

单词 的行为
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FORGIVE/NOT FORGIVE〕Hugh found his wife's behaviour hard to forgive. 休觉得妻子的行为很难宽恕。朗文写作活用〔RULE/REGULATION〕Hobbs had blatantly ignored the legal profession's code of conduct. 霍布斯公然无视法律行业的行为守则。朗文写作活用〔RULE/REGULATION〕It is strictly against the rules for athletes to take drugs. 运动员服用违禁药物是严重违反规定的行为。朗文写作活用〔abominable〕His behavior was abominable.他的行为令人生厌。韦氏高阶〔account〕Ministers should be called to account for their actions.部长们应该对他们的行为作出解释。柯林斯高阶〔acquiesce〕No state can acquiesce to such breaches of order.没一个国家会对此种破坏秩序的行为表示默认的。英汉大词典〔action〕The chief of police tried to justify his actions.警察局长试图为自己的行为辩解。朗文当代〔act〕Don't be so silly - you're acting like a child! 别冒傻气了——你的行为简直就像个孩子!剑桥高阶〔application〕The act of applying.应用,申请:应用、运用或擦敷的行为美国传统〔arrestable〕Not having your license with you while driving is an arrestable offence in many countries.在很多国家,驾驶时不带驾驶执照是可导致被逮捕的行为。剑桥高阶〔ashamed〕Their behaviour makes me ashamed to be British.他们的行为使我身为英国人感到汗颜。朗文当代〔attainment〕The act of attaining or the condition of being attained.达到,获得:到达的行为或被得到的状况美国传统〔avoidance〕The act of shunning or avoiding.避开,离开:避开或离开的行为美国传统〔be no/without rhyme or reason〕There is no rhyme or reason to her behaviour.她的行为反复无常。剑桥高阶〔belie〕Their actions belie their claim to be innocent.他们的行为使他们自称无辜的谎言不攻自破。韦氏高阶〔bewitchment〕The act of bewitching.迷惑:迷惑的行为美国传统〔breakaway〕The act of breaking away.脱离:脱离的行为美国传统〔commonplace〕Such actions were regarded as commonplace during the war.这样的行为被认为是战争期间常有的事。牛津搭配〔compulsion〕The act of compelling.逼迫:逼迫的行为美国传统〔consternation〕His behavior filled us with consternation.他的行为使我们惊愕不已。文馨英汉〔consultancy〕The act or an instance of consulting.咨询:咨询的行为或实例美国传统〔consummation〕The act of consummating; a fulfillment.实现:完成的行为;实现美国传统〔contrivance〕The act of contriving.设计:发明或设计的行为美国传统〔conversion〕The act of converting.转变:使…转变的行为美国传统〔courtship〕The act, process, or period of courting.求婚,求爱期:求婚的行为、过程或时期美国传统〔dehumanize〕It is difficult to separate actions that terrorize a population from those that dehumanize and humiliate it.对人们实行的恐怖统治就是一种令他们人性泯灭并对其加以羞辱的行为, 二者很难区分开。外研社新世纪〔delinquency〕Not all delinquencies lead to foreclosure.并不是所有未按时还债的行为都会导致丧失抵押品的赎回权。外研社新世纪〔discard〕The act of discarding in a card game.出牌:在打牌的游戏中,去牌或出牌的行为美国传统〔distraint〕The act or process of distraining; distress.扣押财物:扣押财产的行为或过程;扣押财物美国传统〔effect〕Many parents lack confidence in their ability to effect change in their children's behaviour.许多父母对自己是否有能力让子女的行为产生变化缺乏信心。朗文当代〔explain yourself〕She had a hard time explaining herself after the theft was revealed.盗窃行为被揭露后,她很难为自己的行为做出解释。韦氏高阶〔exposure〕The act of exposing sensitized photographic film or plate.曝光:感光胶片或底片的曝光的行为美国传统〔flight〕The act or process of flying through the air by means of wings.用翅膀飞行:用翅膀在空中飞行的行为或过程美国传统〔foul play〕Unfair or treacherous action, especially when involving violence.卑鄙的行径:不公平的或不忠实的行为,尤指涉及暴行时美国传统〔guarantee〕That kind of behaviour is guaranteed to make him angry.那样的行为肯定会让他生气。牛津高阶〔habituate〕Many things to habituate, someone said, could be given up.有些专家说,很多成瘾性的行为可以戒除掉。21世纪英汉〔heartwarming〕It's really heartwarming to see such generosity.看到这样慷慨大方的行为真令人感动。麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕He may have had a terrible childhood, but he should still be held accountable for his own actions.可能他的童年很不幸,不过他仍然要为自己的行为负责。朗文当代〔indent〕The act of indenting or the condition of being indented.做成刻纹;带有刻纹:制作刻纹的行为或被做成刻纹的状态美国传统〔inference〕The act or process of deriving logical conclusions from premises known or assumed to be true.推理:由已知或假定的正确前提出发作出逻辑推理的行为或过程美国传统〔infiltration〕The act or process of infiltrating.渗透:渗透的行为或过程美国传统〔information〕It was improper of the broker to withhold the information from the stock exchange.经纪人向证券交易所隐瞒信息的行为是不正当的。牛津搭配〔insane〕He is criminally insane, unable to stop himself from attacking women.他是个精神失常的罪犯,控制不住袭击妇女的行为。牛津搭配〔insanity〕Can't they see the insanity of dumping radioactive waste in the sea? 难道他们看不出把放射性废弃物倾倒进海里是十分愚蠢的行为吗?朗文当代〔insinuation〕The act, process, or practice of insinuating.含沙射影的行为:影射、讨好的行为,过程或作法美国传统〔irresponsible〕Law One who is mentally or financially unfit to assume responsibility for one's actions.【法律】 无责任能力的人:智力上或财力上不适于对自己的行为负责的人美国传统〔isolation〕The act of isolating.分隔:分隔的行为美国传统〔matrimony〕The act or state of being married; marriage.结婚:结婚的行为或状态;婚姻美国传统〔mitigating〕Are there any mitigating circumstances/factors that might help explain her appalling behaviour? 有什么理由能帮助解释她骇人的行为吗?剑桥高阶〔nerve〕They've got a nerve, complaining about our behaviour.他们竟敢对我们的行为表示不满。柯林斯高阶〔observation〕Most information was collected by direct observation of the animals' behaviour.大部份信息都是通过直接观察动物的行为收集到的。牛津高阶〔offend〕In showing contempt for the heavyweight championship, Douglas offended a stern code.道格拉斯藐视重量级拳王称号的行为违背了严格的准则。外研社新世纪〔override〕The act or an instance of nullifying.撤消,推翻:无效的行为或事例美国传统〔perceivable〕The students perceived that his behavior had changed.同学们发觉他的行为有些变化。21世纪英汉〔pink〕His behaviour was the pink of perfection.他的行为十全十美。英汉大词典〔preparation〕The act or process of preparing.准备:准备的行为或过程美国传统〔primrose path〕A course of action that seems easy and appropriate but can actually end in calamity.最易走但又最危险的道路:看似容易且适当的行为的进展,但事实上却以灾难告终美国传统〔promotion〕The act of promoting or the fact of being promoted.促进:促进的行为或被促进的事实美国传统〔pulsation〕The act of pulsating.颤动的行为美国传统〔rankle〕His behaviour rankles with me.他的行为使我怨恨难消。英汉大词典〔rasp〕The act of filing with a rasp.锉:用粗锉刮的行为美国传统〔razzmatazz〕A flashy action or display intended to bewilder, confuse, or deceive.哗众取宠:希望能欺骗,迷糊或弄晕别人的惹人耳目的行为或展览美国传统〔recast〕The act or process of recasting.重铸,重塑:重铸或重塑的行为或过程美国传统〔reciprocal〕Grammar Expressing mutual action or relationship. Used of some verbs and compound pronouns.【语法】 相互代名词的:表达相互之间的行为或关系的。用于修辞一些动词和复合名词美国传统〔reclamation〕The act or process of reclaiming.开拓:开垦的行为或过程美国传统〔renege〕The act of reneging.藏牌的行为美国传统〔reprehensible〕They behaved reprehensibly.他们的行为应受谴责。韦氏高阶〔republication〕The act or process of republishing.再出版:再出版或发行的行为或过程美国传统〔reversal〕The act or an instance of reversing.倒转,颠倒:颠倒或翻转的行为或实例美国传统〔self-discovery〕The act or process of achieving understanding or knowledge of oneself.自我发现:获得自我理解或了解的行为或过程美国传统〔smuggle〕To engage in smuggling.从事走私、偷运的行为美国传统〔soapbox〕Environmental activists have climbed on their soapboxes to protest the president's action.环保分子发表激烈的意见抗议总统的行为。朗文当代〔specification〕The act of specifying.详述:详细说明的行为美国传统〔spoiling tactic〕She hit out at the spoiling tactics of a group of MPs who deliberately caused a parliamentary bill to fail.她对一些议员故意捣乱使立法程序失败的行为进行攻击。剑桥高阶〔sportsmanship〕Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing.运动员精神:适合参与运动的行为或态度,特别是公平竞争、礼貌谦逊、奋斗精神、胜不骄败不馁美国传统〔starvation〕The act or process of starving.饥饿:挨饿的行为或过程美国传统〔starve〕There are people out there who are starving because of your actions.在外面有人正在因为你的行为而挨饿。麦克米伦高阶〔tape recording〕The act of recording on magnetic tape.在磁带上录制的行为美国传统〔term〕She told him what she thought of his behaviour in no uncertain terms (= she made her disapproval very clear).她直截了当地告诉了他自己对他的行为有何看法。剑桥高阶〔these〕His behaviour these past few weeks has been worrying.在过去这几周, 他的行为令人担心。外研社新世纪〔tolerate〕Rude behaviour will no longer be tolerated.将不再容忍粗鲁的行为。麦克米伦高阶〔transportation〕The act or an instance of transporting.运送:运输的行为或事例美国传统〔uncompromisingly〕He states uncompromisingly that he is opposed to any practices which oppress animals.他坚决声明反对任何虐待动物的行为。柯林斯高阶〔winning〕The act of one that wins; victory.获胜:获胜的行为;胜利美国传统〔wiretap〕The act of installing such a device.装设窃听器:安装搭线窃听装置的行为美国传统〔wrangle〕The act of wrangling.吵架:吵架的行为美国传统〔wrong〕An unjust or injurious act.不公平或不公正的行为美国传统Apologising does not excuse your awful behaviour.道歉也不能让我原谅你恶劣的行为。剑桥国际At my school we had to put up with a lot of dos and don'ts that were completely pointless.在学校里,我们不得不忍受许许多多的毫无意义的行为规范。剑桥国际Her behavior is alien to our ethical values. 她的行为和我们的伦理标准格格不入。译典通Her photographs of dead babies have been labelled as perverted.她拍死婴的照片被认为是不正常的行为。剑桥国际I am surprised you give countenance to such conduct. 我很惊奇你会对这样的行为表示赞同。译典通It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favours.公务员想要求人们用礼品或钱来交换特殊优惠的行为是非法的。剑桥国际It was a very weak attempt to justify their actions.为他们的行为辩护的努力非常软弱。剑桥国际My elder brother has always been a role model for me.我的哥哥总是我的行为榜样。剑桥国际The company's actions were both illegal and unethical.这家公司的行为既不合法也不道德。牛津商务The court's final ruling (= decision) on the case was that the companies had acted illegally.法庭对这个案子的最终裁决是,公司的行为为非法。剑桥国际The statement charged that their actions violated the agreement. 声明指责他们的行为违背了协定。译典通Their behavior stamps them as brave people. 他们的行为说明他们是勇敢的人。译典通Those are dirty deeds. 那些是卑鄙的行为。译典通




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