

单词 狂乱的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Dionysiac〕Often dionysiac Ecstatic or wild; Dionysian. 常作 dionysiac 狂欢的;狂乱的美国传统〔demented〕Mentally ill; insane.疯狂的:精神病的;狂乱的美国传统〔frenetic〕Wildly excited or active; frantic; frenzied.狂乱的:非常兴奋或激动;发狂的;颠狂的美国传统〔knees-up〕He'd no idea of music, outside a knees-up.除了狂乱的舞蹈之外, 他对音乐没有一点概念。外研社新世纪〔madcap〕Behaving or acting impulsively or rashly; wild.鲁莽的:举止行为冲动的或鲁莽的;狂乱的美国传统〔orgy〕A secret rite in the cults of ancient Greek or Roman deities, typically involving frenzied singing, dancing, drinking, and sexual activity.秘密祭神仪式:古希腊或罗马时代宗教团体中的一种神秘仪式,典型地表现为狂乱的歌唱、跳舞、饮酒和性行为美国传统〔race〕She tried to control the thoughts that were racing through her mind.她试图控制住狂乱的思绪。麦克米伦高阶〔rampage〕A course of violent, frenzied action or behavior.暴跳;横冲直撞:使用暴力的,狂乱的行动或表现美国传统




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