

单词 的界限
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔between〕certainlybetween would be impossible). Between is the preferred choice when the entities are seen as determining the limits or endpoints of a range: 后一句亦可适用于当仅有两者时的情况;当然between 是不可能的)。 实体被视为确定某范围的界限或终点时,更适合选择用between : 美国传统〔borderline〕the borderline between fact and fiction 现实和虚构之间的界限韦氏高阶〔boundary〕border is a line that separates political entities: Border 是将政治实体分离的界限: 美国传统〔boundary〕extending the boundaries of press freedom. 扩大新闻自由的界限柯林斯高阶〔boundary〕the boundaries of human thought 人类思想的界限英汉大词典〔bound〕the bounds of space and time 时空的界限文馨英汉〔excessive〕extravagant gifts); often it implies unbridled divergence from the bounds of reason or sound judgment ( 奢侈的礼物); 它经常指远离合理或公正的界限( 美国传统〔falsehood〕the line between truth and falsehood 真假之间的界限韦氏高阶〔flexible〕an elastic spirit), or is stretched beyond strict or proper bounds ( 开朗乐观的人) 或者是被拉伸得超过了适当的界限或限制的( 美国传统〔indefinite〕an indefinite answer/boundary 模棱两可的答复;模糊的界限韦氏高阶〔limit〕the southern limits of the area这个地区南部的界限外研社新世纪〔mark〕marked off the limits of our property. 划分我们财产的界限美国传统〔muddy〕muddying the line between fact and fiction 模糊了事实和虚幻之间的界限韦氏高阶〔nebulous〕a nebulous line between confidence and overconfidence 自信与自负之间难以分清的界限英汉大词典〔perimeter〕the perimeter of the legislation 立法的界限英汉大词典〔press〕the boundary between privacy and press freedom隐私权与新闻自由之间的界限外研社新世纪〔stake〕to stake out the boundaries of标出…的界限21世纪英汉〔temporal〕a temporal dimension; temporal and spatial boundaries. 时间尺度;时间和空间的界限美国传统〔well-defined〕well-defined limits 明确的界限英汉大词典




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