or treacherous.奸诈者:被认为是阴险或狡诈的人美国传统〔wheeler-dealer〕One who advances one's own interests by canny, aggressive, or unscrupulous behavior.为所欲为者:通过狡诈、攻击性或肆无怠殚的行为获取利益的人美国传统〔wheel〕To engage in the advancement of one's own interests, especially in a canny, aggressive, or unscrupulous way.独断专行:为自己谋取利益,尤其是采用狡诈、挑衅好斗或肆无忌惮的方式美国传统〔wriggle〕To worm one's way into or out of a situation; insinuate or extricate oneself by sly or subtle means.摆脱,逃脱:使自己慢慢地进入或摆脱某种状况;用狡诈的或巧妙的方法巧妙取得或解脱美国传统Are you sure you can trust him --he's such a cunning / sly / wily old fox.你肯定能信任他吗----他是个狡诈的/阴险的/诡计多端的老狐狸。剑桥国际He burnt his own house down so that he could claim the insurance money--what a scam! 他把自己的房子烧了,以便索赔保险金----多狡诈的骗局!剑桥国际He has some kind of a devious scheme for avoiding taxes.他有某种狡诈的逃税计谋。剑桥国际He is a simple, honest man, totally lacking in guile.他是一个纯朴诚实的人,一点也不狡诈。剑桥国际He was a guileful manipulator who had clawed his way up to the top of the organization.他是一个狡诈的善于左右局势的人,爬到了这个机构的最高职位。剑桥国际The President is very crafty, just like a fox.总统十分狡诈,就像只狐狸。剑桥国际Upton's a sly old devil. I wouldn't trust him with my money.厄普顿是个狡诈的老恶棍。我不会把钱交托给他。剑桥国际




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