

单词 生物化学
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MSc〕Phil has/is doing/is studying for an MSc in biochemistry.菲尔拥有/在攻读生物化学硕士学位。剑桥高阶〔PhD〕He's got a PhD in Biochemistry.他获得了生物化学博士学位。朗文当代〔TEST〕Mitch graduated from Stanford in 1998 with a degree in biochemistry. 1998年米奇毕业于斯坦福大学,获生物化学学位。朗文写作活用〔agonist〕Biochemistry A substance that can combine with a nerve receptor to produce a reaction typical for that substance.【生物化学】 兴奋剂:能和神经末梢结合在一起对该物质产生作用的物质美国传统〔antagonism〕Biochemistry Interference in the physiological action of a chemical substance by another having a similar structure.【生物化学】 对抗作用:一种化学物质被另一种具有类似结构的化学物质进行的生理行为干涉美国传统〔antagonist〕Biochemistry A chemical substance that interferes with the physiological action of another, especially by combining with and blocking its nerve receptor.【生物化学】 拮抗药,对抗药:通过与另一种化学物质的结合或阻碍其神经接受体而干扰其生理作用的一种化学物质美国传统〔biocatalyst〕A substance, especially an enzyme, that initiates or modifies the rate of a chemical reaction in a living body; a biochemical catalyst.生物催化剂:能在活的体内产生化学反应或改变生物体内化学反应速度的物质,尤指酶;生物化学催化剂美国传统〔biochemistry〕The study of the chemical substances and vital processes occurring in living organisms; biological chemistry; physiological chemistry.生物化学:对生物中化学物质和生命过程的研究;生物学化学;生理学化学美国传统〔bioenergetics〕Biochemistry The study of the flow and transformation of energy in and between living organisms and between living organisms and their environment.【生物化学】 生物能量学:生物中、生物之间和生物与其环境之间能量统动和转换的研究美国传统〔biogeochemistry〕The study of the relationship between the geochemistry of a region and the animal and plant life in that region.生物化学:研究一个地域的地球化学与该地域动植物生命之间关系的学科美国传统〔bioinorganic〕Of or having to do with inorganic compounds and their role in biochemical processes.生物无机物的:与无机化合物及其在生物化学过程中作用有关的美国传统〔bioorganic〕Of or having to do with organic compounds and their role in biochemical processes.生物有机的:属于或有关于在生物化学过程中的有机化合物及其作用的美国传统〔compatible〕Capable of forming a chemically or biochemically stable system.稳定的:能够形成化学或生物化学的稳定系统的美国传统〔complementary〕Biochemistry Of or relating to the specific pairing of the purines and pyrimidines between strands of a DNA or an RNA molecule.【生物化学】 互补的:指DNA或RNA分子链之间特定的嘌呤和嘧啶碱基对的互补美国传统〔cytochemistry〕The branch of biochemistry that deals with the study of the chemical composition and activity of cells.细胞化学:生物化学的一个分支,它从事研究这种化学构成成分和细胞活动美国传统〔degree〕She has a degree in Biochemistry from Queen's University.她有女王大学的生物化学学位。牛津高阶〔effector〕Biochemistry A small molecule that when bound to the allosteric site of an enzyme causes either a decrease or an increase in the activity of the enzyme.【生物化学】 效应物:一种小分子,当邻接酶的变构点时会引起酶活动的增加或减少美国传统〔essential〕Biochemistry Being a substance that is required for normal functioning but cannot be synthesized by the body and therefore must be included in the diet.【生物化学】 元素:人体某一功能所必需,又不能由身体合成的物质,必须由食物含这种物质美国传统〔induce〕Biochemistry To initiate or increase the production of (an enzyme or other protein) at the level of genetic transcription.【生物化学】 用人工方法引导:在基因复制的方法上,人工诱发或增加(酶或其它蛋白质)的产出量美国传统〔induction〕Biochemistry The process of initiating or increasing the production of an enzyme or other protein at the level of genetic transcription.【生物化学】 诱导:以基因复制的方式激发或增加酶或其它蛋白质产出量的过程美国传统〔lysis〕Biochemistry The dissolution or destruction of cells, such as blood cells or bacteria, as by the action of a specific lysin.【生物化学】 溶解:通过特定溶素作用对血细胞或细菌的溶解或破坏美国传统〔oxygen demand〕Biochemical oxygen demand.氧需求:生物化学的氧气要求美国传统〔pacemaker〕Biochemistry A substance that regulates a series of related reactions.【生物化学】 定调质:调整一系列有关反应的一种物质美国传统〔paleobiochemistry〕The biochemical constituents of fossil organisms.有机生物化石构成的生物化学成分美国传统〔paleobiochemistry〕The study of the development and evolution of biochemicals and biochemical processes.史前生物化学:对生物化学以及生物化学过程的发展和演变的研究美国传统〔primary〕Biochemistry Of, relating to, or being the sequence of amino acids in a protein.【生物化学】 原发性的:蛋白质中胺酸排列的或与蛋白质中胺酸排列有关的美国传统〔sequence〕Biochemistry The order of constituents in a polymer, especially the order of nucleotides in a nucleic acid or of the animal acids in a protein.【生物化学】 顺序:聚合物中成分的顺序,尤指核酸中核苷酸的顺序或蛋白质中动物酸的顺序美国传统〔template〕Biochemistry A molecule of a nucleic acid, such as DNA, that serves as a pattern or mold for the synthesis of a macromolecule, as of RNA.【生物化学】 模板:用作一个大分子如RNA分析的模板或模型的核糖核酸的基础粒子,如DNA美国传统Her specialty is biochemistry. 她的专业是生物化学。译典通I plan to take biochemistry this semester. 这学期我准备选修生物化学。译典通She has applied for a professorship in biochemistry at Warwick University.她申请了沃里克大学生物化学教授职位。剑桥国际She studies biochemistry, or the science of life. 她学生物化学,也就是生命科学。译典通




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