

单词 的第一部分
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕Please turn to the first part of the report, which relates to safety matters. 请翻到报告的第一部分,其内容与安全事项有关。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕The first part of this textbook deals with mechanics. 这本教科书的第一部分讲述力学。朗文写作活用〔IMPROVE〕The first part of the book is pretty boring, but it gets a lot better as the story goes on. 这本书的第一部分挺无聊的,但随着故事的发展就好看多了。朗文写作活用〔PART〕I've finished the first part of my thesis. 我已完成了论文的第一部分。朗文写作活用〔exposition〕The first part of a composition in sonata form that introduces the themes.呈示部:奏呜曲式音乐作品中表现主旋律的第一部分美国传统〔foregut〕The first part of the alimentary canal of an arthropod or annelid, which includes the buccal cavity, esophagus, crop, and gizzard.前肠:节肢动物或环节动物的消化道的第一部分,包括口腔、食管、嗉囊和砂囊美国传统〔go〕When you finish the first section of the test, go on to the next.当你完成测验的第一部分后,继续做下一部分。麦克米伦高阶〔laud〕The service of prayers following the matins and constituting with them the first of the seven canonical hours.晨经:晨祷之后的祈祷仪式,同晨祷一齐组成七个规定的祈祷时刻的第一部分美国传统〔lose〕I understood the first part of the lecture, but when he started to talk about quantum physics he lost me completely. [=I was completely unable to understand what he was saying] 讲座的第一部分我听懂了,但是当他开始讲量子物理学之后我就完全被搞糊涂了。韦氏高阶〔miss〕We were late and missed the first part of the concert.我们由于迟到错过了音乐会的第一部分。麦克米伦高阶〔opening〕The first part or stage, as of a book.首章:书的第一部分或第一册美国传统〔part〕The first and second parts of Goethe's Faust are divided into acts.歌德的《浮士德》的第一部分和第二部分被分为若干幕。韦氏高阶〔plainly〕The first part of that argument is plainly true.论据的第一部分显然是成立的。朗文当代〔pt〕Shakespeare's Henry IV, Pt 1 莎士比亚《亨利四世》的第一部分韦氏高阶〔slow〕Progress has been painfully slow.电影的第一部分很沉闷。麦克米伦高阶〔slow〕The first part of the film is very slow.电影的第一部分很沉闷。麦克米伦高阶〔study〕The first part of the course is designed to develop students' study skills.该课程的第一部分旨在培养学生的学习技巧。牛津搭配〔treat〕The first part of the plan works a treat.计划的第一部分天衣无缝。外研社新世纪〔treat〕The first part of the plan works a treat.计划的第一部分天衣无缝。柯林斯高阶A film was made out of the first and second parts of the trilogy.有一部电影是根据这出三部曲的第一部分和第二部分拍的。剑桥国际The first half of the film was interesting but the second half dragged (on) (= seemed to go slowly because it was boring).电影的第一部分挺有趣的,但第二部分显得有些拖沓。剑桥国际The first section of the book covers the grammar and lexis of English.该书的第一部分论及英语语法和词汇。剑桥国际




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