

单词 生而
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAMOUS〕The island hit the headlines last year when huge tidal waves killed 2,000 people. 这个岛去年因为海啸使2,000人丧生而成了头条新闻。朗文写作活用〔Mencius〕Chinese Confucian philosopher who taught that man is innately good and that one's nature can be enhanced or perverted by one's environment.孟子:中国儒家哲学家,认为人生而具有天赋的“仁心”,一个人的善与恶由其所处的环境决定美国传统〔PUNISH〕Two instructors were punished for harassing female students. 两名讲师因骚扰女学生而受罚。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕The arts and crafts fair is geared toward middle school students. 这场手工艺展销会是为初中学生而设的。朗文写作活用〔alien〕In a world that had suddenly become alien and dangerous, he was her only security.在一个突然变得陌生而危险的世界里,他是她唯一的守护神。牛津高阶〔amphibiotic〕Living in water during an early stage of development and on land during the adult stage.水陆两栖的:在发育的早期水生而成年期陆生的美国传统〔attack〕The school has come under attack for failing to encourage bright pupils.这所学校因未能鼓励聪明学生而受到非难。牛津高阶〔bodhisattva〕An enlightened being who, out of compassion, forgoes nirvana in order to save others.菩萨:开悟的人,出于慈悲为救众生而放弃涅槃美国传统〔born〕Everyone is born free and equal.人人生而自由平等。文馨英汉〔born〕He was born rich.他生而富有。文馨英汉〔celebration〕The ceremony will be a celebration of his life.此仪式是为颂扬他的一生而举办的。麦克米伦高阶〔coattail〕His decline in popularity followed on the coattails of the scandal.他的声望随着那件丑闻的发生而低落了。英汉大词典〔conditioning〕Is personality the result of conditioning from parents and society, or are we born with it? 个性是受父母和社会薰陶的结果,还是我们生而有之?牛津高阶〔derive〕The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring.Easter (复活节)一词由Eostre(异教的春天女神)衍生而来。外研社新世纪〔descendant〕His design was a descendant of a 1956 device.他的设计是从一个 1956 年的装置衍生而来的。柯林斯高阶〔fossil fuel〕A hydrocarbon deposit, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas, derived from living matter of a previous geologic time and used for fuel.矿物燃料:碳氢化合物的沉淀,如石油、煤、天然气等,由古代生物衍生而成,经过开发后用作燃料美国传统〔gentleman farmer〕A man of independent means who farms chiefly for pleasure rather than income.乡绅:富裕的乡村绅士,主要为了闲乐而不是为了谋生而经营农场美国传统〔heir presumptive〕An heir whose claim can be defeated by the birth of a closer relative before the death of the ancestor.假定继承人:其继承权可因祖宗死亡之前血统更近之亲属的诞生而失效的继承人美国传统〔honest〕I'm just trying to earn an honest living(=earn money by working hard).我只是想努力工作赚钱谋生而已。麦克米伦高阶〔hydrazide〕An acyl derivative of hydrazine.酰肼:一种由肼衍生而来的酰美国传统〔idea〕It's based on the idea that all people are created equal.它是基于人人生而平等这个信念之上的。朗文当代〔idea〕The whole idea of democracy was something strange and new to most people.对于当时大部分人来说,民主这个概念陌生而新鲜。朗文当代〔innate〕His stubbornness is not innate but acquired.他的固执脾性并非天生而是后天养成的。英汉大词典〔innate〕His stubbornness is not innate but acquired.他的固执脾气并非天生而是后天养成的。文馨英汉〔intern〕To train or serve as an intern.做实习生:作为一名实习生而培训或服务美国传统〔might-have-been〕Who can calculate the might-have-beens? 谁能预料可能发生而未发生的事?文馨英汉〔moot court〕A mock court where hypothetical cases are tried for the training of law students.模拟法庭:为训练法学系学生而设立的对假设案件进行审议判决的模拟的法庭美国传统〔ootid〕A haploid cell that results from the meiotic division of an oocyte and becomes a female gamete or an ovum.卵(子)细胞:由于卵母细胞减数分裂产生而后形成配子或卵细胞的单倍体细胞美国传统〔persevere〕The school has a reputation for persevering with difficult and disruptive children.这所学校因不放弃捣乱难管的学生而闻名。外研社新世纪〔personality〕The quality or condition of being a person.生而为人:做为人的品质或条件美国传统〔pithily〕Louis Armstrong defined jazz pithily as 'what I play for a living'.路易斯•阿姆斯特朗简练地把爵士乐定义为“我为谋生而演奏的东西”。外研社新世纪〔precedent〕There's not much precedent for men taking leave when their baby is born.男性因孩子出生而休假的先例不多。朗文当代〔predestine〕God predestines some to eternal life and others to eternal death.上帝预定某些人永生而另一些人永远不能得救。21世纪英汉〔pride〕Jen prided herself on being fair and honest with all of her students.詹为自己能够公平坦诚地对待所有的学生而感到自豪。麦克米伦高阶〔proposition〕They were debating the proposition that "All people are created equal".他们正就“人人生而平等”这一命题展开辩论。剑桥高阶〔reputation〕He earned/established/gained/acquired a reputation as an entertaining speaker.他因为演讲妙趣横生而赢得/享有/得到/获得盛名。剑桥高阶〔sack〕Science teacher James Wood was sacked for slapping a schoolboy.理科教师詹姆斯·伍德因为掌掴一名男生而被开除。柯林斯高阶〔seduce〕The head lecturer was sacked for seducing female students.这个首席讲师因诱奸女学生而被解雇。朗文当代〔self-evident〕We hold the truth to be self-evident that all men are created equal.我们认为“人生而平等”这一真理是不言而喻的。英汉大词典〔sigh〕She sighed over my wasted life.她为我虚度了一生而痛惜。英汉大词典〔simply〕He works simply to earn a living.他仅为谋生而工作。文馨英汉〔stroll〕To travel from place to place seeking work or gain.奔波:为求职或谋生而辗转各地美国传统〔thrush〕An infection of the frog of a horse's foot, characterized by a foul-smelling discharge and often resulting from unhygienic stall conditions.蹄叉腐烂:通常由于马厩内不卫生而引起的一种马蹄叉部的感染,特征是流出有恶臭的脓美国传统〔triazine〕A compound derived from one of these isomers.三嗪衍生物:由这几种三嗪衍生而来的化合物美国传统All men are born equal. 人生而平等。译典通He is a legendary figure to these young college students. 对于这些年轻的大学生而言,他是个传奇性的人物。译典通He simply wants to live out (= experience or do) the rest of his days in peace.他不过想安逸地度过余生而已。剑桥国际He was imprisoned in 1945 for the brutal murder of a 12-year old school girl.他于1945年因残忍地杀害一个12岁女生而入狱。剑桥国际New ideas are often formed by a process of derivation from existing ideas.新思想往往是通过既有思想衍生而来。剑桥国际Remember your birthright of freedom. 别忘了你们生而自由的权利。译典通The march involved not just local lefties and students but also elderly residents.游行队伍中不仅有当地的左翼分子和学生而且还有中老年居民。剑桥国际The trees will propagate themselves by the reproduction of their seed. 这些树将透过种子的再生而自行繁殖。译典通They were debating the proposition that “All people are created equal”.他们就“人人生而平等”这一主张展开辩论。剑桥国际This novel is too difficult for intermediate students of English, but advanced ones should be able to cope with it.对于英语中级水平的学生而言这部小说太难,但高级水平的学生应该可以应付。剑桥国际When Achilles was an infant, his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river. 当阿基里斯还是婴儿时,其母亲为了使他永生而在神秘河里为他洗澡。译典通




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