

单词 的眼泪
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔anguish〕tears/cries of anguish 痛苦的眼泪/哭喊韦氏高阶〔choke〕choked back his tears. 忍住他的眼泪美国传统〔feminine〕womanish tears. 女人气的眼泪。美国传统〔flow〕a sudden flow of tears 夺眶而出的眼泪韦氏高阶〔kiss〕kiss away sb.'s tears (jealousy, anger) 以接吻除去某人的眼泪(妒意,愤怒)英汉大词典〔mimic〕mimic tears 假装的眼泪英汉大词典〔repentant〕repentant tears 后悔的眼泪文馨英汉〔repentant〕repentant tears 悔恨的眼泪英汉大词典〔return〕the tears that threatened to return 眼看又要流出来的眼泪牛津搭配〔salt〕a salt spray; salt tears. 含盐的喷雾;含盐的眼泪美国传统〔shoot〕the tears shooting from one's eyes 从眼中涌出的眼泪英汉大词典〔tear〕tears A profusion of this liquid spilling from the eyes and wetting the cheeks, especially as an expression of emotion. tears 流泪:从眼中溢出并湿润面颊的大量的眼泪,尤指感情的一种表达方式美国传统〔unmoved〕be unmoved by sb.'s tears 不被某人的眼泪打动 英汉大词典〔unwept〕unwept tears. 未流下的眼泪美国传统




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