

单词 狄克
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LATER〕Dixon pleaded guilty to all the charges and will be sentenced at a later date. 对于所有的指控狄克逊都认罪了,他将于稍后的某个日期被判刑。朗文写作活用〔QUIET〕Dixon fell silent again, deep in thought. 狄克逊又安静了下来,陷入了沉思之中。朗文写作活用〔SOON〕Dixon was convinced he could win the forthcoming election. 狄克逊确信自己能在这次即将举行的选举中获胜。朗文写作活用〔canonize〕Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.圣女贞德终于在1920年由教皇本尼狄克十五世封为圣徒。柯林斯高阶〔disposition〕Dixon had a disposition to stammer.狄克逊有口吃的习惯。外研社新世纪〔east〕The region of the United States east of the Allegheny Mountains and north of the Mason-Dixon Line.美国东部各州:美国阿勒格尼山的东面及梅森-狄克森南北分界线以北的地域美国传统〔estimation〕Lee Dixon, the best player on the pitch in his manager's estimation.教练心目中球场上最好的球员李·狄克逊柯林斯高阶〔excerpt〕Let's run a little excerpt of what Governor Dixon had to say.让我们播放一小段狄克逊州长不得不说的话。牛津搭配〔inherit〕He did a fine job as manager after inheriting Dick's portfolio.他接过狄克的职务出任经理之后,工作干得不错。英汉大词典〔obscurity〕Dixon didn't mind the obscurity of the reference.狄克逊不介意引文的晦涩难懂。外研社新世纪〔pope〕Pope Benedict XVI 教皇本尼狄克十六世韦氏高阶〔reportedly〕In recent months, Mrs. Dixon had reportedly been suffering from high blood pressure.近来几个月,据说狄克逊夫人一直患高血压。英汉大词典〔responsibility〕Later the responsibility was placed upon a man called Dick.后来,这责任落在一个叫狄克的身上。英汉大词典〔sit in for sb〕Mr Baker is ill today, so Miss Dixon is sitting in for him (as your teacher).贝克先生今天病了,因此由狄克逊小姐替他(上课)。剑桥高阶〔slip〕It just slipped out one day that Dick was in the Secret Service.一天,有人在无意中讲出狄克是特工人员。英汉大词典〔stage〕He adopted the stage name Dixon Hare when he became a full-time actor.他成为专职演员后用狄克逊・黑尔作艺名。牛津搭配〔throat〕When Tom called Dick a bad name, Dick flew at his throat.汤姆骂了狄克,狄克便向汤姆猛扑过去。英汉大词典〔tribe〕Good to see you, Dick!How is the tribe? 很高兴见到你,狄克! 家里人都好吗?英汉大词典〔which〕Which is taller, Tom or Dick? 谁长得高些,是汤姆还是狄克? 英汉大词典Dick bicycles to school every day. 狄克每天骑脚踏车上学。译典通Dick is a rather adult child. 狄克少年老成。译典通Dick is babied by all the family. 狄克受到全家的宠爱。译典通Dick is feeling a bit down today. 狄克今天有点情绪低落。译典通Dick recalls having been in Paris to study music when he was a child. 狄克忆起小时候曾经到巴黎学音乐。译典通Dick seldom talks of anything but music. 狄克很少谈及音乐以外的事情。译典通Dick sniffed suspiciously around the office. 狄克怀疑地在办公室里四处查看。译典通In the company, Dick ranks above Tom. 在公司里,狄克的地位比汤姆高。译典通Mr Baker is ill today, so Miss Dixon is sitting in for him (as your teacher).贝克先生今天病了,所以狄克逊小姐代替他(当你们老师)。剑桥国际She will succeed the retiring Ian Dixon as chief executive of the company.她将接任伊恩·狄克逊公司总裁的职务。剑桥国际The former slave states south of the Mason-Dixon Line have always been looked down on by northerners.北方各州的人一直瞧不起梅森—狄克森线以南的昔日的蓄奴州。剑桥国际While walking along a side street, Dick was mugged by two youths. 狄克在小街上行走时,遭到来自背后的两个青年的袭击。译典通




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