

单词 现成
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIY〕They sell materials for DIY mosaics and ready-made panels.他们出售自己动手做镶嵌画所需材料和现成的镶板。柯林斯高阶〔Mikasuki〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting northwest Florida, now forming part of the Seminole people of southern Florida.米卡苏奇人:原居住在佛罗里达西北部的美洲土著居民,现成为佛罗里达南部的西米诺尔人的一部分美国传统〔READY/NOT READY〕I tend to buy a lot of meals that are ready to eat. 我往往会买许多现成做好的东西吃。朗文写作活用〔answer〕For a tough issue like this there are no easy answers.像这样的棘手问题,目前还没有现成的解决办法。韦氏高阶〔benchmark〕They used economic criteria as the sole benchmark for establishing success.他们把经济指标作为实现成功的唯一衡量尺度。外研社新世纪〔case〕There are no programmes in place to help overweight people, as is the case with smokers and alcoholics.没有帮助超重人士的现成方案, 这与吸烟者和酗酒者的情况相同。外研社新世纪〔cheat〕It's really a cheat, but you can use ready-made pastry if you want.这样做其实是骗人,但如果你愿意的话,可以用现成的油酥面团。牛津高阶〔cobble sth together〕I just had to cobble this meal together from what I had in the fridge.我只得用冰箱里现成的东西凑合这顿饭。剑桥高阶〔contingency fee〕A fee, as for an attorney's services, that is payable only in the event of a successful or satisfactory outcome.成功酬金:只在出现成功的或令人满意的结果时才支付的费用,如付给律师的服务费美国传统〔convenient〕There is no convenient experimental animal.手头没有现成的供做实验的动物。英汉大词典〔culprit〕Nearly a third of dinner party hosts cheat by using ready-made meals. Men are the worst culprits - but a growing number of women also cheat.几乎三分之一举办宴会的人都会欺骗来宾, 使用现成的餐点。男人是这件事的罪魁祸首——然而越来越多的女人也这么做。外研社新世纪〔dial〕As I had to concentrate on driving, I had a convenient excuse to dial it all out.因为得集中思想开车,我便有了一个现成的借口,把这件事整个儿抛在脑后。英汉大词典〔do-it-yourself〕There are two choices: do-it-yourself and the ready-made.有两种选择:自己动手或者用现成的。英汉大词典〔easy〕There are no easy answers to the problems of our cities.在解决我们城市的问题上没有现成的答案。麦克米伦高阶〔flagging〕He presents himself as the man to revive the party's flagging fortunes .他把自己表现成是拯救该党衰败命运的人。朗文当代〔food〕The fish market is a ready food supply for seabirds.鱼市是海鸟现成的食物供应地。牛津搭配〔foray〕A foray to your supermarket will supply all the ready-made foods for an excellent picnic.去一趟超市就可以将一次完美野餐所需的现成食物置办妥当。外研社新世纪〔foray〕A foray to your supermarket will supply all the ready-made foods for an excellent picnic.去一趟超市就可以将一次完美野餐所需的现成食物置办妥当。柯林斯高阶〔forthcoming〕No response was forthcoming.没有什么现成的回答。麦克米伦高阶〔from scratch〕I used a frozen pie crust rather than making one from scratch.我用了一块现成的冷冻馅饼酥皮,而没有亲自动手做。韦氏高阶〔going〕There is cold beef going.有现成的冷牛肉。文馨英汉〔hand〕He had an answer ready to hand.他有现成的答案。外研社新世纪〔ingenuity〕Considerable ingenuity is required to minimize costs.实现成本最小化需要有相当的聪明才智。牛津搭配〔knock〕We should be able to knock something together with what's in the fridge (=make a meal from items of food in the fridge) .就冰箱里现成的东西,我们应该能凑出几道菜。朗文当代〔nowadays〕Nowadays, I bake my own bread rather than buy it.现在,我自己烤面包而不去买现成的了。剑桥高阶〔off-the-peg〕Hilary bought her wedding dress off-the-peg at a department store.希拉里在百货公司买了现成的新娘礼服。外研社新世纪〔off-the-peg〕It was only a cheap suit, bought off-the-peg.这不过是一套便宜的西服,是买的现成。朗文当代〔off-the-rack〕Of, relating to, or being merchandise, especially clothing, made in standard sizes; ready-made.现成的:指与按标准尺寸制成的商品(尤指衣物)有关的或是用这种商品制成的美国传统〔off-the-shelf〕Deliveries can be made off-the-shelf.可以现成交货。英汉大词典〔off-the-shelf〕Of, relating to, or being merchandise carried in stock that is usable without modification.(货物、商品等)库存的,现成的:(货物、商品等)在库存中无需修改、修饰而现成可用的或与此有关的美国传统〔off-the-shelf〕They used mostly off-the-shelf stereo components for the media room.他们的媒体室用的大多是现成的立体声组件。韦氏高阶〔off-the-shelf〕You can buy all these items off-the-shelf.所有这些东西你都可以买现成的。麦克米伦高阶〔pat〕There are no pat answers to these questions.这些问题没有现成的答案。朗文当代〔pat〕There's no pat answer to that.对此没有现成的答案。外研社新世纪〔present〕Shakespeare presents the hero as a noble man doomed to make mistakes.莎士比亚把主人公表现成一位高尚却注定要犯错的人。朗文当代〔prêt-à-porter〕Ready-to-wear clothing.现成的衣服美国传统〔quick assets〕Liquid assets, including cash on hand and assets readily convertible to cash.速动资产:流动资产,包括手中的现金以及可随时兑现成现金的资产美国传统〔rack〕For our clothes, we went to a shop on Hollywood Boulevard, and we just picked it all off the rack.至于衣服,我们到好莱坞大道上的一家商店里,都是直接挑现成的买。柯林斯高阶〔ready-made〕Dadaistic ready-mades of Duchamp 杜尚用来作达达主义派展览的现成物品英汉大词典〔ready-made〕Different types of icing can be purchased ready-made.可以买到各式各样现成的糖霜。麦克米伦高阶〔ready-made〕I have no ready-made answers.我没有现成的答案。文馨英汉〔ready-made〕The rain gave us a ready-made excuse to stay at home.这场雨给了我们一个呆在家里的现成借口。朗文当代〔ready-made〕The ready-made bedcovers cost from £200.现成的床罩定价200英镑起。外研社新世纪〔ready-made〕The ready-made bedcovers cost from £200.现成的床罩定价200英镑起。柯林斯高阶〔ready-made〕Those wishing to study urban development have a ready-made example on their doorstep.那些想要研究城市发展的人眼下就有一个十分现成的范例。柯林斯高阶〔ready-made〕We rely quite a bit on ready-made meals — they are so convenient.我们很是依赖现成食物——它们真的很方便。柯林斯高阶〔ready-made〕When he married her he also took on a ready-made family.他和她结婚,就接过来一个现成的家庭。牛津高阶〔ready-made〕When she married Giles, she acquired a ready-made family - two teenage sons and a daughter.她嫁给了贾尔斯,也就接过来一个现成的家庭——两个十几岁的儿子和一个女儿。剑桥高阶〔ready-made〕You can buy it ready-made at Chinese groceries.在中国杂货店里你可以买到现成的。柯林斯高阶〔ready〕I didn't have a ready answer for this dilemma.我没有想出解决这个困境的现成答案。柯林斯高阶〔ready〕I have no ready answer for the question.对这个问题我没有现成的答案。英汉大词典〔realize〕She never realized her ambition of becoming a professional singer.她从未能实现成为一名职业歌手的志向。牛津高阶〔season〕Available or ready for eating or other use.当令的:现成的或准备食用或其它用途的美国传统〔season〕Not available, permitted, or ready to be eaten, caught, or hunted.不当令的:不现成的、不被允许的或尚不能吃、抓或猎捕的美国传统〔sew〕Most people prefer buying to sewing.大多数人宁愿买现成的衣服而不自己缝制了。21世纪英汉〔shelf〕It's often cheaper if you buy wallpaper off the shelf, rather than having to order it.如果你买现成的墙纸,通常会比订购的要便宜。剑桥高阶〔shelf〕Some surveillance technologies can be bought relatively cheaply off the shelf.能较便宜地买到一些现成的监控技术。外研社新世纪〔slopwork〕Cheap ready-to-wear clothes.廉价的现成衣服美国传统〔slopwork〕The manufacture of inexpensive, low-quality, ready-to-wear clothes.廉价成衣的制作:生产廉价的、质量低劣的、现成的服装美国传统〔store-bought〕Why use store-bought pastry when it's so easy to make your own? 自己做糕饼那么容易,为什么还要买现成的呢?剑桥高阶〔usable〕The computer language involved was readily usable.有关的计算机语言现成可用。朗文当代〔whipping boy〕He has become a convenient whipping boy for the failures of the old regime.他成了现成的替罪羊, 为旧政权的失败担受罪名。外研社新世纪〔whipping boy〕He has become a convenient whipping boy for the failures of the old regime.他成了现成的替罪羊,为旧政权的失败担受罪名。柯林斯高阶I bought a ready-made suit. 我买了一套现成服装。译典通I bought the dress off the peg. 这连衣裙我是买现成的。译典通I didn't make the birthday cake myself -- I bought it ready-made.我没有自己做生日蛋糕----我买了现成的。剑桥国际I hadn't made a reservation, so I just took pot luck at the airport and got on the first available flight.我事先没订票,能在机场搭上第一班现成的飞机这完全是运气。剑桥国际I haven't gone shopping but I'm sure I can scrounge up something for dinner.我没有去购物,但我可以用现成的东西凑成一顿饭。剑桥国际It's foolish to use store-bought pastry when it's so easy to make your own.买现成的糕点太傻,自己做这么容易。剑桥国际It's often cheaper if you buy wallpaper off the shelf/if you buy off-the-shelf wallpaper, rather than having to order it.如果你买的是现成的墙纸,通常会比订购的要便宜一些。剑桥国际Nowadays, I bake my own bread rather than buy it.如今我自己烤面包而不去买现成的。剑桥国际She was persevering enough to reach the height of her ambition and become the managing director of the company.她坚持不懈,能够实现成为公司总经理的雄心壮志。剑桥国际The Prime Minister said that the state should be an enabler for its citizens, rather than spoon-feeding them with jobs, benefits and services.首相说国家应该使其公民成为能够自食其力的人,而不是给他们以现成的工作、福利和社会服务。剑桥国际The rain gave us a ready-made excuse for not going out. 下雨给了我们一个不外出的现成借口。译典通There is no cut-and-dried answer to this problem.这个问题没有现成的答案。剑桥国际We buy some software off the shelf and develop some ourselves.我们购买一些现成的软件,也开发一些我们自己的软件。牛津商务We found that the successful people were self-motivated and goal-directed.我们发现成功人士都是上进心强、目标明确的人。牛津商务What mechanisms are in place for dealing with complaints? 处理投诉有甚么现成的方法?牛津商务When she married Giles, she acquired a ready-made family-- two teenage sons and a daughter.她同贾尔斯结婚时,她就有了个现成的家庭----两个十几岁的儿子和一个女儿。剑桥国际




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