

单词 珍惜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔brush〕A brush with death can make you appreciate life more.遭遇过死亡威胁会让你更加珍惜生命。朗文当代〔cherished〕He genuinely loved and cherished her.他由衷地爱恋并珍惜她。柯林斯高阶〔cherish〕He genuinely loved and cherished her.他真心地爱她、珍惜她。外研社新世纪〔cherish〕It was a wonderful occasion which we will cherish for many years to come.那是一个美好的时刻, 再过许多年我们也将好好珍惜。外研社新世纪〔choice〕I'll be choice of what you gave me.我会珍惜你给我的东西的。英汉大词典〔freedom〕As a society we value freedom and privacy.作为一个社会,我们很珍惜自由与隐私。牛津搭配〔give up the ghost〕All I'd cherished from early childhood had been denied me, so I simply gave up the ghost.我自童年起珍惜的一切都被夺走了,我只好放弃。剑桥高阶〔go to〕Honours do not always go to those who merit them.荣誉并不总是给予那些珍惜它们的人们。21世纪英汉〔grant〕Being apart from my family for so long has made me realize that I've been taking them for granted.离开家人这么长时间让我认识到自己一直没有珍惜家人。韦氏高阶〔grant〕We take having an endless supply of clean water for granted.我们想当然地认为洁净水的供应无穷无尽而不予以珍惜。牛津高阶〔hymn〕Their first single was a hymn to selfishness called 'Looking After Number One'.他们的第一首单曲唱片是颂扬利己的一首歌,名为《珍惜自我》。朗文当代〔independence〕He values his independence.他珍惜他的独立自主。牛津高阶〔independence〕I value my independence too much to get married.我太珍惜自己的独立了,不愿意结婚。牛津搭配〔jealous〕He’s jealous of his reputation.他珍惜自己的名誉。牛津同义词〔jealous〕She is very jealous of her independence, and doesn't want to get married.她很珍惜自己的自由,不想结婚。剑桥高阶〔jealous〕She was jealous of her good reputation.她非常珍惜自己的名誉。韦氏高阶〔jealous〕They are very jealous of their good reputation(= they do not want to lose it).他们极为珍惜自己的声誉。牛津高阶〔jewel〕One that is treasured or esteemed.被珍惜或尊重的人美国传统〔luxury〕An evening to himself was a luxury that he guarded jealously.一个属于他自己的夜晚是他十分珍惜的一种享受。麦克米伦高阶〔parting〕It was an amicable parting and we greatly value the years we spent together.这是一次友好的分手,我们十分珍惜共同度过的几年时光。牛津搭配〔photo〕His most treasured possession is an autographed photo of his basketball hero.他最珍惜的财产是他的篮球偶像亲笔签名的照片。牛津搭配〔platonic〕She values the platonic friendship she has had with Chris for ten years.她珍惜自己和克里斯之间长达10年的柏拉图式的友情。柯林斯高阶〔precious〕The people in his life seemed so precious to him now.他现在觉得对他而言他一生中遇到的人都值得珍惜。牛津搭配〔protective〕He's too jealous and protective of her.他太珍惜爱护她了。牛津搭配〔reputation〕She is squandering her enormous reputation with the students.因为不珍惜自己在学生心目中的崇高威望,她正渐渐失去它。英汉大词典〔second〕You really should make the most of the opportunity, because you won't get a second chance.你真的应该好好珍惜这个机会,因为你不会再有这样的机会了。剑桥高阶〔sweetheart〕Something cherished for its excellent qualities.佳品,上品:因其出色的品质而珍惜的东西美国传统〔treasure〕I treasure the moments I spend with my grandchildren.我很珍惜和孙儿们度过的那些时光。麦克米伦高阶〔treasure〕She treasured those memories.她珍惜那些记忆。英汉大词典〔treasure〕She treasures her memories of those joyous days.她珍惜那些快乐日子的记忆。外研社新世纪I shall always treasure those memories of her.我会一直珍惜对她的回忆。剑桥国际If I give you grandma's watch you'll have to promise me that you'll treasure it.如果我把祖母的表给你,你必须答应我你会珍惜它。剑桥国际She is very jealous of her independence, and doesn't want to get married.她很珍惜自己的独立,不想结婚。剑桥国际We are jealous of our hard-won freedom. 我们珍惜得来不易的自由。译典通We should all cherish this momentous progress as it is hard to come by. 我们应该珍惜这项重大的进步,因为它来之不易。译典通We treasure our friendship. 我们珍惜我们之间的友谊。译典通We treasure this dearly purchased victory. 我们珍惜这次以惨重的代价换来的胜利。译典通You really ought to make the most of the opportunity, because you won't get a second chance.你实在应该好好珍惜这个机会,因为你不会再有另一个机会了。剑桥国际




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