

单词 狗的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔LEAVE〕a home for abandoned kittens and puppies 收养被遗弃的小猫小狗的收容所朗文写作活用〔breeding〕the breeding of pedigree dogs 纯种狗的繁育朗文当代〔bun〕a hamburger/hotdog bun 用来做汉堡包/热狗的面包韦氏高阶〔canine〕canine behavior 狗的行为韦氏高阶〔crop〕crop a dog's ears 修剪狗的耳尖韦氏高阶〔crop〕crop a dog's ears 剪截狗的耳尖英汉大词典〔dock〕to dock a tail of a dog截短狗的尾巴21世纪英汉〔dog-eat-dog〕a dog-eat-dog society. 一个狗咬狗的社会美国传统〔doggy〕a doggy smell 狗狗的气味韦氏高阶〔doggy〕doggy smells 狗的气味朗文当代〔evasion〕the rabbit's evasion of the hounds 兔子对猎狗的躲避英汉大词典〔exercise〕people exercising their dogs in the park 在公园里遛狗的人朗文当代〔field〕people walking their dogs on the school's playing field 在学校运动场上遛狗的人牛津搭配〔fondle〕fondle a dog's ears 抚摸狗的耳朵英汉大词典〔front〕a dog's front paws 狗的前爪剑桥高阶〔front〕the dog's front legs 狗的前腿朗文当代〔growl〕the growl of a dog. 狗的低吼美国传统〔hackle〕hackles The erectile hairs along the back of the neck of an animal, especially of a dog. hackles 颈背部毛:动物,尤其是狗的颈背部可竖起的毛美国传统〔heavy〕the heavy odor of wet dogs 淋湿了的狗的潮热气味韦氏高阶〔kick about〕to kick a dog about the head踢打狗的头部21世纪英汉〔lead〕a dog’s lead.牵狗的带子。牛津同义词〔leg〕the dog's front/back/hind legs 狗的前腿/后腿韦氏高阶〔massive〕the dog's massive head/jaw 那条狗的巨大脑袋/下颌韦氏高阶〔meat〕dog meat(= for a dog) 喂狗的肉牛津高阶〔mistress〕the dog's mistress 狗的女主人英汉大词典〔mistress〕the mistress of a dog.狗的女主人。牛津同义词〔moving〕a moving story of a faithful dog 关于一条忠实的狗的感人故事韦氏高阶〔olfactory〕the dog's olfactory organs狗的嗅觉器官外研社新世纪〔owner〕a dog/factory owner 狗的主人;厂主牛津高阶〔perk〕dogs' ears that perk. 狗的耳朵竖着美国传统〔point〕points The extremities of an animal, such as a horse or dog. points 动物的四肢,如马或狗的美国传统〔preference〕a preference for small dogs 对小狗的偏爱麦克米伦高阶〔reward〕offer (announce) a reward of £10 for information about the lost dog 提出(宣布)10英镑赏格要求提供关于走失的狗的线索 英汉大词典〔supine〕a statue of a supine dog. 一只仰卧姿势的狗的雕像柯林斯高阶〔supine〕a statue of a supine dog一只仰卧姿势的狗的雕像外研社新世纪〔tag〕a dog's identification/ID tags 狗的识别标签韦氏高阶〔uncouple〕uncouple a hound 解开猎狗的套索英汉大词典〔unmuzzle〕unmuzzle a dog. 除掉一只狗的口套美国传统〔variety〕a variety of dog.狗的一种。牛津同义词〔vendor〕a hot dog vendor 卖热狗的小贩韦氏高阶




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