

单词 的著作
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Apocrypha〕apocrypha Writings or statements of questionable authorship or authenticity. apocrypha 可疑著作,不足信的声明:作者或真实性可疑的著作或声明美国传统〔apologetic〕the apologetic writings of the early Christians 早期基督教徒辩护教义的著作英汉大词典〔authoritative〕the most authoritative book on the subject 这个学科最具权威的著作牛津高阶〔author〕translate American authors into Chinese 将美国作家的著作译成中文英汉大词典〔canon〕writings that are outside the Jewish canon 犹太教经典书目之外的著作韦氏高阶〔dogmatic〕dogmatic writings 有关教义的著作英汉大词典〔encompass〕a work that encompasses the entire range of the world's religious beliefs一部包括世界一切宗教信仰的著作21世纪英汉〔expurgated〕an expurgated version of her writings 她的著作的删节本朗文当代〔feign〕feign authorship of a novel.See Synonyms at pretend 冒充小说的著作人 参见 pretend美国传统〔indict〕a book that indicts modern values. 一本谴责现代价值观的著作美国传统〔intertestamental〕an intertestamental work 在旧约写成之后新约开写之前这一时期问世的著作英汉大词典〔militaria〕gather together writings, militaria and other possessions left by the Field Marshal 搜集陆军元帅留下的著作、具有历史意义的军用物品及其他遗物英汉大词典〔mystical〕mystical writings 神秘主义的著作英汉大词典〔obscure〕an eighteenth-century book so obscure I can't even remember the name of it 一本鲜为人知以致我连书名也记不住的18世纪的著作英汉大词典〔provocative〕a thoughtful and provocative book/essay/idea 思想深刻发人深思的著作/文章/观点韦氏高阶〔revisionism〕revisionist writings 修正主义的著作朗文当代〔scholarship〕a work of great scholarship 学术性很强的著作剑桥高阶〔seminal〕a seminal work/article/study 有巨大影响的著作╱文章╱研究牛津高阶〔smattering〕a smattering of early writing 少量早年的著作英汉大词典〔spasmodic〕spasmodic writing 条理不清的著作英汉大词典〔sublime〕writings on the sublime 论述崇高壮丽事物的著作韦氏高阶〔transcend〕a work by a writer that transcends in wisdom anything else he has produced 一部在学识方面超越该作家以前所有作品的著作英汉大词典〔treat〕a book that treats all aspects of health care. 一本涉及健康护理各个方面的著作美国传统〔unpublished〕unpublished writing 未发表的著作英汉大词典〔writing〕the writings of Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林的著作韦氏高阶〔writing〕the writings of Hegel 黑格尔的著作牛津高阶〔writing〕the writings of Karl Marx 卡尔·马克思的著作剑桥高阶〔writing〕the writings of Plato 柏拉图的著作英汉大词典




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