

单词 碰杯
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRINK〕They all clinked glasses and said ‘Cheers!’ 他们一起碰杯说:“干杯!朗文写作活用〔chink〕Ella could hear the chink of glasses amid the chatter and laughter.埃拉听见谈笑声中夹杂着碰杯声。麦克米伦高阶〔chink〕They chinked their glasses and drank a toast to the couple.他们相互碰杯,向那对夫妇敬酒。朗文当代〔chink〕We chinked glasses and drank to each other's health.我们互相碰杯,祝对方身体健康。牛津高阶〔clinking〕I could hear the clinking of glasses coming from the dining room.我能听见餐厅里传来碰杯的叮当声。韦氏高阶〔clink〕He clinked his glass against mine.他跟我碰杯(祝饮)。文馨英汉〔clink〕They clinked glasses and drank each other's health.他们碰杯互祝健康。21世纪英汉〔clink〕They clinked glasses and drank to each other's health.他们碰杯互祝身体健康。牛津高阶〔clink〕They clinked glasses.他们互相碰杯。文馨英汉〔clink〕We all clinked our glasses together and drank to a happy new year.我们大家一起碰杯,祝贺新年快乐。剑桥高阶〔clink〕When she'd completed the toast, they clinked glasses.她说完祝酒词之后,他们一起碰杯。韦氏高阶〔glass〕He heard glasses clinking in the other room.他听到另一间屋里发出碰杯的声音。牛津搭配Everyone at the party clinked their glasses together and drank to a happy new year.所有参加晚会的人都碰杯,为新年快乐而干杯。剑桥国际I must be jinxed--whenever I touch a glass, it breaks.我一定很倒霉----我一碰杯子,它就碎了。剑桥国际They clinked their glasses together to toast the bride and groom. 他们碰杯向新郎、新娘致贺。译典通Whenever their team scored a goal, they leapt up and down and clanked their beer cans together.每当他们支持的球队进了一个球,他们就欢欣跳跃,用啤酒罐当啷碰杯。剑桥国际




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