

单词 brought
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PERSON/PEOPLE〕social changes that brought women even greater freedom 为女性带来更大自由的社会变革朗文写作活用〔action〕a libel action brought by one of France's bureaucrats.由法国的一名官员提起的诽谤诉讼柯林斯高阶〔all-out〕an all-out strike which brought production to a halt使生产陷于停顿的全面罢工外研社新世纪〔attack〕a heart attack brought on by stress 压力引发的心脏病发作牛津搭配〔balance〕the balance brought forward from the previous year 前一年结转的余额牛津搭配〔batman〕morning tea brought by his batman.他的勤务兵送来的早茶柯林斯高阶〔being〕a social movement that was brought into being in the 1960s 发生于20世纪60年代的社会运动韦氏高阶〔being〕the complex process by which the novel is brought into being.这部小说复杂的写作过程柯林斯高阶〔blue on blue〕a 'Blue on Blue' incident which saw an RAF Tornado jet brought down by a Patriot missile 皇家空军的旋风战斗机被爱国者导弹击落的误伤友军事件朗文当代〔bottle〕be brought up on the bottle 靠奶瓶人工喂养长大英汉大词典〔breed〕children who are bred [=(more commonly) raised, brought up] in conditions of poverty and crime 在贫困和犯罪活动猖獗的环境下长大的孩子们韦氏高阶〔bring ... up〕be brought up on a charge of drunken driving因酒醉驾车而受审21世纪英汉〔bring down〕a famous politician who was brought down by scandal 因丑闻而下台的著名政治人物韦氏高阶〔bring someone or something back to life〕an old theory that is being brought back to life 被再度利用的旧学说韦氏高阶〔bring〕brought on the dessert.端上甜点美国传统〔bring〕brought out the facts.揭露事实美国传统〔bring〕brought the real facts to light.把事实真相揭露出来美国传统〔bring〕a portrait that brought a million dollars.一幅卖了一百万美元的画像美国传统〔bring〕a tragic love affair that brought forth only pain 只能带来痛苦的一场婚外情悲剧朗文当代〔bring〕a well/badly brought up child 有教养╱缺乏教养的孩子牛津高阶〔brought low〕a family brought low by misfortune 因灾祸而家道中落的家庭韦氏高阶〔chicanery〕the deals and financial chicanery that brought down the American energy giant击垮美国能源巨头的交易和金融诈骗外研社新世纪〔citizen〕lawsuits brought against private citizens 针对平民的诉讼牛津搭配〔daylight〕corrupt business practices that were finally brought into the daylight.最终导致曝光的商业贪污行为美国传统〔desolation〕a drought that brought desolation to the region.旱灾使这一地区荒芜了美国传统〔destruction〕the destruction brought about by war 战争造成的破坏牛津搭配〔downfall〕a scandal that brought about his downfall 导致他垮台的丑闻牛津搭配〔earth〕was brought back to earth from his daydreams of wealth and fame.把他从名利梦中拉回到现实美国传统〔end〕a final battle that brought the war to an end 结束战争的最后一次战役麦克米伦高阶〔engagement〕be brought into engagement with 与…啮合英汉大词典〔hand〕be brought up by hand 由人工喂养大 英汉大词典〔hard〕brought some hard common sense to the discussion.将实际的常识带到讨论中来美国传统〔hiding〕be brought out of hiding 使出现,使现身文馨英汉〔lawsuit〕a lawsuit brought by Barclays Bank.由巴克莱银行提起的诉讼柯林斯高阶〔lawsuit〕a lawsuit brought by Barclays Bank由英国巴克莱银行提起的诉讼外研社新世纪〔line〕brought the front wheels into line; a wage agreement in line with current inflation.使前轮成同向行驶;和先行通货膨胀相配合的工资协议美国传统〔litigation〕the class-action litigation brought by the families of the victims 由受害者家庭提起的集体诉讼牛津搭配〔low〕brought low by business reverses.被商业逆势搞垮的美国传统〔message〕gestured to a waiter, who got the message and brought the bill.向侍者做了个手势,侍者会意并拿来了帐单美国传统〔mothball〕an old comedian who is being brought out of mothballs to star in a new television show 重新出山在一部新电视剧中担任主角的老喜剧演员韦氏高阶〔mother〕brought out the mother in her.引发她的母性美国传统〔ombudsman〕a successful appeal brought against a decision of the Pensions Ombudsman针对养老金调查官的决议成功提出的上诉外研社新世纪〔open〕brought the problem out into the open.把这个问题拿出公开讨论美国传统〔orphan〕a young orphan girl brought up by peasants.由农民抚养长大的幼小孤女柯林斯高阶〔orphan〕a young orphan girl brought up by peasants由农民抚养大的年轻孤女外研社新世纪〔prostration〕a state of prostration brought on by the heat 暑热导致的虚脱状态牛津高阶〔recant〕be brought to recant under torture 在严刑拷打下被迫放弃信仰英汉大词典〔requirement〕a requirement that oil be brought to shore by pipeline 用管道把油输送到岸边的需要 英汉大词典〔retaliation〕a casual remark that brought swift retaliation from her boyfriend 立刻招来她男友反驳的一句无心之语牛津搭配〔riches〕a career that brought him fame and riches 使他名利双收的事业牛津高阶〔rogue trader〕the unauthorised dealings by rogue trader Nick Leeson which brought down the bank.流氓交易员尼克·李森未经授权的交易致使该银行倒闭柯林斯高阶〔sensation〕a recollection that brought a sensation of sadness 带来悲痛感的回忆英汉大词典〔stress〕an illness brought on by stress 压力引发的疾病牛津搭配〔successful〕the hugely successful movie that brought Robert Redford an Oscar for his directing让罗伯特•雷德福拿到了奥斯卡最佳导演奖的卖座影片外研社新世纪〔technological〕problems brought by technological change 技术变革带来的问题麦克米伦高阶〔train〕a decision that brought disaster in its train 最后酿成灾难的一项决定朗文当代〔variety〕brought home a variety of snacks.带回家许多种零食美国传统〔widely〕a major event which brought together a wide range of interest groups.使广泛的利益群体联合起来的重要事件柯林斯高阶〔worthy〕the commission, which brought together worthies from big corporations, universities and state governments.汇聚了大公司、大学和州政府中贤达人士的委员会柯林斯高阶the influx of jobs brought in by new investment 新投资带来了大量的工作机会牛津商务




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