

单词 硬说
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arrogate to〕Don't easily arrogate evil motives to others.别轻易地硬说别人有坏心眼。21世纪英汉〔arrogate〕Don't arrogate wrong intentions to your colleagues.不要硬说你同事们动机不良。21世纪英汉〔contend〕The boy contended that he saw a ghost.这个男孩硬说他看见了鬼。21世纪英汉〔have〕He will have it that our plan is impracticable.他会硬说我们的计划行不通。英汉大词典〔label〕It is unfair to label a small baby as naughty.硬说一个小小的婴儿淘气是不公平的。牛津高阶〔stick ... out〕He stuck out that he had never been there.他硬说他从没去过那里。21世纪英汉〔swear blind〕He swore blind he hadn't met her though she had told me all about it.他硬说他没有见过她,事实上她早把事实全都告诉了我。21世纪英汉〔word〕I didn't mean that, Mama, Don't put words in my mouth.妈妈,我并不是这个意思。别硬说我是这样讲的。英汉大词典It is nonsense to assert that smoking does not damage people's health.硬说吸烟不会损害人们的健康纯属一派胡言。剑桥国际She was insistent that I was wrong. 她硬说我错了。译典通Stop putting words in my mouth--I didn't say you looked fat in the red dress--I merely said you looked very slim in the black! 不要硬说我讲过那些话----我没有说你穿红色套裙看上去胖胖的----我只是说你穿黑色衣服看上去很苗条!剑桥国际




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