

单词 的老板
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GENEROUS/NOT GENEROUS〕a tight-fisted boss 吝啬的老板朗文写作活用〔autocratic〕an autocratic boss/management style 独断专行的老板/管理作风麦克米伦高阶〔bullheaded〕a bullheaded boss who won't take advice from anyone 不接受任何建议的固执的老板韦氏高阶〔demanding〕a demanding boss/child 苛刻的老板;难满足的孩子牛津高阶〔difficult〕a difficult child/customer/boss 难哄的孩子;难对付的顾客;难讨好的老板牛津高阶〔dismiss〕wasn't canned because his father-in-law owns the business; 由于他的岳父是这个企业的老板,他未被免职;美国传统〔drive-in〕the owner of a drive-in restaurant一家汽车餐馆的老板外研社新世纪〔easygoing〕an easygoing boss 随和的老板韦氏高阶〔exigent〕exigent bosses/clients 苛刻的老板/顾客韦氏高阶〔fat cat〕fat cat bosses/directors 有财有势的老板/董事剑桥高阶〔former〕my former boss/colleague/wife 以前的老板╱同事;前妻牛津高阶〔from hell〕bosses from hell 可恶至极的老板韦氏高阶〔hotheaded〕a hotheaded boss 容易发火的老板韦氏高阶〔hypercritical〕a hypercritical boss 吹毛求疵的老板韦氏高阶〔ideal〕the ideal employer 无可挑剔的老板剑桥高阶〔if〕a fair, if tough, boss 虽然严厉但公平的老板韦氏高阶〔imperious〕an imperious boss 飞扬跋扈的老板英汉大词典〔make〕made up to his friend's boss. 向他朋友的老板献殷勤美国传统〔matey〕a boss who is matey with his staff 对员工友好的老板韦氏高阶〔micromanage〕bosses who micromanage 管头管脚的老板牛津高阶〔misogynist〕their misogynist boss 他们那位憎恨女人的老板韦氏高阶〔proprietor〕the proprietor of a local restaurant一家当地餐馆的老板外研社新世纪〔proprietor〕the proprietor of a small hotel and restaurant 一家小旅馆兼餐馆的老板朗文当代〔pub〕the landlord of the local pub 当地酒馆的老板牛津高阶〔reasonable〕a reasonable boss 通情达理的老板英汉大词典〔relay〕relayed the message to his boss. 把消息分程传递给他的老板美国传统〔shadow boxing〕the tedious shadow boxing that we normally see between bosses and unions in Britain. 在英国我们通常所见的老板和工会之间令人厌烦的假模假样的斗争柯林斯高阶〔tax〕a boss who taxed everyone's patience. 耗费每个人的忍耐力的老板美国传统a dynamic boss 精力充沛的老板牛津商务a national newspaper proprietor 全国性报纸的老板牛津商务the company's head honcho 这家公司的老板牛津商务




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