

单词 玻璃
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BREAK〕Many laboratories spend thousands of dollars a year on breakable glass equipment. 许多实验室每年都花上几千美元购买易碎的玻璃器材。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕In the glass was a greenish concoction with pieces of ice and fruit floating in it. 玻璃杯里有一种略带绿色的混合饮料,上面漂浮着冰和水果。朗文写作活用〔HORRIBLE〕There was a sickening crash and the sound of broken glass as the two trains collided. 两列火车相撞,发出令人昏晕的碰撞声和玻璃碎裂的声音。朗文写作活用〔MENTALLY ILL〕There's this crazy woman in our town who eats glass. 我们镇上的这个疯女人会吃玻璃。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕The treated glass shields your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays. 这种经过处理的玻璃保护双眼免受太阳紫外线的伤害。朗文写作活用〔ROUND〕The Renaissance Center is a huge tubular steel and glass shopping mall. “文艺复兴中心”是一个用管状钢和玻璃建造的大型购物中心。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕Make sure your patio doors are made of unbreakable glass. 阳台的门一定要使用不易打碎的玻璃。朗文写作活用〔THICK〕The price of the glass will depend on how thick it is. 玻璃的价格取决于它的厚度。朗文写作活用〔TOUCH〕Those glasses were very expensive. You can look but don't touch. 那些玻璃杯非常贵,你可以看但不要碰。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕A policeman is fighting for his life after young thugs threw a brick through his patrol car windscreen. 有年轻暴徒向巡逻车的挡风玻璃扔了一块砖头,一名警察生命垂危。朗文写作活用〔angrily〕He was badly concussed, the glass leaving two angry cuts across his forehead.他遭受了严重的脑震荡,脑门上留下的两道被玻璃划破的口子已经红肿。柯林斯高阶〔aventurine〕An opaque or semitranslucent brown glass flecked with small metallic particles, often of copper or chromic oxide.金星玻璃:一种不透明或半透明的棕色玻璃,掺有小的金属颗粒,通常为铜或氧化铬美国传统〔barware〕The glassware and other items used in preparing alcoholic drinks.玻璃容器:用来准备酒类饮料的玻璃器皿和其它容器美国传统〔bead〕The moisture beaded on the glass.水气在玻璃上结珠。21世纪英汉〔beat against〕There was dead silence but for a fly beating against the glass.除了一只苍蝇扑打玻璃的声音外, 一片死寂。外研社新世纪〔beating-up〕The rain was beating on the windowpanes.雨点拍打着窗玻璃。柯林斯高阶〔blur〕Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of movement on the other side of the glass.透过眼睛的余光, 我影影绰绰看到玻璃外面有什么东西一闪而过。外研社新世纪〔bond〕This new adhesive can bond metal to glass.这种新的黏合剂可将金属和玻璃粘在一起。剑桥高阶〔carpet〕The room had been carpeted and the windows glazed with coloured glass.房间里铺了地毯, 窗户上装了彩色玻璃。外研社新世纪〔casserole〕A dish, usually of earthenware, glass, or cast iron, in which food is both baked and served.焙盘:用于烘烤和盛放食物的盘子,通常是陶器、玻璃或铸铁制品美国传统〔chipped〕Teichler's eyes gleamed like chips of blue glass.泰希勒的眼睛像蓝色的玻璃片一样闪亮。柯林斯高阶〔chip〕A small piece, as of wood, stone, or glass, broken or cut off.屑片:木头、石头或玻璃的破碎或被砍削下来的小片美国传统〔condensation〕He used his sleeve to wipe the condensation off the glass.他用袖子擦掉玻璃上凝结的水珠。柯林斯高阶〔conservatory〕The conservatory faces east so it gets the morning sun.玻璃暖房朝东, 这样上午就能照到太阳。外研社新世纪〔contract〕Glass contracts as it cools.玻璃遇冷收缩。牛津高阶〔crack〕There is a crack in the mirror/windshield/glass.镜子/挡风玻璃/玻璃上有条裂纹。韦氏高阶〔crash〕The pot/glass fell to the floor with a crash.罐子/玻璃杯啪的一声掉到了地板上。韦氏高阶〔crow's-nest〕Nautical A small lookout platform with a protective railing and windscreen, located near the top of a ship's mast or superstructure.【航海】 桅杆暸望台:设置有防护栏杆和挡风玻璃的小型了望平台,位于船桅或船的上层结构的顶部附近美国传统〔crystal〕A clear glass or plastic protective cover for the face of a watch or clock.水晶面:一个覆盖在钟表表面的、起保护作用的透明玻璃或塑料片美国传统〔crystal〕A high-quality clear, colorless glass.水晶玻璃:一种优质透明的无色玻璃美国传统〔crystal〕Get out your best china and crystal.把你最好的瓷器和水晶玻璃器皿都拿出来吧。外研社新世纪〔crystal〕The wine glasses are made of the finest crystal.这些酒杯是用最好的水晶玻璃制成的。韦氏高阶〔delicate〕He stepped delicately over the broken glass.他小心翼翼地跨过碎玻璃。牛津高阶〔devilment〕Ruffians were breaking windows out of sheer devilment.流氓们打坏玻璃纯粹是为了捣乱。韦氏高阶〔didymium〕A mixture of rare-earth elements and oxides used chiefly in manufacturing and coloring various forms of glass.稀土与氧化物混合物:稀土元素和氧化物的混合物,这要用于制造和给各种形式的玻璃上色美国传统〔differentiate from〕The chrome trim and tinted glass differentiate the luxury model from the standard.铬合金装饰和淡色玻璃使这种奢华的样式有别于标准的样式。21世纪英汉〔dry〕Shall I dry up these glasses? 我来把这些玻璃杯擦干好吗?朗文当代〔explode〕He threw a glass on the stone floor and it exploded like a shot.他把玻璃杯往石地面上一扔,杯子像霰弹一样崩碎了。英汉大词典〔fiddler〕Bob had a fight and broke a window, so now he must pay the fiddler.鲍勃跟人打架,还打碎一块窗玻璃,所以现在必然要吃苦头了。英汉大词典〔fly〕A trapped fly buzzed against the window pane.受困的苍蝇嗡嗡地朝窗玻璃上乱撞。麦克米伦高阶〔fog〕The windscreen had fogged up.挡风玻璃上起了雾。朗文当代〔force〕The force of the explosion shattered the windows of several buildings.爆炸的冲力震碎了几栋楼房的玻璃窗。柯林斯高阶〔frosted〕We had frosted glass put in the bathroom window.我们在浴室的窗户上安装了磨砂玻璃。剑桥高阶〔fuse〕Glass is made by fusing various types of sand.玻璃是通过熔化各种沙子制成的。外研社新世纪〔gash〕One day Frank gashed his hand on a bit of broken glass.一天,弗兰克的手被一块碎玻璃片划了一道大口子。朗文当代〔glancing〕The glass hit him a glancing blow on the forehead.玻璃杯斜敲在他的额头上。外研社新世纪〔glassmaker〕One that makes glass.玻璃制造者美国传统〔glass〕To put into a glass container.把…装入玻璃器内美国传统〔glaze〕If the windows are to be externally glazed, ask whether the glass can be removed from the outside.如果需要从外面给窗户装玻璃, 问一下能否从外面卸下玻璃。外研社新世纪〔handle〕Glass — handle with care.玻璃——小心轻放。英汉大词典〔hit〕This type of glass won't shatter no matter how hard you hit it.这种玻璃无论你怎么敲击都不会碎。剑桥高阶〔hurricane lamp〕A lamp with a candle, an oiled wick, or an electric bulb protected by a glass chimney.防风灯:一种配有玻璃罩的灯,燃以蜡烛、油芯或电灯泡美国传统〔hyalite〕A clear, colorless opal.玻璃蛋白石:一种透明、无色的蛋白石美国传统〔insert〕The clear glass windows had inserts of coloured glass.一扇扇明亮的玻璃窗上都饰有彩色玻璃镶块。英汉大词典〔inset〕The windows have beautiful stained glass insets.窗户上镶着漂亮的彩色玻璃。牛津高阶〔insulation〕Glass fibre is often used as roof insulation.玻璃纤维常用作屋顶的隔热材料。剑桥高阶〔jug〕A large, often rounded vessel of earthenware, glass, or metal with a small mouth, a handle, and usually a stopper or cap.大罐,大壶:陶土、玻璃或金属制成的大容器,常为圆形,有狭嘴及柄,并且通常有塞子或盖子美国传统〔luster〕A glass pendant, especially on a chandelier.玻璃吊灯架:玻璃垂饰,尤指枝形吊灯上的美国传统〔margarita〕A cocktail made with tequila, an orange-flavored liqueur, and lemon or lime juice, often served with salt encrusted on the rim of the glass.玛格丽塔鸡尾酒:一种用龙舌兰酒、桔香酒和柠檬或莱母汁混合而制成的鸡尾酒,通常用杯沿涂有盐末的玻璃杯饮用美国传统〔misalign〕I had broken the glass of my watch and misaligned the hands.我打碎了手表的玻璃面,弄得长短针都错位了。英汉大词典〔mouth〕He lifted his glass to his mouth.他把玻璃杯举到嘴边。朗文当代〔nest〕Clear glass tumblers lay nested in the small crate.干净的玻璃酒杯一个套一个放在小格箱里。英汉大词典〔on〕One day when my wife was doing the dishes she cut her hand on a broken glass.一天,我妻子洗碗碟时,被一只破玻璃杯割破了手。柯林斯高阶〔ovenware〕Baking dishes, as of glass or pottery, that are heat-resistant and can be used for baking and serving food.烤皿:如用玻璃或瓷器制成的焙盘,其耐高温且能被用来烤焙或摆放食物美国传统〔pattern〕He had arranged the glasses in a pattern on the table.他把桌子上的玻璃杯摆成了一个图案。牛津搭配〔photocube〕A perspex photocube can display six different photos at the same time.有机玻璃的立方相架能同时插放6张照片。英汉大词典〔plasma ball〕A glass ball containing low density gas surrounding an electrode, which stimulates the gas to glow in random, moving streams of light.电浆球:一个玻璃球,里面为低密度气体包围着一个电极,该电极会不时刺激气体发出流动的光美国传统〔plate〕Abbr. pl.Photography A light-sensitive sheet of glass or metal on which a photographic image can be recorded.缩写 pl.【摄影术】 感光版:在其上能记录摄影图像的一片感光玻璃或金属美国传统〔plonk〕He plonked a couple of glasses on the table.他把几个玻璃杯重重地放在桌子上。朗文当代〔rain〕Drops of rain ran down the window pane.雨点密密麻麻地落在窗玻璃上。麦克米伦高阶〔refract〕The glass prism refracted the white light into the colours of the rainbow.玻璃棱镜将白色光折射成彩虹的七色光。剑桥高阶〔rimmed〕The plates and glassware were rimmed with gold.这些盘子和玻璃器皿都镶着金边。柯林斯高阶〔rouge〕A reddish powder, chiefly ferric oxide, used to polish metals or glass.铁丹,红铁粉:一种主要含三氧化二铁的用来擦光金属或玻璃的红色粉末美国传统〔setup〕Often setups Informal The collective ingredients, such as ice, mixers, and glasses, necessary for serving various alcoholic drinks. 常作 setups 【非正式用语】 (调酒所用的)材料:调制各种不同的酒精饮料所必须的相同的因素,如冰、搅拌器和玻璃杯美国传统〔shattering〕I heard the shattering of glass.我听到了玻璃碎裂的声音。外研社新世纪〔shatter〕The windscreen shattered, injuring passengers.挡风玻璃突然碎裂,伤了乘客。麦克米伦高阶〔slip〕The glass slipped from her hand.玻璃杯从她手中滑落。外研社新世纪〔smash〕They had smashed through a glass door to get in.他们砸破一道玻璃门进去了。牛津高阶〔star〕The first shot starred the window (the plaster of the wall) behind him.第一枪把他身后的玻璃窗(墙上的灰泥)打得裂开了花。英汉大词典〔star〕The glass starred.玻璃杯裂开了花。英汉大词典〔temper〕To harden or strengthen (metal or glass) by application of heat or by heating and cooling.回火:通过加热或热冷交替来增加(金属或玻璃)的强度和硬度美国传统〔viscose〕A thick, golden-brown viscous solution of cellulose xanthate, used in the manufacture of rayon and cellophane.粘胶液:一种粘胶性的金棕色溶液,含有黄原酸纤维素,用于制造人造纤维和玻璃纸美国传统〔water glass〕A drinking glass or goblet.玻璃杯:水杯或高脚杯美国传统〔white elephant〕The pavilion has become a £4 million steel and glass white elephant.这个耗资400万英镑、用钢与玻璃所构筑起的亭子已经成了一个华而不实的摆设。柯林斯高阶〔windscreen〕She scraped the windscreen free of ice.她把挡风玻璃上的冰刮干净了。牛津搭配〔wrapping〕She tore the cellophane wrapping off the box.她把包装盒子的玻璃纸撕了下来。牛津高阶Antonio keeps his pet stick insects in a glass case.安东尼奥将他的宠物竹节虫放在一个玻璃盒子里。剑桥国际He knocked a glass over. 他把玻璃杯打翻了。译典通My house was broken into twice within 24 hours -- the putty used to repair the broken window was still wet when they broke in the second time.我的房子24小时内两次有人破门而入----第二次来时用来修补碎玻璃窗的油灰还是湿的。剑桥国际Nick was scolded for breaking the window. 尼克因打破窗玻璃而挨骂。译典通One of the windowpanes in the dining-room is broken.餐厅里的一块窗玻璃打碎了。剑桥国际She works in a very smart office with smoked-glass windows.她在一间非常漂亮、装有烟灰色玻璃窗的办公室工作。剑桥国际Standard features on the car include central locking, tinted glass, electric windows and alloy wheels.这种汽车的标准特征包括中央控锁、淡色玻璃、电动窗及合金车轮。剑桥国际The blower made a glass vase very quickly. 这位吹制工人很快地做了一个玻璃花瓶。译典通The chemicals in those glass bottles are strong acids, so be careful when handling them.那些玻璃瓶里的化学药品是强酸,所以取放要小心。剑桥国际The hollow glass tank contains hot mercury vapour.那空心的玻璃槽里有热的水银蒸汽。剑桥国际The house's windows are double-glazed to muffle the noise of aircraft.这房子装有双层玻璃窗来减轻飞机的噪音。剑桥国际The stone hit the window and cracked the glass.石块击中窗子,打裂了玻璃。剑桥国际They are using a new process to make glass. 他们正在用一种新方法制造玻璃。译典通This new adhesive can bond metal to glass.这种新的黏合剂可将金属和玻璃黏合在一起。剑桥国际




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